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Literary Elements Plot.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Elements Plot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Elements Plot

2 Plot A series of related events in a story; each connected to the next. The events of a plot are designed to peak the reader’s curiosity and pull the reader forward

3 Stages of a Plot Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action

4 Characters The actors in the plot. People Animals
Whatever the writer chooses

5 Character Types Protagonist The main character in the story, or the character that dominates the narration.

6 Antagonist The character or force that opposes the protagonist.

7 Sequence Order in which a story’s events take place

8 Exposition (Basic Situation)
Opening of a story, when the characters and their conflicts are introduced Retrieved from Grandfather:  Oh. Well thank you very much. Very nice of you. Takes off hat.  Your vote of confidence is overwhelming. All right. Puts glasses on. "The Princess Bride, by S. Morgenstern, Opens book.  Chapter One.  Buttercup was raised on a small farm in the country of Florin." Scene:  Farmhouse Grandfather:  "Her favorite pastimes were riding her horse and tormenting the farm boy that worked there. His name was Westley, but she never called him that." Pause.  Isn't that a wonderful beginning?  Grandson:  Yeah, it's really good. 

9 Conflict Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot.

10 Types of Conflict External Conflict Internal Conflict Man vs Man
Man vs Nature Man vs Society Man vs Machine Internal Conflict Man vs Self

11 Complications Problems within the Rising Action designed to make the conflict more interesting. The Rising Action occurs when the complications of the conflict occur.

12 Climax Most exciting part Turning point Comes near the end of a story
Contains most tension Action or mental decision from the protagonist

13 Falling Action Logical result of the climax is shown
Characters may encounter more conflicts End is predictable

14 Resolution/Denouement
Very end of the story Loose ends are tied up (main conflict) Hero emerges triumphant or is defeated “…and they lived happily ever after.”

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