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Fitness Review GrudgeBall!!!

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1 Fitness Review GrudgeBall!!!

2 The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue
Body Composition

3 What is the ideal % of body composition for males and females?

4 How do you treat a heat exhaustion
How do you treat a heat exhaustion? Move to a cool place and elevate feet

5 The maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort is:
Muscular Strength

6 What is ballistic stretching?
Rapidly stretching a muscle with a bouncing movement

7 5. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
What are the 5 components of fitness? 1. Body Composition 2. Flexibility 3. Muscular Strength 4. Muscular Endurance 5. Cardiorespiratory Endurance

8 The ability to move a body part through the full range of motion is called:

9 Calculate target Heart Rate for the following individual:
A 40 year old woman wishes to maintain her weight. She has been working out at 70% of her maximum heart rate. How many beats per minute is this: 126 bpm

10 The ability of the muscles to do different physical activities over a period of time without becoming tired is: Muscular Endurance

11 The fat between the skin and muscles (to determine body composition)
What does the caliper pinch test measure? The fat between the skin and muscles (to determine body composition)

12 Cardiorespiratory Endurance
The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to efficiently send oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of exercise is: Cardiorespiratory Endurance

13 Individual Differences
What are the 6 principles of exercise? Overload Progression Specificity Regularity Recovery Individual Differences

14 Muscle cramps can result from irritation within the muscle due to:
A. dehydration C. hypothermia B. immobilization D. application of light pressure A

15 Which principle of exercise is when you work the body harder than it normally works in order to gain fitness benefits? Principle of Overload

16 How do you treat a heatstroke
How do you treat a heatstroke? Call 911, Move to a cool place (if possible) and use a spongy/water to cool them down.

17 Which principle of exercise is when you work out on a regular basis for improvement to happen? Principle of Regularity

18 What are 5 benefits that regular physical activity can have on your physical health?
1. Reduces fatigue/stiffness 2. Weight management 3. Reduced risk of type II diabetes 4. Builds and maintains healthy bones, joints, and muscles 5. Slows osteoporosis 6. Reduces arthritis 7. Protection against disease by building up resistance 8. Decreased risk of colon cancer 9. Improved sleep 10. Reduced premature death risk 11. Improved nervous system, circulatory system, and respiratory system

19 Which principle of exercise is when you take into account your own strengths, weaknesses, body type, and interests when choosing your exercises? Principle of Individual Differences

20 What are 3 benefits that regular physical activity can have on your mental/emotional health?
1. Reduced emotional stress and anxiety 2. Improved psychological well-being 3. Positive self-esteem 4. More productivity in school/work 5. Healthy outlet for anger and frustration

21 Which principle of exercise is when you give your body adequate time to recover after strenuous workouts? Principle of Recovery

22 A condition when a bone slips from its normal position at a joint is referred to as:
tendonitis C. a dislocation a fracture D. a muscle strain C

23 The ability to rapidly change the position of the body is:

24 What are the 6 fitness skills?
Agility Balance Coordination Speed Reaction Time Power

25 The ability to remain upright when sitting, standing, and moving is:

26 Approximately 18.6 Healthy Weight
Determine the correct BMI and Category: A man weighs 130 pounds and is 5 feet 10 inches tall. Approximately 18.6 Healthy Weight

27 Name that fitness skill:
Holding your position on the starting blocks of a swimming race, and then diving into the water when you hear the buzzer: __________ Reaction Time

28 Time means: How much time you devote to a workout

29 The ability to use your body parts and senses together is:

30 How do you lose weight? Burn more calories than you eat

31 Name that fitness skill:
Running around a tennis court to hit the ball before it bounces twice: ________________ Agility

32 Exercise in which the muscles work so hard that they use more oxygen than the body can bring in; so they produce energy without it: Anaerobic Exercise

33 Which principle of exercise is when you gradually increase overload (intensity) to keep improving your level of fitness? Principle of Progression

34 Acne and hair loss can result from:
A. inadequate rest C. anabolic steroid use B. dehydration D. excessive heat loss C

35 Using force (Strength) combined with speed is:

36 Name that fitness skill:
Riding a unicycle: __________________ Balance

37 Name that fitness skill:
A pitcher throwing a baseball to second base to get the opposing player out because he was leading off to steal a base: ____________ Power

38 Approximately 24.4 Calculate the following BMI:
A man weighs 195 pounds and is 6 feet 3 inches tall. Approximately 24.4

39 The ability to move quickly is:

40 Approximately 35.4 Severely Obese
Determine the correct BMI and Category: A woman weighs 240 pounds and is 5 feet 9 inches tall. Approximately 35.4 Severely Obese

41 What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises?
Aerobic requires oxygen to make energy and anaerobic does not require oxygen

42 2. Working out with someone can be enjoyable and supportive
What is 1 benefit that regular physical activity can have on your social health? 1. You look and feel better about yourself; so you are more likely to go and make new friends 2. Working out with someone can be enjoyable and supportive

43 Vigorous activities where oxygen is taken in continuously for 20+ min is:
Aerobic Exercise

44 Coordination (Hand-Eye)
Name that fitness skill: Bouncing a basketball with your right hand then left hand and alternating as fast as you can: _________________ Coordination (Hand-Eye)

45 Exercise in which the muscles work so hard that they use more oxygen than the body can bring in; so they produce energy without it: Anaerobic Exercise

46 Any exercise that causes the muscles to contract and move against a resistance repeatedly. Ex: push-up, pull-up, weight lifting Isotonic Exercise

47 What are 5 risks of living a sedentary life? High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease (Heart Attack/Stroke) Muscle Atrophy (Degeneration) Osteoporosis Feelings of Anxiety/Depression Increased risk of colon and breast cancer Reduced metabolism Obesity

48 Any exercise where you tighten a muscle without moving the body at the joint. Ex: Plank
Isometric Exercise

49 Name that fitness skill:
Running to the opposite end of the basketball court to make a shot before the opposing team catches up to you: ________________ Speed

50 Increases total fitness
When choosing an exercise activity, why is variety so important? Reduces injuries Increases total fitness Less boredom

51 Exercise that uses weight resistance machines to work the muscles through it’s full range of motion.
Isokinetic Exercise

52 How do you treat a minor fitness injury. R. I. C. E
How do you treat a minor fitness injury? R.I.C.E. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

53 Combining different exercises routines to help work all the body systems is known as: Cross Training

54 Frequency means: How often you work out

55 The minimum amount of energy required to maintain life is: Basal Metabolic Rate

56 2 pounds of fat is = to how many calories? 7500

57 Which principle of exercise is when your workout includes specific types of exercises to obtain the desired fitness benefits? Principle of Specificity

58 How do you gain weight? Eat more calories than you burn

59 What does F.I.T.T stand for? Frequency Intensity Time Type

60 What is static stretching?
Stretching a muscle until you feel a pull and then holding for seconds

61 Intensity means: How hard you work out

62 The time it takes you to move once you hear, see, feel, or touch the stimulus is:
Reaction Time

63 Calculate target Heart Rate for the following individual:
A 25 year old man wishes to lose weight and tone up. He begins working out at 63% of his maximum heart rate. How many beats per minute is this: (122.8) or 123 bpm

64 What is the difference between a strain and a sprain
What is the difference between a strain and a sprain? A strain happens to muscles or tendons, and a sprain involves ligaments

65 Group of drugs related to the male sex hormone testosterone: Anabolic Seroids

66 Type means: The exercise that you choose for your body type

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