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Some Bidding Techniques

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1 Some Bidding Techniques
Bidding on after A 1x – 2x agreement

2 This is about about opener’s re-bids
When we open 1 of a suit and partner has responded 2 of the same suit There is a large difference between agreement in a minor and agreement in a major We’ll set the scene, then look at some examples

3 We Open 1 Partner responds 2 What has partner got and not got?
6-9 HCP or 9 LTC 4+ ‘s No 4 card major Nothing worth saying in other minor Usually you Pass But can go on with a strong hand

4 We Open 1 Partner responds 2 What has partner got? 6-9 HCP or 9 LTC
Agreement in a major Often you Pass But can go on with a strongish hand NB Continuations with a major fit are different from minor fits.

5 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 12 HCP LTC 7
What is your re-bid? Pass Partner’s LTC is 9 8 tricks will be tough enough We do not want to go any further 9 8 6 A Q T 5 4 K 2 Q J 3

6 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 15 HCP LTC 6
What is your re-bid? 3 I know you have a weak hand but I have LTC 6 and 5 ‘s Do you fancy game? In a minor you would Pass K 8 6 A Q T 5 4 K 2 Q J 3

7 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 18 HCP LTC 5
What is your re-bid? 4 I know you have a weak hand I have a good hand and LTC 5 or fewer Now all I have to do is make it! K 8 6 A Q T 5 4 K 2 K Q J

8 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 14 HCP LTC 6
What is your re-bid? 5 bit of a gamble I know you have a weak hand Pre-emptive They have a fit in both majors T 8 K 4 A Q J A T 9 5 4 2

9 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 16 HCP LTC 6½
What is your re-bid? 2NT Looking for game in NT Shows HCP Fairly balanced Asks partner to bid 3NT with 8 or 9 HCP Pass or bid 3 with fewer Q 5 4 K Q 8 K J 9 7 3 K Q

10 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 19 HCP LTC 5
What is your re-bid? 3NT Looking for game in NT Shows HCP Fairly balanced Partner would normally pass but may bid 5 with long  and low HCP K Q 5 K Q 8 K J 9 7 3 K Q

11 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 16 HCP LTC 6½
What is your re-bid? 2NT Looking for game in NT Shows HCP Very balanced (4333) Asks partner to bid 3NT or 4 with 8 or 9 HCP Pass or bid 3 with less Q 5 4 K Q 8 5 K J 9 K Q T

12 Opener’s Re-Bids You open ? 1 Partner bids 2 You have 19 HCP LTC 5
What is your re-bid? 3NT Looking for game in NT Shows HCP Very balanced (4333) Asks partner to pass with a fairly balanced hand Or bid 4 if very unbalanced K Q 4 K Q 8 5 K J 9 K Q T

13 Bidding another suit after suit agreement
A new suit after agreement in a minor is an attempt to get to NT and is showing cover in the new suit A new suit after agreement in a major is a Long Suit Trial Bid

14 Minor Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 16 HCP LTC 6
What is your re-bid? 2 Looking for a NT contract Good hand Shows stops in ’s and 3+ Shows lack of stops in ‘s Asking for NT with  stops Or bid 3 if NT is not on K Q 4 Q 8 K J 9 7 3 K Q T

15 Minor Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 18 HCP LTC 5
What is your re-bid? 3 Looking for a NT contract Good hand Shows stops in ’s and 3+ Lack of stops in ‘s & ‘s Asking for a NT bid with stops in the majors Or bid 3 if NT is not on Q 4 A 8 A K 9 7 3 K Q T 3

16 Major Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 16 HCP LTC 6
What is your re-bid? 2 Long Suit Trial Bid After major suit agreement you would expect to play in that suit or NT Any new suit bid must mean something else 8 7 4 K Q J 6 5 A J K Q T

17 Long Suit Trial Bid I have a goodish hand 6 or fewer LTC
I have 3+ cards in this suit They are not very good I have 2 probably 3 losers in this suit How many losers do you have in this suit? With 0 or 1 loser bid game in the agreed major With 2+ losers bid 3 of the major

18 Long Suit Trial Bid Partner opened 1 and we bid 2
Partner then bid 2 What is your next bid? 8 5 2 K Q 2 K K T 9 7 J T 9 7 K T 9 7 2 K Q 4 3 9 6 4 J T 8 2 J T 8 2 J T 8 2 3 4 4

19 Major Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 16 HCP LTC 6
What is your re-bid? 3 Long Suit Trial Bid Please bid 3 with 2+ losers in ‘s Or 4 with 0 or 1 loser in ‘s A K Q J 6 5 A J 2 J 8 7 4

20 Major Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 17 HCP LTC 5
What is your re-bid? 3 Splinter bid Game forcing Partner must bid again Likely to be 4 but might go on with shape NB 2 would be a Long Suit Trial Bid 3 is a Splinter 2 K Q J 6 5 A 4 2 A K 7 4

21 Major Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 16 HCP LTC 4
What is your re-bid? 4 Splinter bid Game forcing Partner must bid again Likely to be 4 but might go on with shape NB 3 would be a Long Suit Trial Bid 4 is a Splinter K 4 2 K Q J 6 5 A K 8 4 2

22 Major Suit Agreement You open 1 Partner bids 2 You have 18 HCP LTC 4
What is your re-bid? 4NT RKCB If partner has A bid the slam Expecting to lose a  A 8 K Q J 6 5 A T 9 8 2 A

23 Summary If you open 1 of a suit and partner bids 2 of the same suit
Remember partner is weak You need a good hand to go on When you bid again make sure partner knows what you mean Normally you do not go on when partner agrees a minor

24 Summary Bidding a new suit after partner agrees a minor is an attempt to get to a NT contract Bidding a new suit after partner agrees a major is: A Long Suit Trial Bid if the bid is at the cheapest level A Splinter if the bid is a jump bid SO: Do NOT bid a new suit after partner agrees your major just because you have this suit as well

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