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Monday, Warm-up: 3/14/11 Sponge: CRCT PREP:

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1 Monday, Warm-up: 3/14/11 Sponge: CRCT PREP:
 The role of the excretory system in the human body is to… a.produce food b.obtain oxygen c.remove wastes d.release energy Answer: C. Remove Wastes

2 Standard/Element(s) S7L5. Students will examine the evolution of living organisms through inherited characteristics that promote survival of organisms and the survival of successive generations of their offspring. S7L5a. Explain that physical characteristics of organisms have changed over successive generations (e.g. Darwin’s finches and peppered moths of Manchester). S7L5b. Describe ways in which species on Earth have evolved due to natural selection.

3 EQ: How does the fossil record show evidence of evolution?
  Today I will learn about fossils and the fossil record because it the proof that we have that changes have occurred over time. EQ: How does the fossil record show evidence of evolution?

4 Activator: . Candy Dish Selection
The teacher will pass a candy dish that includes both popular and unpopular types of candy and allow students to choose a piece. The teacher will ask the students why they didn't choose the remaining candy Observation: The explanation is that the more unpopular candy is the fittest to survive because the other candy was more appealing to the predators.

5 Classwork: Evidence of Changes Over Time
Whole class discussion over fossils and the fossil record. Fossils.asf CFU: What are fossils? Traces of living things were alive millions of years ago that have been replaced by minerals. What does the fossil record indicate? Plants and animals of today are different than those that were around millions of years ago. How does the fossil record relate to evolution? It indicates that organisms have changed over time..

6 Classwork: Evidence of Changes Over Time Fossils are the remains or imprints of once-living organisms found in layers of sedimentary rock.

7 Classwork: Evidence of Changes Over Time Sedimentary Rock is formed from as sediment or particles are deposited and compacted into layers.

8 By studying fossils, scientists have made a timeline of life
Fossil Record By studying fossils, scientists have made a timeline of life known as the fossil record. The fossil record organizes fossils by their estimated ages and physical similarities. Fossils found in newer layers of Earth’s crust formed more recently (and are not as old) than those found in the lower layers.

9 Evidence of Changes Over Time
Relative dating of fossils is done by scientists through determining the age of a fossil based on the chronological order of the placement of fossils in the rock. The older fossils will be found in the lower layers and younger fossils in the upper layers of rock.

10 Radioactive dating and carbon 14 dating are examples.
Evidence of Changes Over Time Absolute Dating Scientists are able to more closely determine the age of fossils through various test that determine the amounts of certain minerals still remaining in the rock. Radioactive dating and carbon 14 dating are examples.

11 Evidence of Changes Over Time
Extinction: When a species of organism no longer exists in nature, the species is said to be extinct.

12 Closing: Letter to Absent Student Students will write a letter explaining information covered in class today.

13 Homework – Study Guide List at least 3 adaptations that makes it possible for the animal to survive in a cold climate? How do scientists use data they get from fossils ?    How are long ears an advantage to desert rabbits? A giraffe's long neck helps it to survive because giraffes can _____________________  Animal fossils are more plentiful than plant fossils because animals contain __________ Which adaptation allows giraffes to feed on a diet of leaves from treetops? The way a plant or animal species adjusts to the environment is known as an List at least 2 behaviors that are adaptations characteristic of desert animals

14 Some fossils are shaped like the clams that are alive today. This tells us that Polar bears and brown bears are related. Over time, polar bears and brown bears have developed different appearances. What most likely caused the difference in fur color between the two species? In his observations of the finches in the Galapagos Islands, Darwin stated that we could never "watch" natural selection in action. Why did Darwin believe this? Where (which biomes) might an albino (all white) animal have a selective advantage over an animal with a brown coat? Which characteristic distinguishes Monerans (Bacteria) from all other kingdoms of life?    What animal has a lightweight skeleton, feather, and no urinary bladder?

15 List three adaptations that amphibians have that allow them to live on land.
List 2 kinds of animals that need an aquatic environment to reproduce? A vertebrate with a skeleton made up of cartilage (flexible tissue) would belong in which class? Fish, Reptile, Bird, or Amphibian A dog would be classified as: a mammal, a reptile, an amphibian, or an invertebrate. Athlete's foot and ringworm are skin infections caused by organisms belonging to which kingdom? Spiders, crabs, beetles, and butterflies belong to the phylum Arthropoda because they all have __________________________________________________.

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