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IB Psychology: UNIT 2 Cognitive Perspective (Level of Analysis)

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1 IB Psychology: UNIT 2 Cognitive Perspective (Level of Analysis)
An overview of the Essay Exams

2 Overall Comments When looking at the comments made on your paper, they may seem harsh. Given the time it takes to grade each, I felt that writing mostly critiques would be most beneficial for your success for the next essay exam. The next exam, I will be more true to the IB standards across the board

3 Common Mistakes Not meeting the Requirements of the Command Term
Misinterpreting the following terms: Cognitive Process Reliable (in the prompt’s context) Evaluate Not knowing your Theorist/Researcher Examples: Piaget…SHE had a theory that… Ebbinghaus’ “War of the Ghosts” A study was done about eyewitness testimony (no other info) Also…watch out for the word, “prove” in your writing

4 The Future Looks Brighter
Some of you will need to re-write question #3 (there were a lot of you) because of a misinterpretation of the essay prompt Some of you have some scores that don’t look so hot Solution: Your homework tonight: You may re-write ONE essay (I suggest #2 or #3) for a better score 16 points and above is a B or A grade This re-write is due next class.

5 Please, QUIETLY, review your essays for 2 minutes
Essay Hand Back Please, QUIETLY, review your essays for 2 minutes

6 #1. Describe one research study which has investigated schema theory
#1. Describe one research study which has investigated schema theory. (8 marks) Command Term: DESCRIBE The best essays focused on: Bartlett (War of the Ghosts – cultural schemas) Roediger and McDermott (word lists) Let’s look at an anonymous example….

7 #2. Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process
#2. Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process. (22 marks) Command Term: EVALUATE Cognitive Process: Memory, language, perception, attention, decision- making Best answers focused on: Language Acquisition (5 theorists to choose from) Perception (we learned 2 distinct models) Anonymous Example……….

8 #3. With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent is one cognitive process reliable? (22marks) 4 Parts: 1. Command Term: “to what extent” 2. One cognitive process (what is one?) 3. Reliable (in reference to the cog. process) 4. With reference to relevant research studies Best answers focused on MEMORY Anonymous Examples….

9 Essay Re-write Using the comments on your essays and tips learned today… You may choose ONE essay to redo and resubmit at the start of next class. (If you have a missing score for #3, THAT counts as your re-write)

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