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Topographic Maps may also use color do show different altitudes.

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Presentation on theme: "Topographic Maps may also use color do show different altitudes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topographic maps use lines of equal elevation to show the shape of the earth’s surface.

2 Topographic Maps may also use color do show different altitudes.

3 Lines drawn to join points of equal elevation are called Contour.

4 Contour lines drawn closely together represent steep slopes.

5 Contour lines drawn widely spaced indicate fairly flat land.

6 1. Color the elevations on the topographic map as follows
1. Color the elevations on the topographic map as follows. Red: 50m and higher, Orange: 40-50m, Yellow: 30-40m, Light green: 20-30m, Dark green: 10-20m, Purple: 0-10m.

7 2. Approximately how tall is Able Hill?

8 3. Approximately how tall is Baker Hill?

9 4. Which mountain is taller, and by about how much?

10 5. How many meters of elevation are there between contour lines on the topographic map?

11 6. Which mountain has steeper slopes?

12 7. Are the contour lines closer together on Able Hill or Baker Hill?




16 Geological Map

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