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How did the Cold War influence the Space Race?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the Cold War influence the Space Race?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the Cold War influence the Space Race?

2 Wernher Von Braun

3 Progress Through Science
Manhattan Project and the Atomic Bomb Soviets develop A-Bomb technology Hydrogen Bomb Test (Thermo-Nuclear) Soviets develop the H-bomb Russians launch SPUTNIK I NASA Created / Explorer I satellite Press Conference of the First 7 American Astronauts(Mercury)

4 Soviet and American Rockets before 1970
See, Think, Wonder What do you SEE? What do you THINK? What do you WONDER? Soviet and American Rockets before 1970

5 Progress Through Science
Atomic Anxieties: “Duck-and-Cover Generation” Atomic Testing:  U. S. exploded nuclear weapons over the Pacific and in Nevada.

6 Class Discussion Topic:
What is most interesting about this video? How does this video correspond to our notes? Based on the video, how do you feel our government viewed nuclear war? Based on the video, how organized was the United States government in case of a nuclear war? What is your impression of “duck & cover”?

7 NASA Using the information gained from this lesson make a claim and follow the CERc model regarding NASA. Claim Evidence Reasoning

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