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Presentation on theme: "SELF LEARNING MATERIALS ( SLM)"— Presentation transcript:

M A EDUCATION PART II ICT Paper UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI IDOL ASHIMA DESHMUKH Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

2 Self-learning materials (SLMs)
Self-learning materials (SLMs) are basically learner - centred materials. The learners usually depend on SLMs so they can learn on their own, at a time, pace and place of their own choice. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai 2

3 Self learning materials
The materials for self learning can be text books or digital materials - A text book is that which is referred in absence of the teacher . Hence a text book is comprehensive and exhaustive for learning. but all text books do not follow the pedagogy for learning. A teacher made self learning material is made such that it includes learning design and is based on pedagogy of teaching. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

4 Find the difference between
School text books Designed materials form your teacher.

5 Which book would you prefer and why?

6 Example of teacher made SLM
If we have to teach any unit your subj like: quadratic equations - a) Identify the objectives - why this topic b)How to teach ? c) Decide the strategy d)And what process the learning activity will take place? Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

7 Characteristics of Content Analysis for SLM (Mathematics & History
- concepts, new terms, equations, formulae, facts, properties, laws, axioms, rules and related syntax. History - concept , names of people, places and dates which come under facts, generalisations, the other facts would be the description/details of the historical event, its reasons or causes and consequences.

8 Learning Outcomes of SLM
The learning outcomes are defined based on learning objectives of the affective, cognitive (Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives) and psychomotor domain Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

9 Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe,
IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

10 Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe,
IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

11 Coordinators: Dr Hemalata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe,
IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

12 Characteristics of SLM with ICT
-The content should be linked with study skills. - Motivate active learning to increase interactivity other than just using mouse. - A universal teaching design with multimedia using ICT for teaching -Providing self learning experiences is the most important characteristic of SLM with ICT. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai

13 All the Best References
You must see this reference. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst Prof. Mandar Bhanushe, IDOL, Univ. of Mumbai


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