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Presentation on theme: "GESTURE RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:



3 What is a Gesture? Any meaningful movement of the human body!
To Convey information or to interact with environment! [pie 1984] identifies non-verbal signals! According to Hall 65% of communication is non-verbal!

4 Mood, emotion Mood and emotion are expressed by body language
Facial expressions Tone of voice Allows computers to interact with human beings in a more natural way

5 Human Computer Interface using Gesture
Replace mouse and keyboard Pointing gestures Navigate in a virtual environment Pick up and manipulate virtual objects Interact with a 3D world No physical contact with computer Communicate at a distance

6 Public Display Screens
Information display screens Supermarkets Post Offices, Banks Allows control without having to touch the device

7 Recognizing the Hand Gestures

8 Data gloves

9 Data gloves Data gloves provide very accurate measurements of hand-shape But are cumbersome to wear Expensive Connected by wires- restricts freedom of movement

10 Data gloves - the future
Will get lighter and more flexible Will get cheaper ~ $100 Wireless

11 Coloured Gloves User must wear coloured gloves Very cheap
Easy to put on Eventually we wish to use natural skin

12 Different types of ColoredGloves


14 Data glove Detection Colour Segment Noise Removal 32 32 Scale by Area

15 Facial Expressions Anger Fear Disgust Happy Sad Surprise

16 Iris Recognition


18 John Daugman There is only one iris recognition algorithm in use
The algorithm was developed mainly by John Daugman, PhD, OBE It is owned by the company Iridian Technologies

19 Advantages of Iris Recognition
Irises do not change with age – unlike faces Irises do not suffer from scratches, abrasions, grease or dirt – unlike fingerprints Irises do not suffer from distortion – unlike fingerprints

20 Finding the Iris in the Image
It is easy to find the circular boundaries of the iris

21 Fake Iris Attacks

22 Advantages Replace mouse and keyboard Pointing gestures
Navigate in a virtual environment Pick up and manipulate virtual objects Interact with a 3D world No physical contact with computer Communicate at a distance

23 Hand Gesture Based Applications:
Computer Interface A 2D/3D input device (Hand Tracking) Translation of gestures to commands More natural interface for 3D design applications Aid for disabled and deaf people Sign language analysis, translation Sign language teaching Using multimodality to enable communication between disabled people .

24 Entertainment: Applications involving hand gesture recognition, from computer games to sound and image design applications

25 A Model for gesture recognition



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