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Toys Literacy Numeracy History Science Music WOW Days Computing P.E DT

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1 Toys Literacy Numeracy History Science Music WOW Days Computing P.E DT
To talk about favourite toys To read stories about toys e.g. Dogger, Old Bear stories, escape from the toy museum Writing stories about toys that get lost Labelling and describing toys To write captions To write about toys from the past To make a leaflet or class book about toys Numeracy Discrete number work Money – making totals and giving change History Looking at toys in the past. What did our parents and grandparents play with? Making comparisons and noting similarities and differences. What might toys in the future look like? Science Naming different materials and their uses Exploring qualities of materials Observing changes in the seasons, Winter Toys DT Exploring how toys move and work To make levers and sliding mechanisms To design a toy with a moving part To make a toy using skills learnt To evaluate the toy made Music The nutcracker Learn about different instruments and their families WOW Days Visit to the toy museum in Bath Opening up a class toy museum or shop to display work Computing E-safety Using 2Go and simple coding To learn how to program the Beebot robots RE How do we celebrate our journey through life? P.E Spatial awareness work Basic games skills Toy dance

2 Toys Topic Drivers As learners interested in Maths we will:-
Learn about the use of money Learn about the different coins and denominations Make amounts using different combinations of coins – applying knowledge of counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s Make totals using knowledge of addition Give change using knowledge of subtraction Set up a class toy shop As learners interested in History we will:- Look at favourite toys and their characteristics Learn about toys from the past What toys did parents and grandparents play with? Note similarities and differences between toys in the past and present What may toys look like in the future? As learners interested in Science we will:- Explore what a material is Name common materials Name uses for these materials Develop use of scientific vocabulary Explore different qualities of the materials e.g. waterproof, strength, magnetism etc.. Investigate which materials are fit for a given purpose

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