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An Introduction to the Law and its Sources

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1 An Introduction to the Law and its Sources
Topic 1 Glenn Dennett

2 Overview of Subject Lecturers The Subject Guide Readings Textbooks
Glenn Dennett Anita Stuhmcke The Subject Guide 15 Topics/3 Weekend Schools/2 Assignments/ 1 Exam Readings Textbooks Webcampus Course Materials/Subject Pages/Useful Links etc Lectures, Lecture Notes, ‘Buddies’ and Recordings

3 Overview of Subject Forums – Facebook pages
Questions - Contact the LEC first for information and clarification Contact Glenn Dennett second Assignments Marking Due Dates – 10 December and 14 January 2018 LEC Guide to Presentation and Submission of assignments English expression Writesite - Exam – 6 March 2018

4 Let’s start – Overview of Topic 1
The Subject Guide and the Readings Learning the Law Law – Common Sense, Policy, Politics and Opinion Legal Language Legal Principles Sources of law Statute Law Case Law What is Law – Theory of Law (Jurisprudence)

5 Law v Common Sense We all engage with the law in our everyday lives
In learning the law we aim to replace our working knowledge of the law (our common sense) with a technical knowledge of the law (our legal sense)

6 Pepper Finance Corporation v Williams [2008] NSWSC 4
Mrs Williams Foreclosure of a Mortgage over her house Pepper Finance was repossessing her property Her arguments were: No authentic contract document Irregularities with the transcript No consent to the summary judgement or the jurisdiction of the court Denied natural justice Didn’t follow the procedure for dispute resolution in the Bible No trial by jury Breach of Magna Carta and Bill of Rights and Habeas Corpus Act Several others ……

7 Develop our ‘Legal Sense’
Through language Through a way of thinking and analysis Through our knowledge of the law its content the philosophy that underpins the law

8 Specialised Legal Terms
Words with specific legal meanings and little if any use in everyday speech - ‘pure’ legal terms Examples: Chose in action Chose in possession Fee simple Estoppel Codicil

9 General Terms - given special legal meaning in particular contexts
Words that are not ‘pure legal’ terms but acquire special legal definition in particular contexts through the provisions of a statute the process of judicial interpretation Example: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) the meaning of the word ‘goods’ is defined in section 2 of Schedule 2; ‘consumer’ is defined in section 3 of Schedule 2

10 Example - Legal Meaning in Statute
Are there consumer guarantees in relation to fish? Is a fish a good? Section 2 Australian Consumer Law goods includes:  (a)  ships, aircraft and other vehicles; and (b)  animals, including fish; and (c)  minerals, trees and crops, whether on, under or attached to land or not; and (d)  gas and electricity; and (e)  computer software; and (f)  second‑hand goods; and (g)  any component part of, or accessory to, goods.

11 Are there consumer guarantees in relation to games which can be played on-line?
What does ‘computer software’ in section 2 mean? Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Valve Corporation (No 3) [2016] FCA 196 Computer software comprises ‘instructions or programs that make hardware work’ Meaning is clear when games are to be played offline When games played on-line ?? still a supply of computer software, as computer software makes non-executable data work

12 Legal terms also found in everyday speech
Words with related legal and general meaning Examples: land negligence mortgage nuisance assault offer agent

13 Legal Terms also found in everyday speech
Words with different legal and general meaning - legal meaning is entirely different from usual English Examples: consideration equity summary (as in ‘a summary offence’) execute (as in ‘to execute a document’) title (as in ‘title to goods’)

14 And not just English.... ratio decidendi /ratio obiter dictum / dicta
Latin Meaning ratio decidendi /ratio the essential reasoning for the decision of a case; the binding precedent established by the case obiter dictum / dicta an observation by a judge that is not essential to the reasoning for the decision (distinguished from the ratio) per curium ‘by the Court’ ( a proposition made by the judge) coram ‘in the presence of’ cur adv vult curia advisi vult = the court wishes to consider the matter ultra vires beyond/in excess of legal power in limine ‘on the threshold’/preliminary (used to describe an objection or pleading) semble ‘it appears’ And not just English....

15 Remember: Law is both a body of knowledge and a way of thinking about that knowledge: it is important to master both. You are expected to know not just what the law is, but why. Anytime you think about the answer to a legal question – ask yourself, why do I know that this is the answer? What is my legal source or authority? You may disagree with some or indeed all of the substantive law which you are studying. But you cannot change it simply by disagreeing with it. If you want to change the law you need to understand the law and its processes first.

16 Law v Politics Judges are bound by legal texts and their own prior precedents to a degree that political actors are not. And crucially, judges have an obligation to explain their results as the product of legal judgement.” Michael C. Dorf

17 Law v Politics “Behind the legal issues that the Court must decide there often are intensely political concerns. Yet the Court is expected to resolve those issues according to law, and adhering to legal methodology. We expect judges to decide issues after hearing argument in specific cases.” Gleeson CJ

18 Law v Policy “Courts and judges are not meant to have agendas, and judges are not meant to seek popularity. They are expected to administer justice according to law, regardless of the consequences for their approval ratings. A judicial decision that pleases one side or the other of a partisan conflict will always attract applause or blame from some of the partisans, but people expect judges to attend to the task of administering justice and to leave politics to politicians.” Gleeson CJ

19 Latham CJ, First Uniform Tax case
"[T]he controversy before the Court is a legal controversy, not a political controversy. It is not for this or any court to prescribe policy or to seek to give effect to any views or opinions upon policy. We have nothing to do with the wisdom or expediency of legislation. Such questions are for Parliaments and the people ... The Court must consider and deal with ... [the] legal contention. But the Court is not authorized to consider whether the Acts are fair and just as between States - whether some States are being forced, by a political combination against them, to pay an undue share of Commonwealth expenditure or to provide money which other States ought fairly to provide. These are arguments to be used in Parliament and before the people. They raise questions of policy which it is not for the Court to determine or even to consider."

20 Law v Personal Opinion “In Australia, one of the responsibilities of the High Court is to decide the constitutional validity of federal or State legislation. The public would be outraged if the Justices advanced, as a reason for holding legislation to be valid or invalid, their approval or disapproval of the policy of the legislation.” Gleeson CJ

21 And law is built on ‘Principles’:
Separation of Powers: judicial independence; arms of government Access to Justice Rule of Law Federal system Representative and responsible government Common law and statutory interpretation law …and more!

22 Break

23 Sources of law Statute –laws made by Parliament
Case law – laws made by judges

24 How laws are made: by the Parliament

25 Statute law Statutes operate from the general to the particular

26 Citation of Statutes Statutes are always cited:
Title/Year/(Jurisdiction) Australian Sports Drug Agency Act 1990 (Cth) Exotic Diseases of Animals Act 1993 (WA) s6 Methodist Church of Samoa in Australia Property Trust Act 1998 (NSW) s4(2)(d)

27 Structure of a Statute LONG TITLE SHORT TITLE


29 Three good sites for finding legislation:

30 The Section is the most important part of an Act
Sections are sub-divided into: SECTION s1 SUB-SECTION (2) PARAGRAPH (a) SUB-PARAGRAPH (v)

31 Australian Consumer Law - s18(1)
Misleading or deceptive conduct              (1)  A person shall not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive.

32 Elements of s18(1) Person Trade or commerce Engage in conduct
Misleading or deceptive

33 Practice example: s44ZZRJ Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)

34 Case Law Case law operate from the particular to the general

35 How laws are made: by the courts

36 Case law Decision Ratio decidendi – (the reason for decision)
relevant only to the parties Ratio decidendi – (the reason for decision) this answers the legal question to be decided this creates the bindinglaw

37 Citation of Cases Plaintiff’s Name v Defendant’s Name (Civil case) OR R v Person charged with offence/Defendant or Accused (Criminal case) THEN

38 Citation of Cases YEAR in which the case was decided (in square or round brackets depending on the reporting system used) VOLUME in which the case has been reported ABBREVIATION of the particular report PAGE NUMBER at which the report begins, and PAGE NUMBER from which you are quoting (and name of judge)

39 Examples: Behrens v Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 2QB 1
Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd (2002) 208 CLR 199 R v Brown [1994] 1 AC 212

40 Vocabulary Ratio decidendi Rationes decidendi Obiter dicta
Obiter dictum

41 Mary v Tom Mary and Tom are neighbours. Mary erects a dividing fence between the properties made out of cedar inlaid with ivory. She then seeks to recover half of the cost of the fence from her neighbour Tom pursuant to the Dividing Fences Act. Tom declines to pay, as he didn’t want a fence at all, certainly not a cedar fence as it clashes with his Tuscan landscaping, and doesn’t want to pay for the ivory inlays as they are all on Mary’s side. Mary sues Tom. Tom defends the suit claiming that the fence Mary erected is not a ‘dividing fence’ within the meaning of the Act.

42 Fact or law? The best way to tell the difference is to ask yourself, could a witness give evidence to answer this question? If yes – it is an issue of fact. If no – it is an issue of law.

43 Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking [1971] 2 QB 163; [1970] EWCA Civ 2
Reading Cases - FIRAC Facts Issue Rule Application Decision

44 Activity Legal Problem Solving Exercise – IRAC Method
Issue Rule Application Conclusion Who are the parties? What is the loss? What is the legal issue What is the rule of law? What is your conclusion?

45 Break

46 What is ‘law’? Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary tells us that “law” means: “A law is an obligatory rule of conduct. The commands of him or them that have coercive power (Hobbes). A law is a rule of conduct imposed and enforced by the Sovereign (Austin). But the law is the body of principles recognised and applied by the State in the administration of justice (Salmond). Blackstone, however, maintained that a rule of law made on a pre-existing custom exists as positive law apart from the legislator or judge…….”

47 Four Traditions Positivism Natural Law Common Law Legal Realism

48 Positivism Thomas Hobbes and Jeremy Bentham John Austin HLA Hart
Very influential over last 200 years and in current legal thinking; A critique of common law and natural law thinking

49 Positivism Core concepts
Law is what it actually is (as opposed to what it ought to be) Law and morality are separate Legal systems are created by (posited) by people rather than having some natural or metaphysical existence. Significantly underpins the notion of Parliamentary sovereignty

50 Positivism Law is ‘…the command of him that has the legislative power’ Hobbes “The existence of law is one thing; its merit or demerit is another. Whether it be or be not is one enquiry; whether it be or be not conformable to an assumed standard, is a different enquiry. A law, which actually exists, is a law, though we happen to dislike it, or though it vary from the text, by which we regulate our approbation and disapprobation.” John Austin

51 Austin: Law as a Command
Laws are commands by a political sovereign (or their agent) Commands must be expressed (decrees of statutes) and enforced (punishment) The political sovereign can be the King or Parliament Sovereignty occurs when most in society obey the sovereign and the sovereign is not in the habit of obeying anyone else.

52 Austin: Critique What about customs? What about the sovereign?
Customs only became law when endorsed or followed (ie. tacitly commanded) by the sovereign. What about the sovereign? Can sovereigns be subject to their own commands? Can laws exist in the absence of a clear unlimited sovereign? Division of Powers Separation of Powers International laws?

53 HLA Hart Laws are a type of social rule
Some social rules impose obligations and others don’t. Some obligatory rules attract sanctions and others don’t. Where obligatory rules attract sanctions – they are laws Where obligatory rules don’t attract sanctions – they are moral rules

54 HLA Hart Laws exist in two groups:
primary rules (those that attract sanctions – eg road rules) Secondary rules (rules about creating, recognising or changing the rules – eg constitutions, procedural rules.) “Rule of recognition”.

55 Natural Law Aristotle Cicero St Thomas Aquinas Finnis
Dominated Western thought until the 18th Century Assertions about natural law were often the basis of the argument for individual or human rights and for imposing limitations on government Groundwork for the principles of international law

56 Cicero, De Re Publica True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting. It summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions….It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We cannot be freed from its obligations by Senate or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it. And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is, God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge. Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst penalties, even if he escapes what is commonly considered punishment”

57 Thomas Aquinas: 4 types of law
The Eternal – God’s plan (the controlling plan for the universe) The Divine – the eternal law revealed in scripture. The Natural- that part of the eternal law which is discoverable by reason and which is to be found in the human mind The Human - the law created by humans on the basis of natural reason, (or positive law) Human laws that are contrary to divine law and natural law (and hence the eternal law) need not be obeyed (unless disobedience causes greater danger to society).

58 The problem of “unjust laws”
Lex iniusta non est lex: an unjust law is not a law A just law : is consistent with the requirements of natural law Does not exceed the authority of the law maker Imposes burdens on citizens fairly.

59 Common Law Common law theory flowered in 16-18th centuries.
Coke Blackstone Hale Predominantly English – and embedded in ancient customs Common law principles don’t always pass the morality test of the natural law theories or the sovereignty tests of the positivist theories

60 Common Law Law is not something made either by king, parliament or judges, but rather is the expression of a deeper reality which is merely discovered and publicly declared by them. (cf Trigwell’s case) It is the product of the practices of a community Based on rules of Precedent Written record, or reporting of law Judges declare law, they do not make law – but they evolve the law by interpreting and applying precedenets to new situations Individual judge is unimportant – “oracle” of the law Law as artificial reason which must be learned

61 Blackstone “judges…are the depositaries of the law; the living oracles, who must decide in all cases of doubt, and who are bound by an oath to decide according to the law of the land. Their knowledge of that law is derived from experience and study;…and from being long personally accustomed to the judicial decisions of their predecessors. And indeed these judicial decisions are the principal and most authoritative evidence….The judgement itself [is] carefully registered and preserved, under the name of records, in public repositories set apart for that particular purpose; and to them frequent recourse is had, when any critical question arises, in the determination of which former precedents may give light or assistance…For it is an established rule to abide by former precedents, where the same points come again in litigation; as well to keep the scale of justice even and steady, and not liable to waver with every new judge’s opinion”

62 Prohibitions del Roy : Coke
“ A controversy of land between parties was heard by the King, and sentence given, which was repealed, for this, that it did belong to the common law: then the King said, that he thought the law was founded upon reason, and that he and others had reason, as well as the Judges; to which it was answered by me, that true it was, that God had endowed his Majesty with excellent science, and great endowments of nature; but his Majesty was not learned in the laws of his realm of England, and causes which concern the life, or inheritance, or goods, or fortunes of his subjects, are not to be decided by natural law reason, but by the artificial reason and judgement of law, which law is an act which requires long study and experience, before that a man can attain to the cognizance of it; and that the law was the golden met-wand and measure to try the causes of the subjects; and which protected his Majesty in safety and peace: with which the King was greatly offended and said, that then he should be under the law, which was treason to affirm, as he said: to which I said, that Bracton saith, quod Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege [that the King is under no man, but under God and the law].

63 Common Law Change is possible – through the incremental development of the common law by accumulated decisions But a law which has stood the test of time is to be preferred to one which has simply been devised in a particular era. Law organically connected to the people it serves through custom and tradition

64 Legal Realism Oliver Wendell Holmes (laid groundwork)
“The prophecies of what the courts will do in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by law” (This is the question which the bad man wants answered.) John Dewey (Dewey decimal system) Karl Llewellyn Jerome Frank 20th Century

65 Legal Realism Legal realism – is a form of legal positivism (its concern is what the law actually is) But it attempts to identify the law at the point of its operation rather than its point of enactment The law then, is what the courts do and what the executive does rather than what is legislated or what is the common law. For realists, law is an inherently practical activity, which must be associated with the real world, as it is something which has a practical effect in the concrete world, and is not merely a body of abstract rules and doctrines.

66 The End

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