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Web Design Web Programming HTTP

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1 Web Design Web Programming HTTP
Slide # 04 Web Design Web Programming HTTP E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

2 How Do Web Pages Look & Organize?
E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

3 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Web Design Site Layout/Structures Page Layouts/Structures Graphics Typography Multimedia Communication Marketing (search ranking, connecting to/from other) (Implementation/Engineering = Coding) GOALS: User Points of View System Points of View E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

4 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Site Structure E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

5 File Organization of Web Site
E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

6 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
How Do Web Pages Work ? E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

7 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Web Programming Client-side Web Programming: write programs which run within browsers to display web pages. Server-side Web Programming: write programs which run at the web server site to process requests/data and produce codes for web pages. E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

8 Client-side Web Programming
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript provides new methods of using JavaScript, and other languages to improve the user experience. Flash Adobe Flash Player is a ubiquitous browser plugin ready for RIAs. Flex 2 is also deployed to the Flash Player (version 9+). JavaScript JavaScript is a ubiquitous client side platform for creating and delivering rich web applications that can also run across a wide variety of devices. It is a dialect of the scripting language ECMAScript. jQuery Cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify and speed up the client-side scripting of HTML. AngularJS, BackboneJS, EmberJS and ReactJS are client-side MVC technologies introduced for building single page application and offline applications for both desktop and mobile. They make the application more modular and also help dramatically increase development speed. Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft's browser plugin that enables animation, vector graphics and high-definition video playback, programmed using XAML and .NET programming languages. HTML5 and CSS3 Latest HTML proposed standard combined with the latest proposed standard for CSS natively supports much of the client-side functionality provided by other frameworks such as Flash and Silverlight Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), WebGL and Canvas deliver 2D and 3D capabilities, often used through JavaScript libraries; D3js (2D datavisualisations) and threeJS (3D) are popular examples. E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

9 Server-side Web Programming
ASP (Microsoft proprietary) ColdFusion (Adobe proprietary, formerly Macromedia, formerly Allaire) CGI Erlang, with Linux, Yaws, Mnesia, Erlang (LYME) solution stack Groovy, using the Grails framework Java, e.g. Java Servlets, JSP or WebObjects Lotus Domino Node.js Perl, e.g. Catalyst, Dancer or Mojolicious (all open source) PHP (open source) Python, e.g. Django (web framework) (open source) Ruby, e.g. Ruby on Rails (open source) Scala, e.g. Play Framework, Lift Framework (open source) SSJS Server-Side JavaScript, e.g. Aptana Jaxer, Mozilla Rhino ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC Frameworks (Microsoft proprietary) E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

10 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Web Servers A web server is a computer system that processes requests via HTTP. The most common use of web servers is to host websites, but there are other uses such as gaming, data storage, running enterprise applications, handling , FTP, or other web uses. E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

11 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Web Clients A web client (user agent) can be: web browser or  web crawler It initiates communication by making a request to Web Server for a specific resource using HTTP and expects a response from the Web Server. E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

12 Overview of Tools for Web Programming
E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

13 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext. E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

14 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
HTTP E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

15 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
HTTP Request Methods E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

16 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
HTTP Respond Codes E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

17 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
HTTP is Stateless HTTP protocol does not require the HTTP server to retain information or status about each user for the duration of multiple requests. However, many Web applications/pages require states !!! Solution = implement states via cookies or hidden variables within web forms. E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

18 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Web Space Server Machine Files Web Server (Program) Internet E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

19 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Get Your Own Web Space Have a computer with Internet access [ Get a Domain Name, exp: Get a permanent IP address (bind it to the Domain Name) Install a Web Server program (exp: Apache) Define/Know the directory where the web pages can be accessed via the Internet E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

20 Web Space => PUBLIC Space & Files
E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

21 Web Space at SUNY New Paltz
CS system runs a Web Server As a student in our CS program you should have an account with the same username/ password as the college’s one. Two ways to access your CS Linux account: Remotely (via putty of ssh) Go to the Linux Lab REH 110 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

22 Web Space at SUNY New Paltz
Login to your CS account using Putty E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

23 Web Space at SUNY New Paltz
Create a folder called WWW (mkdir WWW) Change its permission to 755 (chmod 755 WWW) E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

24 Web Space at SUNY New Paltz
Go inside that folder (cd WWW) This folder/directory WWW is your Web Space where you can create/transfer files for your web pages. Create a space for this E-business course by creating a folder inside WWW, let’s call eb (mkdir eb) Inside eb create a folder w for learning web programming and a folder p for your project To get around and do things in your Linux account you need to know basic Linux commands E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

25 Web Space at SUNY New Paltz
TEST if your web space is set-up correctly: open a web browser and type the following address: If your username is N12345 then it’ll be: E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

26 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
Basic Linux Commands ls => to see the names of files and folders in your account mkdir PDS => to create a folder/directory named PDS ls -l => to see a list of files and folders with all details cd PDS => to go inside folder PDS ls => to see the names of files and folders in the current folder mkdir 01 => to create a folder/directory named 01 cd 01 => to go inside folder 01 rm a.txt => to delete the file a.txt cp a.txt b.txt => to make a copy of file a.txt, the new copy is named b.txt mv a.txt X/b.txt => to move file a.txt to folder X, the file also has a new name b.txt cd .. => to go out of the current folder (up one level) E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

27 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)
References Most of materials in this slide come from: Many pictures here are downloaded from the Internet from various sites such as, … Wikipedia "Developing Distributed and E-commerce Applications", Darrel Ince, 2nd Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley “Web Programming and Internet Technologies: An E-commerce Approach”, Porter Scobey, Pawan Lingras, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2013 “Electronic Commerce”, 11th Edition, Cengage Learning, Gary Schneider, 2015 Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 5/e, Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Abbey Deitel Introduction to Electronic Commerce, 3/E, Efraim Turban, David King, Judy Lang, Pearson, 2011 E-business (constructed by Dr. Hanh Pham)

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