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Advanced Web pages and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Web pages and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Web pages and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

2 Information Design Arranging all the site elements together to build context and meaning. Page Elements Logo Courtesy Links Footer links Masthead Global Navigation Search Form Rotating image Features Local Navigation Wireframe

3 Visual Design The visual presentation of the information design.
Design Elements Colour Texture Contrast Image Treatments Fonts Hierarchy Ornamental graphics Style Buttons Design Composite

4 Create a visual focus Make one element (picture) your focus and pull colors from it

5 Media Elements Use embed or object tags to add video and sound to your page

6 Script <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
codebase=" height="30" width="145"> <param name="src" value="radioplaybyplay.mp3"> <param name="autoplay" value="false"> <embed src="radioplaybyplay.mp3" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage=" autoplay="false" height="30" width="145"> </object>

7 Evolution of Web Design
Since the beginning of the web designing for it has gone through four distinct trends: Early Web Present Simple Sharing Used by academics and researchers for sharing information. Information (text) is presented in a structure defined by basic HTML (h1, h2, p, li, table, b). Example Graphic Design Graphic support and HTML extensions make advanced layouts possible. Designers begin to apply traditional design rules to web pages. Example Techno-Hype Many different HTML tags and client side technologies are implemented by IE and Netscape. Designer overindulge in using them. Example Usability A focus on site objectives and user needs gives the user experience high priority. Intelligent interface design using best practices. Example No Frills Publishing User Experience Design for the Web

8 Table layout The simple choice for layout

9 CSS layout The expert

10 CSS power

11 Creating Richer and More Maintainable Sites with CSS
Makes page editing and updating easier Reduces messy HTML coding (faster downloads) Advanced controls for presentation look and layout Font size (unlimited) Float (text wrapping an image) Multiple web pages can be updated quickly from one external style sheet Increased accessibility by maximizing the number of viewers that can access your site regardless of the platform, browser, computer or user disabilities. Design for the Web

12 Basic CSS Syntax Welcome to my page element declaration
h1 { font: 30px Arial; color:#0000FF; } CSS property value HTML <h1>Welcome to my page</h1> Welcome to my page Page

13 CSS and HTML tags CSS Allows you to redefine HTML elements like paragraph and header tags p { font: 14px Verdana; color:#999900; } h1 { font: 18px Verdana; color:#CC3300; } <p> example text </p> <h1> example text </h1> example text CSS HTML Page

14 CSS Classes example text
You can create your own classes that are used in conjunction with HTML tags .coolfonz { font: 26px Arial; color:#9966FF; } .uncool { font: 8px Arial; color:#111111;} <p class=“coolfonz”> example text </p> <p class=“uncool”> example text </p> example text CSS HTML Page

15 CSS Location External Style Sheet Embedded Style Sheets Inline Styles
CSS File Linked External Style Sheet Embedded Style Sheets Inline Styles HTML File Header Body

16 Cascading Order Inline Styles Embedded Style Sheets
CSS File Inline Styles Embedded Style Sheets External Style Sheet Browser default Linked HTML File Header Body

17 Order of Inheritance Nested tags inherit styles of their parent tags
Not all properties will inherit Nested tags value override inherited style p { font: 14px Verdana; color:#999900; } b { font: 20px Arial; } <p> example <b> text </b> </p> example text CSS HTML Page

18 More information and utilities
Tutorials Utilities HTML Tidy - CSS Validator - Sites CSS Zen Garden - Glish -

19 Acadia Template

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