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Ukrainian HDM National Coordinator

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1 Ukrainian HDM National Coordinator
2nd HDM Panel LENA MINICH Ukrainian HDM National Coordinator Brussels 17 October 2016

2 CONTENT EaPeReg introduction and background
1 EaPeReg introduction and background 2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 3 EaPeReg Action Plan 2017 4 Upcoming EaPeReg decision Page 2

3 Partner Countries EU Member-States
1 EaPeReg introduction and background 1/2 Partner Countries Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine EU Member-States Austria Czech Republic Germany Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Portugal Spain Slovakia Macedonia Sweden (candidate to the EU) MoU was signed in September 2012 in Chisinau by 4 EaP countries (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Belarus). Comments EaPeReg established in 2012 according to the Memorandum of Understanding. Page 3

4 EaPeReg main goal and activities
1 EaPeReg introduction and background 2/2 EaPeReg main goal and activities To contribute to the social and economic development of partner countries by supporting the development of their electronic communications markets through a strengthened long-term cooperation between the EU and the EaP countries. 8 Plenary Assemblies Expert Working Group on Spectrum (SEWG) 1. Numbers of PA, WS and Benchmarking Studies, which abovementioned, it’s general numbers of EaPeReg events for 2. EaPeReg Members has worked on different topics during 3 years (16 topics for 16 WSs). In 2015 EaPeReg Members has decided that there are at least two very important topics, which are interest for all EaP countries and EaPeReg Members wants to continue work on it more deep. That’s why decision on creation of two specific expert working groups (SEWG and BEWG) was made (it was Georgian suggestion, which was support by all EaPeReg Members). In 2016, EaPeReg Members has supported Ukrainian Initiative on creation of Common Roaming Space within EaP countries (this Initiative was presented by NCCIR at the VI PA in Chisinau) and the third Expert working group was creation during the VII PA in Riga – REWG. The creation of three EWGs is a progress of EaPeReg activities. 3. Moreover, EaPeReg close cooperate with other Networks like as BEREC, IRG and EMERG and studies their best practice of its operation, administration and etc. 7 Benchmarking Studies 16 Technical Workshops Expert Working Group on Benchmarking (BEWG) Expert Working Group on roaming (REWG) 16 topics Page 4

5 EaPeReg events in 2015 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 1/11
2 Plenary Assemblies 4 Technical Workshops WS on Broadband (10-11 FEB 2015, Georgia) V Plenary Assembly (24 APR 2015, Belarus) WS on Tariff Setting and Regulation (22-23 APR 2015, Belarus) All EaPeReg events were held in accordance with its Work Plan 2015. VI Plenary Assembly (05 NOV 2015, Moldova) WS on Network and Information Security (7-8 OCT 2015, Lithuania) WS on 4G Technologies (3-4 NOV 2015, Moldova) Page 5

6 VI Plenary Assembly EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 2/11
The MoU of EaPeReg was signed by the Republic of Belarus The Agency of Electronic Communications of the FYR Macedonia became a new Member of the EaPeReg The Work Plan of 2016 was discussed and approved 2 Expert Working Groups: on Spectrum (SEWG) and Benchmarking (BEWG) were officially established NCCIR proposal on a Common Roaming Space within the EaP was discussedand putting forward this issue as a candidate HDM action for was made The 6th Plenary Session of the EaPeReg (EU and EaP Electronic Communications Regulatory Platform) was held on 5 November in Chisinau, Moldova. Representatives of 6 EaP Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and 8 EU Countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden), as well as the representative of the European Commission attended the meeting. Page 6

7 EaPeReg International activities in 2015
EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 3/11 EaPeReg International activities in 2015 EMERG Plenary Assembly 3rd Workshop on “Towards HDM in the EaP” and 1st EaP Senior Officials Meeting on Digital Economy First Ministerial Meeting on Digital Economy BEREC – EMERG – EaPeReg – REGULATEL Joint Summit 1st HDM Panel First IRG Heads Workshop “Roaming and Mobile challenges: the non-EU perspective” According to the MoU between EaPeReg Network and BEREC, one common meeting should be held at least once a year. Page 7

8 EaPeReg events in 2016 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 4/11
2 Plenary Assemblies 4 Technical Workshops 6 EWGs Meetings Regulatory Governance (7 APR 2016, Latvia) VII Plenary Assembly (08 APR 2016, Latvia) 3 SEWG meetings New trends on Competition Regulation in Markets (2-3 JUN 2016, Moldova) All EaPeReg events are held in accordance with its Work Plan 2016. 2 BEWG meetings VIII Plenary Assembly (22 NOV 2016, Romania) Consumer issues – empowerment and QoS from the point of view of consumers (12-13 OCT 2016, Ukraine) REWG kick-off meeting International Roaming (21 NOV 2016, Romania) Page 8

9 VII Plenary Assembly EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 5/11
Chair and Vice Chair 2017 were nominated. Moldova was nominated as Chair 2017 and Romania as Vice – Chair 2017 Informal “Troika” was established SEWG and BEWG work and activities were presented by the Chairs REWG was established Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding establishing the EaPeReg were adopted The participants approved the early start of work on Work Plan 2017 Page 9

10 EaPeReg International activities in 2016
EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 6/11 EaPeReg International activities in 2016 EaPeReg Workshop on Regulatory Governance HDM Coordination Workshop IRG Workshop “Global regulatory perspectives on the internet ecosystem” 2st HDM Panel Ministerial level meeting on the Digital Community According to the MoU between EaPeReg Network and BEREC, one common meeting should be held at least once a year. Page 10

11 SEWG BEWG REWG Specific objectives Expected outcomes
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 7/11 Specific objectives Expected outcomes SEWG common approach in sub-bands 470‑694 MHz, 694‑790 MHz and MHz BEWG alignment of statistical indicators with EU framework REWG alignment of EaP regulations and roaming markets with EU framework best possible co-ordination of transitional steps co-ordinated future frequency distribution plan for the situation after the transition annual EaPeReg Report on market trends and regulatory activities recommendations and remedies related to data collections practices “common” approach to roaming pricing recommendations on drafting amendments to national legislations Page 11

12 Brief overview of progress of EWGs activities in 2016
EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 8/11 Brief overview of progress of EWGs activities in 2016 SEWG Three meetings was arranged in 2016. SEWG Members have been drafted the basic frequency planning principles. Representatives from 11 countries are SEWG Members. BEWG Two meeting was arranged in 2016. BEWG Members have approved the Terms of Reference, Action Plan for 2016 and discussed the Action Plan for Representatives from 10 countries are BEWG Members. REWG Kick-off meeting was arranged in 2016. REWG Members have approved the Action Plan for 2016 and 2017. Page 12

13 2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 9/11 SEWG activities in 2016 SEWG kick-off meeting (2-3 FEB 2016, Georgia) Terms of Reference drafted Action plan 2016 settled Working methods settled Analysis of relevant input data started First Progress Meeting (16-17 MAR 2016, Latvia) Analysis of relevant input data updated Necessity of regional approach approved SEWG Basic planning principles drafted Coordination methodology discussed Second Progress Meeting (10-11 OCT 2016, Ukraine) SEWG Basic planning principles approved Coordination methodology settled Methods for decoupling individual approaches discussed (“least impact approach”) Page 13

14 2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 10/11 BEWG activities in 2016 BEWG kick-off meeting (2-3 FEB 2016, Georgia) BEWG presentation - aims, goals and expected outcomes BEWG Action Plan 2016 and ToR were approved Draft questionnaires „Regulatory benchmarking” and „Statistical benchmarking” were discussed 2nd BEWG Meeting (10-11 OCT 2016, Ukraine) Presenting & validating the draft reports „Regulatory benchmarking”and „Statistical benchmarking” Draft Action Plan for BEWG for 2017 Draft BEWG activities for The 1th Meeting of the EaPeReg Benchmarking Expert Working Group (BEWG) was held in Tbilisi, Georgia on 2-3 February 2016. Representatives of all 6 EaP Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) and 2 EU Countries (Lithuania, Romania), as well as the representative of the Macedonia attended the meeting – 14 persons. Page 14

15 REWG kick-off meeting (4-5 JUL 2016, Lithuania)
EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 11/11 REWG activities in 2016 REWG kick-off meeting (4-5 JUL 2016, Lithuania) REWG Action Plan 2016 EU Roaming Regulation and its evolution and outcomes were studied Analysis of the EU regulatory framework on roaming services Current situation on national roaming markets and regulatory framework in EaP countries was discussed Preparation of the Questionnaire on Roaming Regulation in the EaP countries including the collection of necessary data Action Plan 2016 was approved Filling of the Questionnaire, collection of data, analysis, verification of the collected data Action Plan 2017 was preliminarily approved Page 15

16 EaPeReg Work Plan 2017 EaPeReg Action Plan for 2017 1/3
2 Plenary Assemblies EWGs Meetings 4 Technical Workshops IX Plenary Assembly 2 SEWG Meetings (at least) EaPeReg Work Plan 2017 is preparing at this moment. Now, EaPeReg Leadership for 2016 and 2017 is collected the information, which was received from EaPeReg Members by filling the relevant Questionaire. After the received information will be analysed, its results will be discussed by EaPeRe Members once again (taking into account that EaPeReg Members are interested in a lot numbers of topics, the following decision will be suggested – to chose only one the most priority topic for each EaP countries). Prior the next Plenary Assembly (22nd November, Bucharest) the draft Work Plan should be prepared and discussed by EaPeReg Members via and approved during the PA. X Plenary Assembly 2 BEWG Meetings 2 REWG Meetings Page 16

17 SEWG BEWG REWG EWGs Action Plans for 2017
3 EaPeReg Action Plan for /3 EWGs Action Plans for 2017 SEWG Inspect the country cases in practical terms. Support regional initiatives (e. g. the Ukrainian initiative for BSDDIF). Tackling upcoming topics like 5G. BEWG Annual EaPeReg Report on market trends and regulatory activities - Regulatory and Statistical Benchmarks. Add new topics in Regulatory and Statistical Questionnaires and Reports. Analyze the possibilities to achieve annual Study (benchmark) on the fixed/mobile. REWG Conduction of the Feasibility Study of roaming regulation in EaP countries. Drafting of Recommendations regarding national legislation and regulation for each EaP country. Drafting of an International Agreement on roaming on public mobile communications networks within EaP countries. Page 17

18 Other EaPeReg activities in 2017
3 EaPeReg Action Plan for /3 Other EaPeReg activities in 2017 Meeting of “Troika” Re-sign of the MoU between EaPeReg and BEREC On-line cooperation on regular basis and discussions via online Platform Meeting of “Troyka” – now it’s not decided whether it will be F2F meeting or not. Such meeting can be organized for example, via video conference. MoU between EaPeReg and BEREC was signed on 5th December 2014 in Brussels by of EaPeReg Chair in 2014 Mr. Alexander Zhyvotovsky (Chairman of NCCIR) and BEREC Chair in 2014 Mr. Goran Marby (Director General of Swedish Post and Telecom Authority). The goal of this MoU is to encourage cooperation between the EaPeReg and the BEREC, which supports their respective efforts to address the current and future regulatory challenges, as well as to develop collegial working relationships between experts of both networks. MoU term is 2 years. 3. The issue on creation of online Platform will be discussed at the VIII PA as well. Page 18

19 VIII EaPeReg Plenary Assembly
4 Upcoming EaPeReg decisions Work Plan 2017 will be discussed and approved VIII EaPeReg Plenary Assembly (22nd NOV 2016, Bucharest) EaPeReg roadmap will be discussed in detail and approved Benchmarking Report will be presented by its Chair and approved by EaPeReg Members Reports of SEWG and REWG activities will be presented by the Groups Chairs EaPeReg Leadership for 2017 will be elected The decision on EaPeReg website further operations and creation of online Platform will be made Page 19

20 Ukrainian HDM National Coordinator
Thank you for your attention! LENA MINICH Ukrainian HDM National Coordinator Brussels 17 October 2016

21 Backup Page 21

22 1 EaPeReg introduction and background EaPeReg Leaderships Chair - Moldova Vice-Chair - Lithuania 2013 Chair - Ukraine 2014 Chair - Georgia Vice-Chair - Sweden 2015 Chair - Belarus Vice-Chair - Latvia 2016 Vice-Chair - Romania 2017 EaPeReg Leadership for 2017 will be official elected by all EaPeReg Members during the upcoming EaPeReg Plenary Assembly on 22nd November 2016 in Bucharest. But during VII PA in Riga, Moldova and Romania was nominated as Chair and Vice-Chair for 2017. Page 22

23 EaPeReg events in 2015 (after the 1st HDM Panel)
EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 1/11 EaPeReg events in 2015 (after the 1st HDM Panel) Participants shared views, experiences, and visions on the fourth generation mobile communications system and exchange our countries’ experiences and development paths on 4G Presentations on regulatory topics (country cases) were made by the experts from national regulatory authorities of 11 countries 14 topics as relates to 4G technologies and developments were presented and discussed WS on 4G Technologies (3-4 Nov 2015, Chisinau) Page 23

24 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 2/11
2 Plenary Assemblies VII Plenary Assembly (8 APR 2016, Riga, Latvia) VIII Plenary Assembly (22 NOV 2016, Bucharest, Romania) 4 Technical Workshops Regulatory Governance (7 APR 2016, Riga, Latvia) New trends on Competition Regulation in Markets (2-3 JUN 2016, Chisinau, Moldova) Consumer issues – empowerment and QoS from the point of view of consumers (12-13 OCT 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine) International Roaming (EaP common Space and EU Model) (21 NOV 2016, Bucharest, Romania) 2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 2/11 2 Plenary Assemblies VII Plenary Assembly (8 APR 2016, Riga, Latvia) VIII Plenary Assembly (22 NOV 2016, Bucharest, Romania) 4 Technical Workshops Regulatory Governance (7 APR 2016, Riga, Latvia) New trends on Competition Regulation in Markets (2-3 JUN 2016, Chisinau, Moldova) Consumer issues – empowerment and QoS from the point of view of consumers (12-13 OCT 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine) International Roaming (EaP common Space and EU Model) (21 NOV 2016, Bucharest, Romania) Page 24

25 Leadership for last year
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 3/11 EaPeReg “Troika” Leadership for last year Leadership for current year Leadership for upcoming year Chairs of EWGs EaPeReg “Troika” is like an informal EaPeReg Board who is responsible for preparing draft strategy documents (like as Work Plan 2017) and etc. The participants approved the establishment of informal Troika for year 2016 which includes outgoing, current, incoming Chair and Vice Chair to manage the day-to-day business of the Network. Page 25

26 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 4/11
WS on Regulatory Governance WS has given the possibility to share views, experiences, and visions on each of EaPeReg Member National framework (NRA placement in government system, independence and function requirements) The experience of International institutions activities (BEREC, IRG) was presented by its Heads. Heads of EU NRAs presented the EU framework on regulatory governance New trends on Competition Regulation in Markets WS was focused on issues related to the regulation of competition on electronic communications markets. Participants presented their national legislation in this field, shared the experience of their NRAs on regulatory practice for ensuring fair competition, highlighted problems and solutions. Experts from EU NRAs presented the EU framework as regards competition protection and the future expectations for the framework development. WS on Regulatory Governance was the common events between EaPeReg and BEREC. It was event of high level meeting. The heads of EaPeReg, Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), European Commission and Independent Regulators Group (IRG), EU NRAs (Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Sweden, Germany, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic) and EaP NRAs attended this WS. In total - 36 representatives. The following topics on Regulatory Governance were presented and discussed at the workshop: EC role in legislative and regulatory convergence, Mr Anthony Whelan, Director of Electronic Communications Networks & Services, DG CONNECT, European Commission; BEREC: the European Body of independent NRAs, Dr Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice President of The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) and BEREC Chair 2016; What role for an implementing structure supporting independent authorities in their international cooperation, Mrs Delphine Bernet – Travert, Head of IRG Secretariat; SPRK: Sectoral Governance, Public Utilities Commission (SPRK), Latvia; Regulatory Governance - Czech experience, Czech Telecommunication Office (CTU), Czech Republic; The structure and functions of the Public Services Regulatory Commission, Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), Armenia; Regulatory Governance – GNCC case, Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC), Georgia; ANRCETI experience on regulatory governance, The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), Moldova; Regulatory initiatives in Ukraine, National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR), Ukraine; Communications’ Regulatory System in Lithuania: Role and Independence of NRA, The Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT), Lithuania; The Romanian experience on Regulatory Governance, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM), Romania; Sweden as the most modern public authority, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), Sweden. Page 26

27 International Roaming (EaP common Space and EU Model)
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 5/11 WS on Consumer issues – empowerment and QoS from the point of view of consumers Participants discussed a lot of aspects concerning the QoS and the protection of end users of electronic communications services Participants in detail studied the EU regulatory framework of consumer protection in providing of telecommunications services Shared with the best EU practice and exchange EaP countries experience in the regulation of QoS and consumers protection International Roaming (EaP common Space and EU Model) Participants will discuss the economic and technical aspects of the international roaming Present the EU model and other success stories Present the current situation on international roaming market in EaP countries Participants in detail studied the EU regulatory framework of consumer protection in providing of telecommunications services (Regulation EU 2015/2120 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 implementation). Page 27

28 Expert Working Group on Spectrum (SEWG)
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 6/11 Expert Working Group on Spectrum (SEWG) SEWG was established according to the decision of the EaPeReg Network participant during the 6th Plenary Session held on 5 November, 2015 in Chisinau, Moldova. SEWG is an informal group within the EaPeReg. SEWG membership is open to any EaPeReg Member as well as any BEREC Member or observer. State of Play To consider and facilitate viable approaches for the UHF band, in particular for the sub-bands 470‑694 MHz, 694‑790 MHz and  MHz To enable EaPeReg countries to be fully integrated in the relevant spectrum reorganisation in their respective region “Common” approach not necessarily fully harmonized or completely synchronized To facilitate the frequency coordination activities carried out by member countries, e. g. to implement the digital dividend (I & II) Main aims Page 28

29 Expected outputs Potential for replication
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 7/11 First: acceptable co-ordinated future frequency distribution plan for the situation after the transition Second: description and best possible co-ordination of transitional steps Result already achieved: proposal for a “least impact approach”, i. e. unavoidable impact onto each other´s transition kept on the lowest possible level, despite individual paths Expected outputs Potential for replication Many EU-countries freeing up 700 MHz Regional spectrum reorganisation preferred Specific challenge: direct impact onto neighbours Great benefits from collaboration SEWG to contribute to enable EaPeReg countries to be fully integrated in regional spectrum reorganisation => already partially accomplished Comments SEWG is chaired by Germany, Vice-Chair – Georgia Page 29

30 Expert Working Group on Benchmarking (BEWG)
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 8/11 Expert Working Group on Benchmarking (BEWG) BEWG was established according to the decision of the EaPeReg Network participant during the 6th Plenary Session held on 5 November, 2015 in Chisinau, Moldova State of Play Regulatory forum of experts to share best practices, share expertise and discussing up-to-date challenges facing EaPeReg and European markets related to regulatory framework and statistical indicators. Promote benchmarking regulatory practices and pave the way for a better comparison tool of electronic communications environment among members Monitor the development of regulatory activities among members – NRA competencies, market analysis, consumer protection, etc. Collect information about key indicators and trends on the telecom sector, in particular for the fixed, mobile (including MTR, STR and FTR) and broadband market Understand how NRAs obtain the information necessary to perform their statistical functions - to exchange know-how on the practical aspects of statistical NRA functions Main aims and objectives State of Play - Initiative from the sectorial regulators, based on the success of BEREC expert working groups activities/outcomes, and their cooperation on the long run Page 30

31 Expected outputs Potential for replication
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 9/11 Main outcome of BEWG will be an yearly EaPeReg Report on market trends and regulatory activities. Expected output of the BEWG are Reports and recommendations. Recommendations and remedies related to data collections practices to bring EaPeReg members to best EU practices Expected outputs Potential for replication Improving the national EaPeReg members regulations in the alignment of statistical indicators and regulatory framework used by the European Union Comments BEWG is chaired by Moldova, Vice-Chair – Romania Page 31

32 2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 10/11 Expert Working Group on Roaming (REWG) Expert Working Group on Benchmarking (BEWG) REWG was established according to the decision of the EaPeReg Network participant during the 7th Plenary Session held on 8 April, 2016 in Riga, Latvia Ukrainian Initiative State of Play To look for techniques and measures, which would serve for the establishment of international common roaming space within the eastern European Partners To elaborate Regulatory platform for sharing best practices and expertise, cooperation and assistance among members for compare and improve the national EaPeReg Members regulations in the alignment of national and international roaming markets (including all relevant elements), discuss challenges for both Partners' and EU Member States' markets related to regulatory framework and inform each other about the progress made on this issue Main aims State of Play - Initiative from the sectorial regulators, based on the success of BEREC expert working groups activities/outcomes, and their cooperation on the long run Page 32

33 Expected outputs Potential for replication
2 EaPeReg achievements in the last 12 months 11/11 development of techniques and possible measures for a “common” approach to roaming pricing, which should be a fully harmonized or completely synchronized approach, taking into account the fact that countries start from individual situations and have got individual needs and strategic views as well as individual means recommendations on drafting amendments to national legislations based on the existing international agreements and obligations, which should be prepared in order to sign the International Agreement recommendations how to harmonize national legislations of Partner countries and how to align national legislation with the EU common legal space in part of regulation of roaming services Expected outputs Potential for replication Improving the national EaPeReg Members regulations in the alignment of national and international roaming markets (including all relevant elements) based on EU framework and making “common” approach to roaming pricing Comments REWG is chaired by Ukraine, Vice-Chair – Lithuania Page 33

34 EaPeReg Action Plan for 2017 1/2
3 EaPeReg Action Plan for /2 EaPeReg Work Plan 2017 is preparing at this moment. Now, EaPeReg Leadership for 2016 and 2017 is collected the information, which was received from EaPeReg Members by filling the relevant Questionaire. After the received information will be analysed, its results will be discussed by EaPeRe Members once again (taking into account that EaPeReg Members are interested in a lot numbers of topics, the following decision will be suggested – to chose only one the most priority topic for each EaP countries). Prior the next Plenary Assembly (22nd November, Bucharest) the draft Work Plan should be prepared and discussed by EaPeReg Members via and approved during the PA. Page 34

35 EaPeReg Action Plan for 2017 2/2
3 EaPeReg Action Plan for /2 Page 35

36 EaPeReg milestones for 2018-2019
NRA’s Independence International roaming Spectrum management Benchmarking study EaPeReg proposed deliverables by next EaP Summit (for ) EaPeReg milestones for NRA’s Independence International roaming Spectrum management Benchmarking study Page 36

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