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Presentation on theme: "TESTICULAR TUMORS DR.MOHAMMED ALSHAHWANI."— Presentation transcript:


2 Testicular tumors 99 Percent of testicular tumor is malignant
It is one of most common tumor in young adult Mal descent testis predispose to malignancy Despite that the testis is easily palpable organ,a testicular tumor often escapes detection until it has metastasised

3 Classification of testicular tumors
Sminoma (40 % ) age 35 to 45 years Teratoma (32 % ) age 20 to 35 years Combined seminoma and teratoma ( 14% ) Interstitial tumors (1.5 % ) Lymphoma (7% ) Other tumors (5.5% )

4 Seminoma derived from seminiferous tubule
Seminoma derived from seminiferous tubule .it metastasized via lymphatics to retroperitoneal lymph nodes ,and metastasis via blood is un common Teratoma arise from totipotent cell in the rete testis and often contain a variety of cell type

5 Interstitial tumor Leydig cell tumor masculinises prepubertal.secrete androgene,cause precaucious puberty Sertoli cell tumor feminises postpubertal,couse loss of lipido, gynecomastia,aspermia both are usually benign and treated by simple orchidectomy

6 Staging of tumor Stage 1 testes lession only,no spread Stage2 nodes below the diaphragm only Stage3 nodes above the diaphragm Stage 4 pulmonary or hepatic metastasis

7 Presentation (sign and symptom)
painless enlargement discovered during ex. (10 percent may be painful) May present after trauma (10% ) Secodary retroperitoneal deposit may be palpable, some time enlarged supraclavicular L N maybe the only sign of tumor Occasionally the predominant symptom is that of metastasis ,abdominal or lumbere pain,mass in the epigastrium

8 Presentation ,cont. Pulmonary metastesis usually silent but may cause chest pain or hemoptesis (teratoma) Atypical cases may resemble epididymitis which not respond to antibiotic On exa.testis enlarged.smoth ,firm and heavy Mild secondary hydrocele may present

9 Investigation ULS For testes and abdomen CT,MRI For retroperitoneal LN metastasis Chest XR For pulmonary metastasis Tumor marker HCG,AFP,LDH For diagnosis and follow up after treatment

10 TREATMENT for any testicular tumor first thing to do is inguinal radical orchidectomy send for histopathology to know the tumor type ,and after staging of the tumor the treatment are

11 TREATMENT.cont, For seminoma
Seminoma is radio sensetive ,stage 1 and 2 treated by radiotherapy of involved LN ,recently some give adjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin) For metastatic seminoma chemotherapy with cisplatin

12 treatment teratoma its insensetive to radiotherapy
for stage 1 after orchidectomy follow up with measurment of tumor marker and MRI of retroperitoneal LN .some give adguvent chemotherapy

13 treatment For stage 2 to 4 teratoma
.chemotherapy with Cisplatin,Methotrexate ,Bleomycin and Venicrestin retroperitoneal L N dissection some time neede dwhen reroperitoneal masses remain after chemotherapy.

14 Thank you


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