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Unit #4 Vocabulary Contents.

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1 Unit #4 Vocabulary Contents

2 Vocabulary Assignment Directions
For each of the following words pick 2 of the 3 vocabulary activity choices Draw a visual of the word (represent the word’s definition in a picture). Create your own definition using a synonym (another word that means the same thing). Use the word in a sentence that shows meaning (underline or highlight the word).

3 adj. abstaining from intercourse; unmarried
Lesson Four celibate When training, many boxers remain celibate to focus their attention and energies on the forthcoming fight. adj. abstaining from intercourse; unmarried Contents

4 Lesson Four fortuitous
Fortuitous moments affect lives as certainly as planned actions. adj. happening by chance or accident syn: accidental; unexpected ant: premeditated; intentional Contents

5 v. to summarize; to repeat briefly
Lesson Four recapitulate Arthur slept through class and hoped a friend would recapitulate the lecture accurately. v. to summarize; to repeat briefly Contents

6 Lesson Four perfunctory
He was a perfunctory friend but an attentive husband. adj. done without care; in a routine fashion syn: indifferent; offhand ant: diligent; attentive Contents

7 Lesson Four baroque With elaborate phrases and language, the author constructed a novel of baroque proportions. adj. overly decorated syn: ornate ant: simple Contents

8 Lesson Four hedonism Matt abandoned himself to a life of self-indulgent hedonism. n. pursuit of pleasure, especially of the senses Contents

9 Lesson Four obloquy Escaped Nazi war criminals incurred so much obloquy that government agents spent lifetimes hunting them down. n. strong disapproval; a bad reputation resulting from public criticism syn: censure; rebuke ant: acclaim; praise Contents

10 Lesson Four debacle The peace talks became an utter debacle when an insult prompted General Reynolds to strike the opposing commander with a folding chair. n. a complete failure; a total collapse syn: calamity; catastrophe ant: success; triumph Contents

11 Lesson Four quasi- Aimee functioned as a quasi-director in the amateur theater group. adj. resembling; seeming; half Contents

12 Lesson Four besmirch During a fight-club rumble, Sully fell into the gutter and besmirched his white tuxedo. v. to make dirty; to stain syn: soil; sully; smear ant: cleanse Contents

13 adj. extremely necessary; vitally important
Lesson Four imperative The squad leader’s rising voice conveyed an absolute, imperative urgency. adj. extremely necessary; vitally important Contents

14 Lesson Four sacrosanct
The magazine asserted that no topic or person would be sacrosanct or ruled out as a subject for satire. adj. extremely holy syn: divine; angelic Contents

15 Lesson Four sadistic The constitution exists, in part, to keep dictators or kings from performing sadistic acts against citizens. adj. deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others syn: barbarous; perverse ant: civilized; humane Contents

16 Lesson Four demeanor Project a calm demeanor, and never let them see you sweat. n. behavior; manner of conducting oneself syn: deportment Contents

17 Lesson Four facetious With facetious intent, the professor asked the yawning student if he would like to take a nap before the exam began. adj. comical; jocular; flippant syn: joking; witty; jocose ant: solemn; serious Contents

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