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Secondments & tasks Management meetings – Calendar

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1 Secondments & tasks Management meetings – Calendar
Secondments & Tasks: results of 5 months of fighting

2 Management - Meetings ANNEX 1:
The GA will meet twice per year (M5 & M11 of each year) to deal with administrative issues of the project. The EB will meet regularly every four months (M3, M7, M11 of each year) to assess the progress in the research and training aspects CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT: Ordinary meeting General Assembly At least once a year Executive Board At least quarterly

3 IN JULY short GA meeting

4 Administrative problems we have learnt a lot….
CAEN-AUTH: solved problem of social security payment UNIPI: taxes can be paid in the home country UNIPI: succeeded to get “corte dei conti” acknowledge in time for April co-co-co contracts UNIPI: found the correct contract for Recruitment: Assegno Ricerca, tax free. Unipisa: agreement with CAEN and PRIELE to be able to send its Researchers with Type B contracts (mantaining its own salary) AUTH: confirmed that not-paid PHD students can be seconded UNIPISA: confirmed that fellows can be paid on category 3 (see Saverio) to work with seconded people. This persons can be seconded also. UNIPISA: confirmed that the secondment can be broken in periods for family or home Institution reasons. CAEN: confirmed that for closure periods longer than 4-5 days, the secondment has to be interrupted and started again

5 Secondements Already DONE or ONGOING
Calliope-Louisa Sotiropoulou: 4 months April – CAEN task: clustering in the pixel modules (FPGA firmware) Andreas Sakellariou: 2 months April-May @ UNIPI task: Cadence design of AMBSLP board Kostas Kordas: 2 months 13 May-13 CAEN task: VS infractructure setup – AMBFTK tests Dimas Dimitrios: 2 months June-July task: diagnostic firmware for the AMBFTK and AMBSLP WHAT we have LEARNT: You can choose to pay social security in your country (module A1 necessary) You can pay taxes in your country: document certifying you are paying there is needed

6 Next Summer Secondements
Francesco Crescioli : 2 CAEN 22 July – 11 August ; break; 26 August-6 October task: FPGA firmware/software for AMBSLP Giovanni Calderini: 2 CAEN 29 July – 11 August ; break; 26 August-13 October task: Test bench for silicon detector R&D CAEN is closed between August 12 and August 25. If > 1 week → BREAK Marco Piendibene: 2 PRIELE July 26 –August 25 (Athens); August 26- September 25 (Alexandropoulis) task: test stand installation/tests of AMBSLP Simone Donati: 2 PRIELE July 12–August 25 (Athens); task: software for AMBSLP tests August 26- September 11 (Alexandropoulis)

7 Secondments in Autumn-Winter
C. Gentsos (AUTH): PRIELE August 25 – December 24; task: tests AMBSLP and TF-DO firmware L. Sotiropoulou (AUTH): PRIELE November – December ; M. Piendibene: 6 months @ CAEN October – April task: integration tests – small pre-productions D. Dimas: 2 months @ AUTH January – February or Feb-March ‘14? Instead of September-October ‘13?

8 NEXT Recruitments UNIPI: assegno di ricerca November October 2015 – WP 4 Simulation, performance studies – call exiting now LPNHE: contract October September 2014 – WP6-WP2 -Silicon read-out and Silicon data processing AUTH: contract February 2014 – January 2016 which will be the task? Please prepare the call and let the world KNOW in advance!

9 FTK Schedule in ATLAS Piendibene @ CAEN
6 months – tests - preproduction Piendibene @ CAEN 5 months I-II production Piendibene @ PRIELE 2 months – I production Sakellariou @ UNIPI 2 months – I production Gentsos Louisa @ Priele Dimas @ AUTH FTK Schedule in ATLAS + more secondments in the …….. From AUTH to CAEN and Prisma/CAEN to CERN Let’s speak at next EB of those.

10 CONCLUSIONS Challenging tasks – tight schedule
Any kind of administrative problems, but up to now solved We will do our best to coordinate a very succesful cooperation!

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