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TRIZ The Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving

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1 TRIZ The Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving


3 Through creativity and idea generation, what can we discover together about our practices that contribute to the problem, and what must we stop doing to make progress around our purpose.

4 2 key areas where we use TRIZ (there is nothing to say that you can’t use this at home)
For reducing harm to patients experiencing a safety lapse (wrong side surgery, patient falls, medication errors, iatrogenic infections) with cross-functional groups. “How can we reliably make sure that every patient receives a surgical site infection?” For helping institutional leaders notice how it is they inadvertently exclude diverse voices. “How can we devise policies that only work for a select few?” “How can we build an IT system that no one will use?”

5 Before TRIZ 1st step: Take 5 – 10 minutes to set up your dream state – if you could have the ideal XXXXX, what would that look like Who would be involved? How would processes be set up? Think about as many angles as possible. Dream big!

6 Example: TRIZ – First Step
First reflect alone, then in your small group, make a list of “to do’s” in answer to: How can we ensure 100% of the time that we get an unwanted result? An ideal, reliable adverse system? GO WILD!!

7 TRIZ – Second Step First reflect alone, then in your group. Go down the list and ask: “Is there anything on this list that we currently practice, even remotely?” Cross out the ones that you aren’t doing EVER Tick the ones that you are doing LOTS or ALL THE TIME Star the ones that need some work – that you might be doing SOMETIMES Be unforgiving

8 TRIZ – Third Step First reflect alone, then in your group, what needs to stop or change? Compare back to your dream state. Take one item at a time and ask: “ How am I and how are we going to stop it? What would be the first move? What could I personally commit to stopping right now. What could we do in the next few days? Next week? We need leadership help? Organizational support?” Be as concrete as you can Identify who else is needed to stop the activity

9 TRIZ – why use it? You can speak the unspeakable – get elephants into the room Make room for innovation and change You stop doing nasty things – creative destruction – doing hard work in fun way Substitute for visioning sessions Builds trust Builds momentum and commitment

10 TRIZ Success Begin with spirit of serious fun Don’t accept ideas to start something new– be sure suggestions are about stopping activities and behaviors, You can do it in minutes, or hours in a big project Begin with a very unwanted result Take time to check out and be honest with what you are currently practicing that contributes to the harm Include the people that will be involved in stopping the activities that will be brought forward Make real committed decisions about what will be stopped Set a time-line – Now, tomorrow, in a month


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