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Monkey looks for trouble

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1 Monkey looks for trouble
Jorge L. Santiago Torres Liany A. Reyes Fable: 10 Proffessor: Dr. López Page: 19-20

2 Vocabulary Treetop: the top branches of a tree.
Road: a specially prepared hard surface. Town: a place with house, stores and offices. Pot: a container used for cooking that is round, deep and ussually made of metal. Trouble:problems that make something difficult. Market: an area outside where people buy . Carry: to hold something in your hand or arms. Jumped: to push yourself suddenly up in the air using your legs.

3 Angry: a strong feeling of wainting.
Climbed: to move toward the top of something Cried: to produce tears from your eyes. Pepper: a spicy black used in cooking. Burned: to damage something. Drank: drink liquid that you drnk. Stone: rock or a hard mineral substance.

4 Summary History tries on a monkey that was in a tree top of the road and he saw a woman to walk with a cakes in a pot. The woman did not see the road and fell down with a stone. The pot is broken and fell the cakes to the floor. And it begins to cry seeing the cakes in the floor saying that it was a problem. Later it goes away and the monkey lowers of the tree and proves the cakes and says that good the problems know.

5 After they finish to him the problems are going to the town to look for but problems. It enters the store and it says ''you have some problems'' and the man says you look for problems and the monkey says if all that you have. The man gave a bag for the monkey. The monkey carry the bag for the tree and when it opened the bag left three furious dogs and it climb in the tree. Later it gave hungry it eat a hot pepper fruit. It had to hope to that the dogs went for being able to lower to take water. Never it looks the problems again.

6 Moral The moral of this fable is that we can’t be like the monkey. We have to be careful between what we imagine and what is real. In this way we can find what is bad and what is true.

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