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Aligning for sustainability: Making the most of your resources

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1 Aligning for sustainability: Making the most of your resources
[Laura W] New Hampshire Cross-State Convening June 2017 H325A120003

2 Session Goals Participants will leave the session with
Strategies to sustain the work with the resources available to them Next steps for identifying and connecting with relevant initiatives [Laura W] We will create a summary document of generated strategies

3 Engaging Question How do you sustain the work in the future without possible CEEDAR support? [Laura W] We will use the challenges on the index cards to identify themes for small group discussions.

4 Engaging Question Discuss with the person next to you, considering 1-2 challenges (e.g., time, resources) your state is facing or anticipates (e.g., based on experience sustaining other initiatives) Write challenges on an index card [Laura W] We will use the challenges on the index cards to identify themes for small group discussions.

5 NH CEEDAR Goals Utilize evidence-based practices (EBP) in the development and implementation of educator preparation programs to meet the diverse needs of all students aligned to college and career readiness. [Karen]

6 NH CEEDAR Goals 2. Develop effective (robust) partnerships between and collaborations within preparation programs and p-12 to demonstrate positive impact on all p-12 student learning and educator development. [Karen]

7 NH CEEDAR Goals Review, refine, and make recommendations for any revisions in initial special education certification and advanced certifications to support all students within a multi-tiered system of support aligning Ed 500s and Ed 600s. [Karen] Goal 5 has been on hold but will connect with NTEP data work (something we’ll discuss later)

8 NH CEEDAR Goals 4. Alternative 4 and 5 routes to certification lead to the same credential as the completion of a professional education preparation program and is as rigorous. [Karen] Goal 5 has been on hold but will connect with NTEP data work (something we’ll discuss later)

9 NH CEEDAR Goals 5. Design and develop valid and reliable systems of assessment of teacher effectiveness that employ multiple measures to inform teacher learning and program improvement. [Karen] Goal 5 has been on hold but will connect with NTEP data work (something we’ll discuss later)

10 NH Challenges Limited resources Transitions/political context [Nicole]

11 NH Challenge: Limited Resources
Limited funding Limited personnel engaged in multiple initiatives [Nicole]

12 NH Strategy: Alignment
NH CEEDAR aligned goals with other NH initiatives Members on multiple teams, with merged task forces for some goals [Karen] Handout

13 Preparing and Partnering for Learner-Responsive Educators and Learners
Enhanced preparation (N-3, C-1) and clinical practice (N-6, C-2) Certification pathways (N-4, C-4) Assessment for improvement (N-2, N-7, C-5) CEEDAR NTEP Vision for integrated support system (N-1) Aligned Ed s and 600s support all students (C-3) IHE Network 4 Initiatives CTE Program Approval PSB PSB Subcommittees [Karen] Handout Revisions/Updates to Rules Recommendations to State Board Leading to updated preparation and credentialing to better support educators and the students they serve Vision 2.0: New Hampshire Vision for Education Data Infrastructure Learning Agenda Leadership Policy Readiness Resources Public Will

14 Alignment Example: Clinical Practice and Partnerships
Merged task force representing IHE Network’s Clinical Practice and Partnership Subcommittee CEEDAR NTEP Other NH stakeholders [Laura W]

15 Alignment Example: Data for Program Improvement
NTEP is leading the work in collaboration with CEEDAR REL–Northeast and Islands [Nicole]

16 NH Strategy: Get the Right People At the Table
Take advantage of team members’ connections get the work done communicate with stakeholders [Karen and Joann]

17 Membership Example: Certification Rules Task Force
Goal 3 team convened a stakeholder group that reflects Process needed to make changes Groups/roles affects by the changes [Karen]

18 NH Challenge: Transitions/ Political Context
Transition in personnel and administration Lack of statutory authority by DOE [Nicole and Karen]

19 NH Strategy: Communication
The Field (e.g., P-12, IHEs) Administration [Nicole and Karen]

20 Strategies for Sustaining Despite a Transition
Updating a new administration and keeping the governor’s office informed. Identify governor’s 3 biggest education priorities Engage the Governor’s Education Policy Advisor Provide the governor opportunity to be involved; create access points Know the governor’s levers and how she/he intends to use them [Danny] NH example: NGA grant

21 Strategies for Sustaining Despite a Transition
Fund Transitions Fund the switch to/creation of. . . Build LEA capacity to make a transition Create the environment to help ensure the trajectory of success [Danny]

22 Challenges Discussion Overview
Small group discussion One top challenge per group Group share outs Carousel feedback activity Whole group discussion [Nicole]

23 Small Group Discussion
Assign roles Recorder Presenter Facilitator/timekeeper Discuss challenge Discuss strategies to address challenge What CEEDAR or partner resources would support these strategies? Generate chart of top strategies [Nicole] 10-15 minutes

24 Small Group Share Outs Present charts [Nicole]

25 Carousel Feedback Activity
Add post it notes to group charts to Comment on strategies Suggest additional strategies to charts [Nicole]

26 Whole Group Discussion
What other challenges or thoughts should be included in a summary document* we’ll prepare based the group charts? [Tim] *If we have your address, we’ll send you the document as soon as it’s ready

27 Closing Connections Individually or in state teams
Take 5 minutes to write down What is important to share with my team that helps my context (e.g., lessons learned or things to avoid)? [Paul/Laura]

28 Closing Connections II
Individually or in state teams Take 5 minutes to think about networking. Who should I connect with later/ when and what should I follow up? What states have successfully addressed my state’s top challenges? [Paul/Laura]

29 Questions? Final Comments?

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