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Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particles.

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1 Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particles.
Today’s agenda: Magnetic Fields. You must understand the similarities and differences between electric fields and field lines, and magnetic fields and field lines. Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particles. You must be able to calculate the magnetic force on moving charged particles. Magnetic Flux and Gauss’ Law for Magnetism. You must be able to calculate magnetic flux and recognize the consequences of Gauss’ Law for Magnetism. Motion of a Charged Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field. You must be able to calculate the trajectory and energy of a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field.

2 Magnetic Flux and Gauss’ Law for Magnetism
We have used magnetic field lines to visualize magnetic fields and indicate their strength. B We are now going to count the number of magnetic field lines passing through a surface, and use this count to determine the magnetic field.

3 If the surface is tilted, fewer lines cut the surface.
The magnetic flux passing through a surface is the number of magnetic field lines that pass through it. B A Because magnetic field lines are drawn arbitrarily, we quantify magnetic flux like this: M=BA. B If the surface is tilted, fewer lines cut the surface. If these slides look familiar, refer back to lecture 4!

4 A = A cos  so M = BA = BA cos .
We define A to be a vector having a magnitude equal to the area of the surface, in a direction normal to the surface. A B The “amount of surface” perpendicular to the magnetic field is A cos . Because A is perpendicular to the surface, the amount of A parallel to the magnetic field is A cos . A = A cos  so M = BA = BA cos . Remember the dot product from Physics 1135?

5 If the magnetic field is not uniform, or the surface is not flat…
divide the surface into infinitesimal surface elements and add the flux through each… B dA your starting equation sheet has if possible, use

6 If the surface is closed (completely encloses a volume)…
…we count lines going out as positive and lines going in as negative… B dA a surface integral, therefore a double integral But there are no magnetic monopoles in nature (jury is still out on 2009 experiments, but lack of recent developments suggests nothing to see). If there were more flux lines going out of than into the volume, there would be a magnetic monopole inside.

7 Gauss’ Law for Magnetism! dA
Therefore B Gauss’ Law for Magnetism! dA This law may require modification if the existence of magnetic monopoles is confirmed. Gauss’ Law for magnetism is not very useful in this course. The concept of magnetic flux is extremely useful, and will be used later!

8 Congratulations! You are ½ of the way to being qualified to wear…
You have now learned Gauss’s Law for both electricity and magnetism. These equations can also be written in differential form: Congratulations! You are ½ of the way to being qualified to wear…

9 The Missouri S&T Society of Physics Student T-Shirt!
This will not be tested on the exam.

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