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LIS 4785 Introduction to Health Informatics Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh

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1 LIS 4785 Introduction to Health Informatics Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh
Data Standards LIS 4785 Introduction to Health Informatics Fall 2015, Week 4-1 Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh

2 Announcements Quizzes are available on Canvas
In each week, quizzes will be available on Fridays. Students can take the quizzes prior to class on Tuesdays. Students can refer to lecture notes, readings, and their notes when taking the quizzes.

3 Data Standards and Medical Coding

4 Data Standard Activity
HL7 (Health Level 7) XML (Extensible Markup Language), or ebXML (Electronic Business XML) LOINC (Logical Observations, Identifiers, Names, and Codes) ICD-9 (International Classification of Disease, Version 9) CVX (HL7 Table 0292, Vaccine Administered) SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

5 Clinical Data Clinical data is a staple resource for most health and medical research. Clinical data is either _______________________________ or ____________________ . Clinical data falls into six major types: Electronic health records Administrative data Claims data Disease registries Health surveys Clinical trials data

6 Standards “Standards (1) establish a _________________________,
(2) facilitate ___________________________, (3) create ________________________________________and (4) interchange and enhance __________________” Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS: A global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology)

7 Interoperability The ability to _______________________________________ without the need for elaborate mapping, translation to new formats and additional efforts on the part of a consumer. The ability of _______________________(functional interoperability) and _________________(semantic interoperability) that has been exchanged. Standards are vital ingredients to promote interoperability. Syntax: the structure of the communication HL7 Semantics: a concept that denotes meaning of the communication SNOMED

8 e-Health Standards Address ___________________________that uses data as a resource to improve health care quality, increase patient safety, reduce health care costs and improve public health. Allow _____________________________, and for that data to have consistent meaning among the various clinical divisions, in numerous health information systems and across a multitude of organizations. Solutions to ________________________ that are capable of ___________________________________. The key to the building of _________________ health information networks.

9 Terminology _____________________________used to describe, classify, and code the data elements and data expression languages and syntax that describe the relationships among the terms/concepts. At the most basic level, data standards are about the standardization of data elements: (1) _______________________, (2) _______________________what is collected (by designating data types or terminologies), and (3) _______________________the data for transmission. What is a difference between a code system and a terminology? Why is it necessary to transform terminology into codes in Health IT?

10 _________________________________
Information interchange/messaging ________ (data packaging standard) ______________________ ( A non-profit standards development organization (SDO) with chapters in 55 countries. The seventh level of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) model for Open System Interconnection Open source, available for free download HL7’s domain is ___________________________ transmission A way to package data so that the receiving computer knows precisely what data is coming in. and where each data element occurs in the electronic files. PID|| ^^^2^ID1||DOE^JOHN^M^^|DOE^JOHN^^^| |M||B|254E38ST^^DULUTH^MN^55802 ^USA||(218) |||

11 ____________________
___________________________________________________ A standard for electronic exchange of ___________ transmitted to hospitals, clinics, and payers. The database has more than 72,000 terms (as of 2013) used for lab results. LOINC is divided into lab, clinical, and HIPPA portions. Widely accepted in the U.S. and internationally. Have been cross referenced to SNOMED Enables the consistent definition of entities and attributes, usually with a specific domain, and therefore facilitates standardization of data representation. 2951-2: The LOINC code for serum sodium SODIUM: SCNC: PT: SER/PLAS:QN (component:property:timing:specimen:scale)

12 Sending __________ data using ______
Erythrocytes in Blood

13 _________________________________
Published by World Health Organization (WHO) to collect data worldwide on the causes of morbidity and mortality. Widely used for both _____ and ________ analyses and used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates. Updated every year, but major revisions in every 10 years. ICD-9-CM: US adopted its clinically modified version in 1979. ICD-10: published by WHO in 1990. ICD-10-CM: used to code death on death certificates since 1999. ICD-9 has 6,969 codes while there are 12,420 codes in ICD-10.

14 Example Disease: Basal cell carcinoma of skin of upper limb, including shoulder

15 ICD-10 Example Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of humerus, right arm, initial encounter for closed fracture

16 ______________________________
The ______________ or _______________commonly used in software applications, including EHRs. Covers diseases, findings, procedures, drugs, etc. Provide more clinically usable data than ICD-9. Include 1,000,000 clinical descriptions. Terms are divided into 19 hierarchical categories. SNOMED links (maps) to LOINC and ICD codes. SNOMED: _______________________________ ICD: _____________________________________

17 SNOMED-CT Example 7557004 Viral Pneumonia
Viral Pneumonia (disorder) is a Viral respiratory infection Infective pneumonia Has a causative agent of Virus Has associated morphology of Inflammation Consolidation Has finding site of Lung structure Qualifiers can be added to the description of the concept such as severity (moderate), Episodicity (first occurrence), and clinical course (gradual onset). Qua

18 Mapping ICD-10, ICD-9, & SNOMED

19 ______________________________
_________________________________________________ Transactions and code sets standards Employer identifier standard National provider identifier standard Standards that facilitate uniform protection of electronically maintained and transmitted healthcare information.

20 Final Group Project Deliverables
Project topic selection by 9/10. 2-page project proposal submission by 9/17. Problem statement Evidence Potential solutions Application template demo Each group will have a demo of the prototype template of the applications on 11/3, 11/5 Final project presentation on 12/1, 12/3 Project report submission by 12/8

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