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International Collaboration at KEK

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1 International Collaboration at KEK
M. Kobayashi

2 KEK:High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Legal status: Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies Institute of Materials Structure Science

3 Inter-University Research Institute Corporation
National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Users: “university teachers and others who engage in the same research as the corporation conducts”

4 ICFA Guidelines

5 IUPAP Recommendations for the Use of Major Physics Users Facilities
22nd General Assembly of IUPAP (1996)

6 Top quark discovery at Tevatron Quark-gluon Plasma at RHIC
Japan-US Collaboration Since 1979 M\ 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Top quark discovery at Tevatron Quark-gluon Plasma at RHIC Observation of K+p+nn at AGS FERMI Gamma ray observatory CP studies at FNAL Development of innovative accelerators and detectors

7 Collaborations between DESY and Japanese institutes
on high energy physics Initiated by professor Masatoshi Koshiba since 1973, DASP is the first large-scale Europe-Japan collaboration in high energy physics (yet O(10) physicists). JADE at PETRA ZEUS at HERA 1992- DASP at DORIS ZEUS is a collaboration with ~400 physicists (at peak) with Asian institutes from Japan, Korea, Malaysia, studying the proton structure with high energy ep collisions.

8 CERN-Japan Collaboration
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Contribution from Japan 13.85 B\ (~ 135 M US$) + 3 B\ for detector (ATLAS) ATLAS The data taking started in Nov 2009.

9 Major Facilities of KEK
B-factory (Main campus) asymmetric electron-positron collider J-PARC (Tokai campus) accelerator complex with 3 GeV and 50 GeV PS Photon Factory (Main campus) 2.5 GeV Photon Factory storage ring 6.5 GeV PF-AR

10 J-PARC JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Completed in 2009
Joint project with JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Completed in 2009 proton target nucleus pion muon neutrino kaon anti-proton neutron

11 T2K experiment The first neutrino is detected at Super-K

12 Photon Factory (Light Source)

13 B-Factory

14 Physics of B-factory 1971 ‘t Hooft : Renormalization of Non-Abelian gauge theory Renormalizable Electro-Weak Theory (Weinberg-Salam-Glashow ) 1973 Kobayashi, Maskawa How to accommodate CP violation What we found Not possible with three or four quarks Existence of unknown particles A possible candidate is six-quark model

15 Standard Model Development of Experiments
1974 Discovery of J/y particle c-quark ne nm nt  e m t 1975 Discovery of t-lepton 1977 Discovery of U particle b-quark 1995 Discovery of t-quark Theory of Strong Interactions 1973 QCD Asymptotic freedom Quark confinement Standard Model

16 u d s c t b ne nm e m nτ τ The Standard Model Fundamental particles
quarks ne nm e m τ leptons Fundamental interactions Electromagnetic Weak Strong Weinberg-Salam-Glashow Theory QCD

17 CP violation experiments at B-factories
B-factories at KEK and SLAC collider optimized for B-meson production asymmetric energy B meson


19 KEKB/Belle (Japan) PEP-II/BaBar (US)
E(e-)=8GeV, E(e+)=3.5GeV Finite angle beam crossing Feature E(e-)=9GeV, E(e+)=3.1GeV Zero angle beam crossing Governmental Approval Experiment 1994 1993 May 1999 – still running May 1999 – Apr. 2008 Friendly competition of two experiments over a decade Lpeak = 1.7×1034/cm2/s Lpeak = 1.2×1034/cm2/s

20 15 countries, 62 institutes, about 400 researchers
Belle: 15 countries, 62 institutes, about 400 researchers

21 Belle Members 15 Countries and Regions 62 Institution 409 Members

22 ACC (Aerogel Cherenkov counter)
KLM (m / KL detection) 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe CDC (drift chamber) Tracking + dE/dx small cell + He/C2H5 ECL CsI(Tl) 16X0 ACC (Aerogel Cherenkov counter) TOF (plastic scintillator bars) SVD (Si vtx. det. 3 lyr. DSSD) SC solenoid 1.5T 8GeV e- 3.5GeV e+

23 Belle, July 05 B0J/yKS B0J/yKS

24 CKMfitter Group (J. Charles et al. ), Eur. Phys. J
CKMfitter Group (J. Charles et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C41, (2005) [hep-ph/ ], updated results and plots available at:

25 Number of Issued Papers
Number of Physics Talks

26 PhD from the BELLE experiment

27 Review etc. B-factory Programme Advisory Committee
8 members ( 2 from Japan, 6 from abroad ) KEKB Review Committee 11 members from abroad

28 L = 8 x 1035 cm-2s-1 Super KEKB Belle II X 40 of KEKB ~300 members
European participation Austria Czech republic Germany Poland Russia Slovenia I.Adachi (KEK) "SuperKEKB/Belle II" (poster)

29 International Linear Collider
GDE: Global Design Effort Director: Barry Barish In KEK Linear Collider Project Office ATF/ATF2 (Accelerator Test Facility) ACFA: Asian Committee for Future Accelerator established in1996

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