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Deconstructing your own Methodology

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1 Deconstructing your own Methodology
aura Engaged Excellence in Research and Teaching Practices Deconstructing your own Methodology R2, Session 9, Day Two

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you will:
Recall existing knowledge of quantitative research methods and techniques Explain your own methodology Deconstruct research designs (researcher-led) and evaluate their likely strengths and weaknesses Think and reflect critically on designs of researcher-led methodologies Judge the value of the methods to their own research interests and questions

3 Group Work: Introduce you own methodology (15 mins)
Photo credit: sduvigneau

4 Introduce your Own Methodology
What is the working topic of your research project? What are the main research questions? In a nutshell: What is the methodology you devised to answer the research questions?

5 Instructions for the activity
Groups of 4-6 Explain your methodology to your peers (3-5 mins) Be prepared to tease out explanations from your peers, and help them formulate their methodology Be constructive Offer help!

6 Instructions for the activity - Continued
Introduce your methodology to your group, explaining: The working topic of your research project The main research questions The methodology you devised to answer the research questions in a nutshell

7 First Sprint: Comparative Case Studies

8 Comparative Case Studies
During your discussion on your peers’ methods, comment on the following aspects: 1. The appropriateness of the chosen method to answer the research questions 2. The influence of this method on the overall methodology/research design 3. The impact of the chosen method on the findings'/study's validity and/or reliability.

9 Relax: Move around for 5 minutes!

10 Second Sprint: Surveys

11 Surveys During your discussion on your peers’ methods, comment on the following aspects: 1. The appropriateness of the chosen method to answer the research questions 2. The influence of this method on the overall methodology/research design 3. The impact of the chosen method on the findings'/study's validity and/or reliability.

12 Relax: Move around for 5 minutes!

13 Third Sprint: Social Network Analysis

14 Social Network Analysis (SNA)
During your discussion on your peers’ methods, comment on the following aspects: 1. The appropriateness of the chosen method to answer the research questions 2. The influence of this method on the overall methodology/research design 3. The impact of the chosen method on the findings'/study's validity and/or reliability.

15 Enjoy your break

16 The content is authored by:
Associate Lecturer Dr. Philipp Grunewald This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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