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The Periodic Table Periodic Trends.

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Presentation on theme: "The Periodic Table Periodic Trends."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Periodic Table Periodic Trends

2 Periodic Law When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic #, elements with similar properties appear at regular intervals

3 Properties Atomic Radius *distance from the center of
nucleus to it’s outermost electron © 1998 LOGAL First Ionization Energy *Energy required to remove one e- from a neutral atom. © 1998 LOGAL Melting/Boiling Point Metallic Properties

4 Atomic Radius Atomic Radius K Na Li Ar Ne

5 Atomic Radius Atomic Radius *Increases to the LEFT and DOWN

6 Atomic Radius Why larger going down?
Higher energy levels have larger orbitals Shielding - core e- block the attraction between the nucleus and the valence e- Why smaller to the right? Increased nuclear charge without additional shielding pulls e- in tighter

7 Ionization Energy First Ionization Energy He Ne Ar Li Na K

8 Ionization Energy First Ionization Energy
Increases UP and to the RIGHT

9 Ionization Energy Why opposite of atomic radius?
In small atoms, e- are close to the nucleus where the attraction is stronger Why small jumps within each group? Stable e- configurations don’t want to lose e-

10 Melting/Boiling Point
Highest in the middle of a period.

11 Ionic Radius Ionic Radius Cations (+) lose e- smaller Anions (–)
gain e- larger © 2002 Prentice-Hall, Inc.

12 Electronegativity Electronegativity refers to the ability of an atom to attract the electrons of another atom to it when those two atoms are associated through a bond. Electronegativity is based on an atom's ionization energy and electron affinity

13 Electronegativity

14 Examples Which atom has the larger radius? Be or Ba Ca or Br Ba Ca

15 Examples Which atom has the higher 1st I.E.? N or Bi Ba or Ne N Ne

16 Li or C Cr or Kr C Cr Examples
Which atom has the higher melting/boiling point? Li or C Cr or Kr C Cr

17 S or S2- Al or Al3+ S2- Al Examples
Which particle has the larger radius? S or S2- Al or Al3+ S2- Al

18 Ar or Cl K or Fe Cl Fe Examples
Which element is the most electronegative? Ar or Cl K or Fe Cl Fe

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