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News from Mrs. Haynes’ Room

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Presentation on theme: "News from Mrs. Haynes’ Room"— Presentation transcript:

1 News from Mrs. Haynes’ Room
Date: September 11th-15th News from Mrs. Haynes’ Room A Peek at our Week: Reading:. This week we will begin reading Destiny’s Gift. Our tested skills are understanding character, antonyms, and compound sentences. The test will be on Tuesday 9/19. ** If your student forgets their reading book they make access it online at To log in select the correct country, state, county & school. The username and password is their lunch number with kcs at the end – no spaces For example: kcs Students should know their lunch number. If not it is in their planner. Math: This week we will continue to work on multiplication/division with arrays and review addition and subtraction. Social Studies: Topics this week include – cardinal directions, map scale, map key, and types of maps. Spelling: -The spelling menu with 3 completed activities is due Friday 9/15. The spelling test will also be on Friday. Lay, real, trial, sweet, today, dream, seem, tea, treat, afraid, leave, bait, screen, speed, paint, please, yesterday, explain Reminders 9/13 &14 – Soil Conservation Truck visits 9/15 - Midterms 10/13 – Early out 10/16 – Parent/ teacher conferences 10/20 – Fun Run – this is our largest fund raiser for the year. SPECIAL SCHEDULE Monday – PE Tuesday – Library/Lab Wednesday- Music/Art Thursday – Art/Mrs. Emily Friday – Library/Lab Students are welcome to bring a healthy snack each day. Please don’t send candy. Thanks! Contact Information: ClassDojo

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