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Presentation on theme: "EFFECTIVE COOPERATION: THE BEDROCK OF ANY SECURITY ARCHITECTURE"— Presentation transcript:

EFFECTIVE COOPERATION: THE BEDROCK OF ANY SECURITY ARCHITECTURE by Admiral(ret) P.Chinofotis CHOD Emeritus, fmr Deputy Minister of Interior

2 Certain Threats to Security
proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMD and WME international terrorism in its various forms supranational organized crime (interrelated or not with terrorism) cyber-warfare, asymmetric use of technology illegal human trafficking and immigration economic criminality and escalating incidents of piracy with or without entailing crew’s hostage situations natural or manmade disasters, distraction or disruption of any critical infrastructure or/and energy resource, epidemic diseases illegal trafficking of weapons and narcotics

3 Allied Maritime Strategy Pillars
Deterrence and Collective Defence Crisis management Cooperative security Maritime security

4 In the section of Maritime Security it is clearly defined that:
the maintenance of ability of NATO’s maritime forces to undertake the full range of maritime interdiction missions is a prerequisite, including in support of law enforcement and in preventing the transport and deployment of WMD the Alliance’s maritime forces are prepared, in accordance with decisions taken at the Lisbon Summit, to contribute to energy security including protection of critical energy infrastructure and sea lines of communication (SLOC’s)

5 Key components a well-calibrated “flow of information” and network-centric capability pinpointing and accessing expert information elimination of malfunctioning inter-state cooperation interoperability, inter-service and interagency cooperation to the maximum extent possible security missions connectivity by means of a cross-jurisdictional ability to assess risk and utilize network enablers agile and usable forces ( in terms of eligibility, readiness, deployability, flexibility, maneuverability in the area of operations, endurance and sustainability for protracted operations)

6 would support the Alliance efforts
Six points would support the Alliance efforts by fostering the cooperation with external actors in the field of security information gathering and distribution:

7 to modulate an extended information grid, in
order to provide an enlarged network- centric environment specifically tailored for speed in information flows and enabling the sharing of information at the appropriate level of the external actors,

8 a Joint Information Fusion Capability,
including the Armed Forces Intelligence Centre’s ‘’white picture’’, would offer, through a single hub, a robust ability to plan add direct information requirements, collect, process, produce and disseminate actionable information. So, a consolidated and coordinated ‘’threat assessment’’ would be provided to decision makers,

9 C to establish Liaison Offices for INTERPOL and EUROPOL, in a manner as in the UN and EU, on the ground that NATO has a substantial cooperation with the UN, strategic partnership with the EU and friendly and cooperative relations with all countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and Partnership for Peace, the Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Initiative. The round-the-clock support and a wide range of operational assistance by the INTERPOL to member countries, as well as the operational and strategic agreements and cooperation of EUROPOL with Organizations and non-EU states should be considered for further exploitation

10 to enrich the NATO Civil-Military Fusion
D to enrich the NATO Civil-Military Fusion Centre (CFC) in Norfolk,VA with personnel and information from INTERPOL and EUROPOL, upgrading the classification status of CFC accordingly

11 in particular evolutions following specific
emerging security situations, the restrictive principle of ’’need to know’’ to be modified to a ‘’duty-to-share’’ one, depending on the emerging situation, possible consequences and effects as well as the promptness required for response.

12 based upon the previous points, a proper
F based upon the previous points, a proper and usable Information Sharing Strategy would support the security architecture to face the certain threats mentioned above (from proliferation up to illegal trafficking).

13 Conclusions Effective Cooperation among all security partners
Common Information Environment Integrated Planning Coordination and Conduct of actions Imperative to outgeneral any adversaries Forge cooperation among all security echelons with optimum use of regional agencies and enabling capabilities Ensure cohesion and effectiveness we avail of the present in order to meet the future

14 Thank you


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