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Back Office Training: Time Entry, Payroll & Paycheck Corrections

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Presentation on theme: "Back Office Training: Time Entry, Payroll & Paycheck Corrections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back Office Training: Time Entry, Payroll & Paycheck Corrections

2 Opening & Introductions

3 Avionté’s Back Office Training
Welcome Facilitator Introductions Housekeeping Items 1-2

4 Agenda Opening & Introductions Time Entry Process & Workflow
Payroll Process & Workflow Paycheck Corrections & Scenarios Review & Knowledge Check 1-3

5 Icebreaker EXAMPLES Fact or fiction?
Ask everyone to write on a piece of paper THREE things about themselves which may not be known to the others in the group. Two are true and one is not. Taking turns they read out the three ‘facts’ about themselves and the rest of the group votes which are true and false. There are always surprises. This simple activity is always fun, and helps the group and leaders get to know more about each other. Interview Divide people into pairs. Ask them to take three minutes to interview each other. Each interviewer has to find 3 interesting facts about their partner. Bring everyone back to together and ask everyone to present the 3 facts about their partner to the rest of the group. Watch the time on this one, keep it moving along. My name is? Go around the group and ask each young person to state his/her name and attach an adjective that not only describes a dominant characteristic, but also starts with the same letter of his name e.g. generous Graham, dynamic Dave. Write them down and refer to them by this for the rest of the training. 1-4

6 Time Entry Process Workflow

7 Time Entry Transactions
Transactions are created based on Current Assignments 1. Review how transactions are created from Open & Active Assignments (when clicking “Create Transaction”) 2-2

8 Time Entry Batches Open a new Time Entry Batch & explain what the term batch is referring to. 2-3

9 Time Entry Batches 1. Open a new Time Entry Batch & explain what the term batch is referring to. 2-4

10 Time Entry Batches Review where to find your new batch ID & other open batches (select batch drop-down) 2-5

11 Time Entry Sheet View 1. Click “Show Sheet View” to manually enter time;   2-6

12 Time Entry Sheet View 2-7 review how to:
2. Sort & Filter to find transactions 3. Entering/updating Pay and Bill Units or Rates 4. Review options in the Time Entry Context Menu (right click on the transaction) 2-7

13 Time Entry Sheet View 2-8 review how to:
2. Sort & Filter to find transactions 3. Entering/updating Pay and Bill Units or Rates 4. Review options in the Time Entry Context Menu (right click on the transaction) 2-8

14 Time Entry Sheet View 2-9 review how to:
2. Sort & Filter to find transactions 3. Entering/updating Pay and Bill Units or Rates 4. Review options in the Time Entry Context Menu (right click on the transaction) 2-9

15 Time Entry Card View 2-10

16 Time Entry Card View 2-11

17 Time Entry Card View 2-12

18 Time Entry Card View 2-13

19 Verifying Batches 2-14

20 Verifying Batches 2-15

21 Verifying Batches 2-16

22 Verifying Batches 2-17

23 Verifying Batches 2-18

24 Batch Report (optional)

25 Batch Report 2-20

26 Close Batch 2-21

27 Close Batch 2-22

28 How would you process this time card?
Time Entry Scenario #1 John submitted a time card for an assignment that has ended 2 weeks ago. You have verified with the client that the time card is valid and needs to be paid. How would you process this time card? 2-23

29 1. From Time Entry >Home, click on Actions > Create Transaction from Assignment

30 2. Search for & select the Assignment

31 3. Update the Week Worked and click on Create TimeCard

32 4. Create a New Batch & enter the time in Sheetview or Card View

33 4. Verify & Close the Batch

34 Time Entry Scenario #2 Sam has earned a bonus related to his attendance record. This is a pass-thru cost of $50 (pay & bill both = $50) How would you add this item into Time Entry? 2-29

35 1. Create a New Batch & find Sam’s related Assignment Transaction

36 2. Right-click on Sam’s name and select Insert Transaction Type

37 3. Select Bonus & click on Insert Items

38 3. Update the Pay/Bill Units & Rates

39 4. Verify & Close Batch 2-34

40 Time Entry Review & Questions

41 Payroll Process & Workflow

42 Payroll Batches Navigate to the Payroll Main Tree; create a new payroll batch 3-2

43 Payroll Batches Navigate to the Payroll Main Tree; create a new payroll batch 3-3

44 Payroll Batch Summary 3-4
1. Review the Payment Batch Summary that is now displayed along with the Action Buttons 3-4

45 Payroll Batch Actions 3-5
1. Review the Payment Batch Summary that is now displayed along with the Action Buttons 3-5

46 Payroll Process 1 3-6 1. Process Payroll in the following steps:
2. Select Transactions 3. Process; Review & Edit 4. Print Checks 5. Post 3-6

47 1. Select Transactions 3-7

48 1. Select Transactions 3-8

49 1. Select Transaction 3-9

50 2. Process 2 3-10

51 2. Process 3-11

52 2. Process (View/Edit Paychecks)

53 2. Process (View/Edit Paychecks)

54 2. Process (View/Edit Paychecks)

55 2. Process (View/Edit Paychecks)

56 3. Print Checks 3-16

57 3. Print Checks 3-17

58 3. Print Checks 3-18

59 4. Post 3-19

60 Payroll Review & Questions

61 Paycheck Correction Scenarios

62 Paycheck Corrections Correction Is it Wrong? Has it been cashed?
Reissue No Void Yes Reversal Void: The check is incorrect and has not been deposited/cashed, lost or damaged. Reissue: The check is correct but has been lost or damaged. Reversal: The check is incorrect and has been cashed or deposited. 4-2

63 Paycheck Correction Scenario #1
When picking up her check, Sally noticed that she is missing 5 hours. Correction Is it Wrong? Has it been cashed? Reissue No Void Yes Reversal 4-3

64 Void Paychecks & Generate Original Pay Units
Paycheck Corrections When picking up her check, Sally noticed that she is missing 5 hours. Void Paychecks & Generate Original Pay Units In Time Entry, select Paycheck Correction Batch Filter to select the correct transaction Update the Hours Verify & Close the Batch Generate the new Pay Check 4-4

65 4-5

66 Paycheck Correction Scenario #2
Lauren called to say that she’s been paid the wrong rate for the last 3 pay periods. You have confirmed with your customer that she received a $0.25 raise that was not applied. Correction Is it Wrong? Has it been cashed? Reissue No Void Yes Reversal 4-6

67 Reverse all incorrect Paychecks & Generate Original Pay Units
Paycheck Corrections Lauren called to say that she’s been paid the wrong rate for the last 3 pay periods; she received a $0.25 raise that was not applied. Reverse all incorrect Paychecks & Generate Original Pay Units In Time Entry, select Paycheck Correction Batch Filter to select the correct transactions Update the Pay Rate Verify & Close the Batch Generate the new Pay Check 4-7

68 4-8

69 Paycheck Correction Scenario #3
You received notice from your bank that 3 direct deposit checks had invalid account numbers. Correction Is it Wrong? Has it been cashed? Reissue No Void Yes Reversal 4-9

70 Inactivate Direct Deposit Accounts
Paycheck Corrections You received notice from your bank that 3 direct deposit checks had invalid account numbers. Inactivate Direct Deposit Accounts Void Paychecks & Generate Original Pay Units In Time Entry, select Paycheck Correction Batch View, Verify & Close Batch 4-10

71 4-11

72 Paycheck Corrections Review & Questions

73 Review & Knowledge Check

74 Time Entry Process 5-2 Create Transactions from Current Assignments
Open a New Batch Enter Time in Sheet View or Card View Verify Batch & handle errors 5-2

75 Payroll Process 5-3 Create Batch Select Transactions
Process & handle errors Print & Post 5-3

76 Paycheck Corrections 5-4 Void
The check is incorrect and has not been deposited/cashed, lost or damaged. Reissue The check is correct but has been lost or damaged. Reversal The check is incorrect and has been cashed or deposited. 5-4

77 Questions & Knowledge Check

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