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Formal Language & Automata Theory

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1 Formal Language & Automata Theory
Shyamanta M Hazarika Computer Sc. & Engineering Tezpur University

2 Inductive Definition of Regular Languages
Base case definition Let S denote the alphabet {} is a regular language {} is a regular language {a} is a regular language for any character a in S Inductive case definition If L1 and L2 are regular languages, then L1 union L2 is a regular language L1 concatenate L2 is a regular language L1* is a regular language Completeness Only languages generated using above rules are regular languages

3 Proving a language is regular
Prove that {aa, bb} is a regular language {a} and {b} are regular languages base case of definition {aa} = {a}{a} is a regular language concatenation rule {bb} = {b}{b} is a regular language {aa, bb} = {aa} union {bb} is a regular language union rule Typically, we will not go through this process to prove a language is regular. Use Pumping Lemma!

4 Regular Language using regex
How do we describe a regular language? Use set notation {aa, bb, ab, ba}* {a}{a,b}*{b} Use regular expressions R Inductive def of regular languages and regular expressions (aa+bb+ab+ba)* a(a+b)*b

5 R and L(R) How we interpret a regular expression
What does a regular expression R mean to us? aaba represents the regular language {aaba} f represents the regular language {} aa+bb represents the regular language {aa, bb} We use L(R) to denote the regular language represented by regular expression R.

6 Precedence rules What is L(ab+c*)? Possible answers:
{a}({b} union {c}*} ({a}{b,c})* ({ab} union {c})* {ab} union {c}* Must know precedence rules * first, then concatenation, then +

7 Precedence rules continued
Precedence rules similar to those for arithmetic expressions ab+c2 (a times b) + (c times c) exponentiation first, then multiplication, then addition Think of Kleene closure as exponentiation, concatenation as multiplication, and union as addition and the precedence rules are identical

8 Regular expressions are strings
Let L be a regular language over the alphabet S A regular expression R for L is just a string over the alphabet S union {(, ), +, *, f,} which follows certain syntactic rules That is, the set of legal regular expressions is itself a language over the alphabet S union {(, ), +, *} f, a*aba are strings in the language of legal reg. exp. )(, *a* are strings NOT in the language of legal reg. exp.

9 Semantics We give a regular expression R meaning when we interpret it to represent L(R). aaba is just a string we interpret it to represent the language {aaba}. We do similar things with arithmetic expressions 10+72 is just a string We interpret this string to represent the number 59

10 Key fact A language L is a regular language iff there exists a Reg. Exp. R such that L(R) = L For a proof that a language L is regular, rather than going through the inductive proof we saw earlier, give a regular expression R s.t. L(R) = L

11 Summary Regular expressions are strings
syntax for legal regular expressions semantics for interpreting regular expressions Regular languages are a new language class A language L is regular iff there exists a regular expression R s.t. L(R) = L

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