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Fundamental of Programming (C)
Lecture 3 Constants, Variables, Data Types, And Operations
Outline C Program Data types Variables Constants Operations
Arithmetic Operators unary operators operators that require only one operand binary operators operators that require two operands Assignment Operators Equality and Relational Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators Conditional Operator Comma Operator sizeof
C Program Constants and variables main stdout (Screen) A B C D
stderr (Screen) stdin (Keyboard) Instructions and operating procedures X Y Z Operations and functions
Simple Program Examples: // int is return data type
// main is entrance function int main() { statement 1; // …. return 0; } // Simplest c program int main() { return 0; } /* Objective: print on screen */ #include <stdio.h> // preprocessor statements have not ; int main() { printf("welcome to c!!!"); return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully } welcome to c!!!
Examples: #include <stdio.h> // header file (preprocessor )
// calculating sum of two user input variables int main() { /* variable definition */ int a; int b; int result = 0; // get first variables form user printf("Enter first number:\n"); scanf("%d", &a); // get scoend variables form user printf("Enter scoend number:\n"); scanf("%d", &b); // sum of input variables result = a + b; printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, result); system("Pause"); return 0; } Examples: Header file Main function Variables Input and output Process
Examples: #include <stdio.h> // (preprocessor )
#define PI // PI constant (preprocessor ) // calculating area of circle int main() { /* variable definition */ float Radius; float Area = 0; // get radius of circle form user printf("Enter Radius :\n"); scanf("%f", &float ); // calculating area of circle Area = PI * Radius * Radius; printf(“Area = %f", Area ); system("Pause"); return 0; } Examples: Header file Constant Main function Variables Input and output Process
Examples: #include <stdio.h> // (preprocessor )
#define PI // PI constant (preprocessor ) // calculating area of circle int main() { /* variable definition */ float Radius; float Area = 0; // get radius of circle form user printf("Enter Radius :\n"); scanf("%f", & Radius); // calculating area of circle Area = PI * Radius * Radius; printf(“Area = %f", Area ); system("Pause"); return 0; } Examples: Header file Constant Main function Variables Input and output Process
Variables Have the same meaning as variables in algebra
Single alphabetic character Each variable needs an identifier that distinguishes it from the others a = 5 x = a + b valid identifier in C may be given representations containing multiple characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ (underscore character) First character must be a letter or underscore (no, _no 9no) Usually only the first 32 characters are significant There can be no embedded blanks (student no) Identifiers are case sensitive (area, Area, AREA, ArEa) Keywords cannot be used as identifiers
Reserved Words (Keywords) in C
auto break int long case char register return const continue short signed default do sizeof static double else struct switch enum extern typedef union float for unsigned void goto if volatile while
Naming Conventions C programmers generally agree on the following conventions for identifier: Use meaningful identifiers Separate words within identifiers with: underscores capitalize each word Examples: surfaceArea SurfaceArea Surface_Area
Variable declaration Before using a variable, you must declare it
Data_Type Identifier; int width; // width of rectangle float area; // result of calculating area stored in it char separator; // word separator Data_Type Identifier = Initial_Value; int width = 10; // width of rectangle float area = 255; // result of calculating area stored in it char seperator = ‘,’; // word separator Data_Type Identifier, Identifier, Identifier ,….; int width, length, temporary; float radius, area = 0;
Variable declaration When we declare a variable
Space is set aside in memory to hold a value of the specified data type That space is associated with the variable name That space is associated with a unique address Visualization of the declaration int width = 95; // get width form user // &width is 22ff40 // *&width is 95 // sizeof width is 4 & * address data 22ff40 95 22ff44
Data types Minimal set of basic data types
primitive data types int float double char Void The size and range of these data types may vary among processor types and compilers
Data type qualifiers Modify the behavior of data type to which they are applied: Size qualifiers: alter the size of the basic data types: short: multiply by 0.5 long: multiply by 2 short can be applied to: int long can be applied to: int and double Sign qualifiers: can hold both positive and negative numbers, or only positive numbers.: signed: + and - unsigned: + they can be applied to : int and char
Data type size and range
Example Qualifier Data type 8 signed char c; unsigned char c; char c; signed unsigned char signed (16): unsigned (16): signed (32): unsigned (32): 16 16 or 32 32 64 signed short i; signed short int i; unsigned int i; int i; signed int i; short i; short int i; long i; long int i; signed long i; signed long int i; long long i; long long int i; signed long long i; signed long long int i; short long int +/- 3.4e +/- 38 (~7 digits) float f; float +/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits) 80 double d; long double d; double
Overflow and Underflow
/* The # character indicate a pre-processor directive; it's an instruction to the compiler to make it do something The <> character tell C to look in the system area for the file stdio.h. If I had given the name #include "stdio.h" instead it would tell the compiler to look in the current directory #include <stdio.h> * Function main begins program execution * Semi-colon is statement terminator, so it is as a signal to the compiler for end of line */ int main() { /* The 2 curly brackets { }, are used to specify the limits of the program block */ char letter = 'A'; // char variable to show ASCII code short shortVariable = 32769; // short variable for test overflow // printf command display string on the monitor printf("current value of shortVariable is = %d\n", shortVariable); printf("current value of letter is = %d", letter); printf("current value of letter is = %c", letter); system("PAUSE"); // pause the execution to show press any key … return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully } current value of shortVariable is = current value of letter is = 65 current value of letter is = A
Program Error Compile-time or syntax Run-time Logical
is caused when the compiler cannot recognize a statement Run-time E.g. division by zero Logical E.g. Overflow and Underflow
Examples: #include <stdio.h> // (preprocessor )
#define PI // PI constant (preprocessor ) // calculating area of circle int main() { /* variable definition */ float Radius; float Area = 0; // get radius of circle form user printf("Enter Radius :\n"); scanf("%f", &float ); // calculating area of circle Area = PI * Radius * Radius; printf(“Area = %f", Area ); system("Pause"); return 0; } Examples: Header file Constant Main function Variables Input and output Process
Integer constant value
Base 10: Base 8: Base 16: 0x1 0X5 0x7fab unsigned: 5000u 4U long: l 56L unsigned long: ul long long : LL 25lL Example : 0xABu uL 017LL
floating-point constant value
A floating-point value contains a decimal point For example, the value is represented in scientific notation as X 102 and is represented in exponential notation (by the computer) as E+02 This notation indicates that is multiplied by 10 raised to the second power (E+02) The E stands for “exponent”
Char and string constant value
char c; c = 'A'; // d = 65; String printf("string is array of char!!!"); printf("example of escape sequence is \n");
Constant Constants provide a way to define a variable which cannot be modified by any other part in the code #define: without memory consume const: memory consume #define Identifier constant_value #define PI #define ERROR "Disk error " #define ERROR "multiline \ message" #define ONE 1 #define TWO ONE + ONE
Constant const [Data_Type] Identifier = constant_value;
const p = 3; // const int p = 3; const p; p = 3.14; // compile error const p = 3.14; // p = 3 because default is int const float p = 3.14;
Examples: #include <stdio.h> // (preprocessor )
#define PI // PI constant (preprocessor ) // calculating area of circle int main() { /* variable definition */ float Radius; float Area = 0; // get radius of circle form user printf("Enter Radius :\n"); scanf("%f", &float ); // calculating area of circle Area = PI * Radius * Radius; printf(“Area = %f", Area ); system("Pause"); return 0; } Examples: Header file Constant Main function Variables Input and output Process
Operators Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators
unary operators operators that require only one operand binary operators operators that require two operands Assignment Operators Equality and Relational Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators Conditional Operator Comma Operator sizeof Width * High Operand
Arithmetic Operators Unary Operator C operation Operator Expression
Explanation Positive + a = +3; Negative - b = -4; Increment ++ i++; Equivalent to i = i + 1 Decrement - - i - -; Equivalent to i = i - 1
PRE / POST Increment Consider this example: But if we have:
int width = 9; printf("%d\n", width); width++; int width = 9; printf("%d\n", width++); printf("%d\n", width); 9 10 int width = 9; width++; printf("%d\n", width); int width = 9; printf("%d\n", ++width); printf("%d\n", width); 10
Equivalent Statements
PRE / POST Increment int R = 10; int count = 10; ++ Or -- Statement Equivalent Statements R count R = count++; R = count; count = count + 1; 10 11 R = ++count; R = count--; count = count – 1; 9 R = --count;
Arithmetic Operators Binary Operators C operation Operator Expression
Addition + b = a + 3; Subtraction - b = a – 4; Multiplication * b = a * 3; Division / b = a / c; Modulus (integer) % b = a % c;
Division The division of variables of type integer will always produce a variable of type integer as the result Example int a = 7, b; float z; b = a / 2; z = a / 2.0; printf("b = %d, z = %f\n", b, z); Since b is declared as an integer, the result of a/2 is 3, not 3.5 b = 3, z =
Modulus You could only use modulus (%) operation on integer variables (int, long, char) z = a % 2.0; // error z = a % 0; // error Example int a = 7, b, c; b = a % 2; c = a / 2; printf("b = %d\n", b); printf("c = %d\n", c); Modulus will result in the remainder of a/2. 7 2 6 3 1 - a/2 integral a%2 remainder
Assignment Operators lvalue = rvalue; int i; float f;
i = 2; // *&i = 2; 2 = i; // error: invalid lvalue in assignment f = 5.6; i = f; // i = 5; i = -5.9; // i = -5;
Assignment Operators Assignment operators are used to combine the '=' operator with one of the binary arithmetic or bitwise operators Example : c = 9; Operator Expression Equivalent Statement Results += c += 7; c = c + 7; c = 16 -= c -= 8; c = c – 8; c = 1 *= c *= 10; c = c * 10; c = 90 /= c /= 5; c = c / 5; %= c %= 5; c = c % 5; c = 4 &= c &= 2 ; c = c & 2; c = 0 ^= c ^= 2; c = c ^ 2; c = 11 |= c |= 2; c = c | 2; <<= c <<= 2; c = c << 2; c = 36 >>= c >>= 2; c = c >> 2; c = 2
Precedence Rules The rules specify which of the operators will be evaluated first For example: x = 3 * a - ++b%3; Precedence Operator Associativity Level 1 (highest) () left to right 2 unary right to left 3 * / % 4 + - 5 (lowest) = += -= *= /= %= c = b = d = 5;
Precedence Rules how would this statement be evaluated?
: x = 3 * a - ++b % 3; What is the value for X, for: a = 2, b = 4? x = 3 * a - ++b % 3; x = 3 * a % 3; x = 3 * a - 5 % 3; x = % 3; x = 6 – 2; x = 4;
Precedence Rules If we intend to have a statement evaluated differently from the way specified by the precedence rules, we need to specify it using parentheses ( ) x = 3 * a - ++b % 3; Consider having the following statement: x = 3 * ((a - ++b)%3); the expression inside a parentheses will be evaluated first The inner parentheses will be evaluated earlier compared to the outer parentheses
Precedence Rules how would this statement be evaluated?
x = 3 * ((a - ++b)%3); What is the value for X, for: a = 2, b = 4? x = 3 * ((a - ++b) % 3); x = 3 * ((a - 5) % 3); x = 3 * ((-3) % 3); x = 3 * 0; x = 0;
Precedence Rules how would this statement be evaluated?
x = 3 * ++a – b--%3; What is the value for X, for: a = 2, b = 4? x = 3 * ++a – b-- % 3; x = 3 * ++a – 4 % 3; x = 3 * 3 – 4 % 3; x = 9 – 1; x = 8; b = b -1 , b = 3;
Equality and Relational Operators
Equality Operators: Relational Operators: Operator Example Meaning == x == y x is equal to y != x != y x is not equal to y Operator Example Meaning > x > y x is greater than y < x < y x is less than y >= x >= y x is greater than or equal to y <= x <= y x is less than or equal to y
Logical Operators Logical operators are useful when we want to test multiple conditions AND OR NOT C has not bool data type, but: 0: evaluate to false If(0) printf(" …"); other: evaluate to true If(1) printf(" …"); If(-13) printf(" …");
&& - Logical AND All the conditions must be true for the whole expression to be true Example: if (a == 1 && b == 2 && c == 3) means that the if statement is only true when a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 If (a = 5) … e1 e2 Result = e1 && e2 1 e1 e2 Result = e1 && e2 false true
|| - Logical OR The truth of one condition is enough to make the whole expression true Example: if (a == 1 || b == 2|| c == 3) means the if statement is true when either one of a, b or c has the right value e1 e2 Result = e1 || e2 1 e1 e2 Result = e1 || e2 false true
! - Logical NOT Reverse the meaning of a condition
Example: if (!(radius > 90)) Means if radius not bigger than 90. e1 Result = !e1 1 e1 Result = !e1 false true
Bitwise Operators Apply to all kinds of int and char types:
signed and unsigned char, short, int, long, long long Operator Name Description & AND Result is 1 if both operand bits are 1 | OR Result is 1 if either operand bit is 1 ^ XOR Result is 1 if operand bits are different ~ Not (Ones Complement) Each bit is reversed << Left Shift Multiply by 2 >> Right Shift Divide by 2
Bitwise Operators Applicable for low level programming, e.g.: Usually:
Port manipulation I/O programming Usually: &: set OFF one bit |: set ON one bit ^: reverse one bit
XOR e1 e2 Result = e1 ^ e2 1
Examples A = 199; B = 90; c = a & b = 66; c = a | b = 233;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Conditional Operator The conditional operator (?:) is used to simplify an if/else statement Condition ? Expression1 : Expression2; The statement above is equivalent to: if (Condition) Expression1; else Expression2; Which are more readable?
Conditional Operator Example: if/else statement:
if (total > 12) grade = ‘P’; else grade = ‘F’; conditional statement: (total > 12) ? grade = ‘P’: grade = ‘F’; OR grade =( total > 12) ? ‘P’: ‘F’;
Conditional Operator Example: if/else statement: if (total > 12)
printf(“Passed!!\n”); else printf(“Failed!!\n”); Conditional Statement: printf(“%s!!\n”, total > 12 ? “Passed”: “Failed”);
Comma Operator (Expression1 ,Expression2,…); Example: int x, y, z;
z = (x = 2, y = x + 1); printf("z = %d", z); int x, y, z; x = 2; y = x + 1; z = y; printf("z = %d", z);
sizeof The sizeof keyword returns the number of bytes of the given expression or type returns an unsigned integer result sizeof variable_Identifier; sizeof (variable_Identifier); sizeof (Data_Taype); Example: int x; printf("size of x = %d", sizeof x); printf("size of long long = %d", sizeof(long long)); printf("size of x = %d", sizeof (x));
Type Casting Explicit Type cast: carried out by programmer using casting int k, i = 7; float f = 10.14; char c = 'B'; k = (i + f) % 3; // error k = (int)(i + f) % 3; Implicit Type cast: carried out by compiler automatically f = 65.6; i = f; //f = (int)f; c = i; // c = (int)i;
Type Casting char c = 'A'; short s = 1; int i; float f; double d;
i = (c s); (int) (char) (short) (short) (int) d = (c / i) (f * d) (f i); (char) (int) (float) (double) (float) (int) int double float double
Precedence Rules Primary Expression Operators () [] . ->
() [] > left-to-right Unary Operators * & ! ~ expr expr (typecast) sizeof right-to-left Binary Operators * / % + - >> << < > <= >= == != & ^ | && || Ternary Operator ?: Assignment Operators = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |= Post increment expr expr-- - Comma ,
Good Programming Practices
Place each variable declaration on its own line with a descriptive comment Place a comment before each logical chunk of code describing what it does Do not place a comment on the same line as code with the exception of variable declarations Use spaces around all arithmetic and assignment operators Use blank lines to enhance readability
Good Programming Practices
AVOID: variable names starting with an underscore often used by the operating system and easy to miss Place a blank line between the last variable declaration and the first executable statement of the program Indent the body of the program Use all uppercase for symbolic constants (used in #define preprocessor directives) Examples: #define PI #define AGE 52
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