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CS 3214 Computer Systems Networking.

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1 CS 3214 Computer Systems Networking

2 Some of these slides are substantially derived from slides provided by Jim Kurose & Keith Ross. Copyright on this material is held by Kurose & Ross. Used with permission. The textbook is Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, Addison-Wesley, July 2004 Part 1 Networking

3 The Internet: “nuts and bolts” view
local ISP company network regional ISP router workstation server mobile millions of connected computing devices: hosts = end systems running network apps communication links fiber, copper, radio, satellite transmission rate = bandwidth routers: forward packets

4 The Internet: “nuts and bolts” view
protocols control sending, receiving of msgs e.g., TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP, PPP Internet: “network of networks” loosely hierarchical public Internet versus private intranets Internet vs internet Internet standards RFC: Request for comments IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force router workstation server mobile local ISP regional ISP company network

5 Network Virginia (as of 2009)
Source: Sean Gillespie

6 “Real” Internet delays and routes
traceroute: from host in Silicon Valley ( to host in Frankfurt, Germany ( > traceroute traceroute to ( ), 30 hops max, 38 byte packets 1 Gates-rtr.Stanford.EDU ( ) ms ms ms 2 bbr2-rtr.Stanford.EDU ( ) ms ms ms 3 border2-rtr.Stanford.EDU ( ) ms ms ms 4 g1.ba21.b ( ) ms ms ms 5 ( ) ms ms ms 6 ( ) ms ms ms 7 ( ) ms ms ms 8 ( ) ms ms ms 9 ( ) ms ms ms 10 ( ) ms ms ms 11 DUS ( ) ms ms ms 12 ( ) ms ms ms

7 The Internet: a service view
communication infrastructure enables distributed applications: Web, , games, e-commerce, file sharing communication services provided to apps: Connectionless unreliable Connection-oriented reliable

8 A closer look at network structure:
network edge: applications and hosts network core: routers network of networks access networks, physical media: communication links

9 The network edge: end systems (hosts): client/server model
run application programs e.g. Web, at “edge of network” client/server model client host requests, receives service from always-on server e.g. Web browser/server; client/server peer-peer model: minimal (or no) use of dedicated servers e.g. Gnutella, KaZaA

10 Connection-oriented service
Goal: data transfer between end systems handshaking: setup (prepare for) data transfer ahead of time Hello, hello back human protocol set up “state” in two communicating hosts TCP - Transmission Control Protocol Internet’s connection-oriented service TCP service [RFC 793] reliable, in-order byte-stream data transfer loss: acknowledgements and retransmissions flow control: sender won’t overwhelm receiver congestion control: senders “slow down sending rate” when network congested

11 Connectionless service
Goal: data transfer between end systems same as before! UDP - User Datagram Protocol [RFC 768]: connectionless unreliable data transfer no flow control no congestion control TCP-friendliness App’s using TCP: HTTP (Web), ssh (remote login), SMTP ( ), Bittorrent (file-sharing), XMPP (instant messenging) App’s using UDP: streaming media, teleconferencing, DNS, Internet telephony

12 The Network Core the fundamental question: how is data transferred through net? circuit switching: dedicated circuit per call: telephone net packet-switching: data sent thru net in discrete “chunks” How are the network’s resources shared?

13 What’s a protocol? a human protocol and a computer network protocol:
Hi TCP connection req Hi TCP connection response Got the time? Get 2:00 <file> time

14 Services vs Protocols (horizontal component)
Layer k may interact with peer layer k only via protocols

15 Encapsulation source destination application transport network link
message segment datagram frame source application transport network link physical Ht Hn Hl M destination router switch Encapsulation

16 TCP/IP Reference Model

17 TCP/IP Reference Model

18 TCP/IP Hourglass View UDP Ethernet IP Wireless ATM TCP NFS DNS FTP
HTTP Application Transport Internet Host-To-Network

19 Typical Implementation
User App Socket Network Device IP Layer TCP Layer user Kernel: “top-half” Kernel: “sw interrupt” Kernel: “hw interrupt” may cross multiple boundaries!

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