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CRAB and local batch submission

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1 CRAB and local batch submission
Xiaomei Zhang CMS IHEP Group Meeting   Sep

2 Outline Job submission on Grid and PC farm CRAB functions
CRAB architecture Embed local farm part in CRAB Local farm job submission usage

3 Grid and PC farm CRAB(CMS Remote Analysis Builder) Grid and farm
A python user interface to grid, to simplify the process of creation, submission and monitoring CMS analysis jobs into grid User interface to farm? Grid and farm Farm is local, Grid is a remote “farm system” Process is similiar: Creat (UI)->submit(UI)->schedule(CE, pbs)->running(WN)->return result to UI Details such as commands, parameters, log files are different: Edg-job-submit, edg-job-status…. Qsub, qstat…… Other cases: Atlas , argo…

4 Crab functions(1) Locate dataset Create jobs
Information of the dataset by DBS, blocks, event number Especially, LFN and PFN of the dataset Create jobs proxy renewal Job configuration by cfg files(crab.cfg) and command option Job splitting by user configuration and data distribution Create run scripts( in work nodes Set up running environment, copy or access the data files, prepare pset.cfg files, start data processing…… 由于不是一个简单的job,而是CMSSW紧密结合的

5 Crab functions(2) Submit jobs Monitor job Retrieve output
Prepare submission scripts(Jdl files, shell files) Wrap submission tools into crab commands(eg.crab –submit) Monitor job Get status of running jobs by contacting with job scheduler Retrieve necessary information from log files Report it to the CMS dashboard Retrieve output Copy data files locally or SE Retrieve the log files

6 Crab architecture UI parser create retrieve submit CRAB core Locate
pbs edg pbs create retrieve cmssw submit Scheduler API Application API CRAB core pbs glite ….. Locate monitor osg Address Parser Job Monitoring API 应用程序, 调度, 作业监控, 数据集定位, 命令解释 API中间层,扩展性,Application Programming Interface pbs DBS DLS mysql sqlite TFC

7 CRAB Core Main class – crab
Set up and initialize global instances and parameters Start up action instances Creator, submitter, status, killer, getoutput, checker, resubmitter, cleaner, postMortem, Jdlwritter, publisher, copyLocal, proxyrenewer Common parameters- shared by all the instances Workspace – work_space Jobdir, Resdir, Sharedir, Logdir Topdir:cwd + common.prog_name + '_' +’0’ + '_' + current_time (cwd/crab_0_080826_161045) Configuration parameters – cfg_params Parameters by parser from user options. Eg. cfg_params.get("CRAB.scheduler") Job database Interface -- JobDB An instance connecting with JobDB

8 Parser Command option Cfg file option Shared Variable in code
Eg. Crab –create –submit <number> Cfg file option <section>.<option> <section> : [CRAB],[CMSSW], [USER],[EDG], [PBS] [PBS]: queue = cmsq cmssw_path=/opt/exp_soft/cms input_mode=local, dcap input_path=/home/cms/zhangxm/test_crab/CMSSW_2_0_7/test/test_pbs/ output_path=/cms/cmsd01/zhangxm/test_pbs Shared Variable in code Cfg-param

9 Application API and cmssw(1)
Set up job_type instance(job_type:cmssw) Functions of cmssw class : Split job and register in job DB [CMSSW].total_number_of_events, [CMSSW]. events_per_job, [CMSSW]. number_of_jobs Set up Running scripts in work nodes

10 Application API and cmssw(2) Set up cmssw running environment $VO_CMS_SW_DIR User specified Fill in the name of data files in pset.cfg Dataset located Locally or in SE cmsRun pset.cfg Copy outfiles to the specified outpath Copy locally or in SE Clean temp files

11 Scheduler API BOSS(Batch Object Submission System) schedulerPBS
Developed by INFN, simplified to BOSSLite since CRAB_2_3_0 Provide submission and real-time job monitoring to various schedulers Good extensibility schedulerPBS An extension to support pbs submission, status retrieving….. Edg-job-submit….. Jdl files Sche-edg submit BOSSAPI glite-job-submit….. Jdl files Sche-glite Qsub,Qstat….. Shell files Sche-pbs

12 Job monitoring and Job DB
Store Job information in DB for sharing, monitoring and checking To assure good extensibility and readability, use API Database can be changed, eg. Mysql, sqlite API also origin from BOSSAPI job: ‘name’ , ‘executable‘, ’arguments‘,’logFile’ : ‘inputFiles’ ,‘outputFiles’, ’SubmissionNumber’ LoadJob saveJob updateJob Job DB mysql mysqlSession Main code DbObject BOSSAPI Job DB sqlite SqliteSession

13 Address parser Goal: Functions:
Translation: dataset name ->LFN ->PFN Access blocks and files information of dataset Functions: Communicate with DBS Blocks and files name and list in the dataset /HCalIsoTracks30/CSA08_CSA08_S43_v1/GEN-SIM-RECO->/store/mc/CSA08/HCalIsoTracks30/GEN-SIM-RECO/CSA08_S43_v1/0046/C09A DD11-BB5C B55FF.root Communicate with DLS and TFC Where Blocks and files are located, DLS for site name, TFC for real directory in the site PFN: srm://…./.root

14 Local batch submission usage
Set PBS parameters in crab.cfg queue = cmsq cmssw_path=/opt/exp_soft/cms input_mode=local, dcap input_path=/home/cms/zhangxm/test_crab/CMSSW_2_0_7/test/test_pbs/ output_path=/cms/cmsd01/zhangxm/test_pbs Define dataset name in crab.cfg Get files list from DBS Local DBS instead? Crab –create –submit Crab –status Crab –getoutput Logs files already in shared directory, eg. ../log/cmssw_x.stdout, cmssw_x.stderr

15 Summary and Further steps
The basic functions of Local batch submission have been realized Create, submit, status has been complete Based on CRAB_2_3_0 Feature: unified job submission in grid and farm able to do farm batch submission base on dataset and blocks Future plan: Need more tests, More functions added in? Any test users? Add local DBS instance? Currently use global DBS Can not register local Datasets…..

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