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Tuesday, October 24 Please put all electronic devices all the way away. You will work only with paper and pen today. Then, take out a piece of paper,

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, October 24 Please put all electronic devices all the way away. You will work only with paper and pen today. Then, take out a piece of paper,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, October 24 Please put all electronic devices all the way away. You will work only with paper and pen today. Then, take out a piece of paper, and the pen/pens you would like to use…one of them should be blue or black ink. Pick a copy of today’s poem from the front table.

2 Odes to Helen Ode: a lyric poem typically of elaborate or irregular metrical form and expressive of exalted or enthusiastic emotion. 2. A kind of poem devoted to the praise of a person, animal, or thing. An ode is usually written in an elevated style and often expresses deep feeling. An example is “ Ode on a Grecian Urn,” by John Keats.



5 To the side of each stanza paraphrase what the writer is saying
Close Read Mark/Underline figurative language (personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, etc.) and label what they are. Mark/Squiggle line imagery and label the type. Mark/Circle words that contribute to the tone of the poem Mark/Draw Squares sound devices and mark the rhyme scheme Draw a bracket and question mark phrases you aren’t sure of Draw triangles around a diction pattern in each poem. Draw three pictures of images in each of the poems (so 6 pictures total).

6 III. Answer These Questions
How is the speaker in “Helen” different than the speaker in “To Helen”? Why does the speaker in “Helen” revile her? List four images (quote the poems) that shows the speakers’ feelings about Helen. How is beauty contrasted in these two poems? How do the structures of the poems contribute to the meaning? How do the sounds in the poems connect to the poems’ tones? How does the allusion and the poems’ titles add meaning?

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