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Education Futures Where have we got to
Education Futures Where have we got to? The first 500 days Where are we going? Drafts for Professor Gilly Salmon PVC Education Innovation
Measures of success from the University’s 2020 Plan
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures Measures of success from the University’s 2020 Plan Implementation of innovations arising from Education Futures projects – Centre for Education Futures & PVC (EI) Increase in the utilisation of educational technologies – Centre for Education Futures & PVC (EI) Increase in student satisfaction ratings – DVC (E) - contribution from Centre for Education Futures & PVC (EI) 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
a technical list of things to do, often immediately relevant;
The challenge for agents of change in organizations and institutions is straddling the boundaries between: a technical list of things to do, often immediately relevant; emergent adaptive strategies; (3) the longer term transformative journey. Sohail Inayatullah : Ensuring culture does not eat strategy for breakfast: what works in futures studies 2015 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Reminder of Education Futures Principles
Transformative Teaching Evidence based teaching Experiential learning Optimised resources Research Integrated learning Vibrant campus Global citizenship & leadership 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures The first 500 days
2016: Education Futures creates measurable improvements in UWA students’ learning experiences 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures The first 500 days
Capability and capacity to design and deliver learning that is fully futures-orientated Activity Aim Impact / Outcome Carpe Diem 300 teaching units redesigned 255 units re/designed since January 2015 457 participants 49 workshops Very high level of engagement and satisfaction from academics % Detailed study (Sunspot) of 11 units demonstrate impact on student satisfaction and achievement Transforming Teaching for Learning (TTL) 300 participants Fully digital, 3 module unit, accessible 24/7 providing maximum flexibility Supporting education futures principles enabling staff to create impact on the way their learners think and act 43 participants enrolled in Series A (March) 12 participants enrolled in Series B (July) Series C commencing November 2016 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures The first 500 days
Capability and capacity to design and deliver learning that is fully futures-orientated Activity Aim Impact / Outcome Videos for Learning 300 150 completed 9 faculties Conferences 4 Assessment & Feedback – March 16 Openness in Education – July 16 Mobile Learning month – September 16 Visioning Education – October 16 MOOCs (Coursera) 2 per annum 2015: Australian Literature & Ocean Solutions 2016: Psychology at Work (May) & Agriculture, Economics & Nature (June) In Production: Culture Shock Rural Futures and the Future Farm 2050 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures The first 500 days
Learning environments enabling UWA to engage fully in futures-orientated education Activity Aim Impact / Outcome New LMS – Blackboard Learn Completed Successful Initial transition by S1 2016 79% engagement in LMS (S1 2016) up from 41% digital engagement in previous LMS Over 20,000 logins per day Mobile access by students 11% and growing Blackboard mobile app 12,000+ downloads and growing BEAM project demonstrates student and staff, daily and weekly digital engagement New Student Perception of Teaching SPOT 100% Piloted in semester 1 429 surveys successfully deployed Survey and question pools uploaded to all S2 units 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures The first 500 days
Learning environments enabling UWA to engage fully in futures-orientated education Activity Aim Impact / Outcome Digital submission – Assessment and Feedback Futures Project (AFFP) 100% enabled by end of 2017 New assessment standards and policies agreed end of 2015 Pilot projects on AFFP commenced S2 2016 19 units 9 faculties Prototype new projects 10 New SPOT completed E-portfolios extended Learning Analytics (Zenith) commences S2 2016 Digital SURF E-portfolio pilots 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Education Innovation & Centre for Education Futures The first 500 days
Innovation and scholarship contributing to UWA becoming known as a leader in education innovation Activity Aim Impact / Outcome Education Futures Seed Funding 24 completed 15 new $216k allocated to 24 projects late 2015: 2 projects are now completed 17 are on track for completion by the end of 2016 $183k is available to be allocated for new projects in 2016/7 Futures Observatory Events 40 ‘Soft’ opening November 2015 Official opening by the Governor General on 16 March 2016 16 CEF events 7 partner events 537 attendees Education Futures Grant and Secondment Funding offers support to UWA staff in further developing innovative learning, teaching or assessment projects at UWA. Grants or three month secondment opportunities at the Futures Observatory are offered. Grant funding of up to $10,000 is available to enable a pilot project and up to $5,000 for a secondment. The Futures Observatory is raising the profile of more radical thinking about education at UWA through intelligence gathering, cross-disciplinary and role collaboration, the injection of deliberation through activities with external partners, and small-scale scholarship funding opportunities. There is a focus on stimulating, fun and interesting 'futures-first thinking' events; partnerships with selected technology and industry organisations to promote windows on possible education futures for higher education and students' learning; allows the ability for academics, teaching staff and postgraduate students to be exposed to, to try out and to consider the newer devices and technologies for use in their practice; and provides opportunities for researchers to share new ideas, develop scholarship and research with others around more radical education innovation. Alerts, reports and future-oriented 'White Papers' to promote discussions, explorations and experiments are also sourced for the UWA community. 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
BEAM 1-S – Blackboard Engagement and Motivation University Wide – UWA (for units > 10 student enrolments) 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Scaling and ‘Tipability’
22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Impact of the new LMS – contracted December 2014 to July 2016
The first 500 days 2014 2016 ‘Open Source’ Moodle Fully hosted, ‘state of art’ Blackboard Learn, included data and disaster recovery and security, with viable long term partnership contract Student engagement figures There has been an increase in around 10% per month since Blackboard transition was completed 6 months ago. Currently 17,000 to 22,000 unique users per day – i.e. almost all of our students…we are expecting this will soon be 100% - probably this semester. Many log in and out several times a day. Staff engagement figures In S < 60% of staff had no digital engagement By S (July) only around 15% of staff have no digital presence in their units. This will be 0% by the end of 2017 with the digital first policy implemented on Assessment and Feedback Futures. Over 3 years (2011-4) almost no progress on digitalising learning at UWA nor impact on student and staff engagement See BEAM and SUNSPOT data for student impact. Highly targeted high quality learning focus deploying mobile and blended learning. All additional functions in Moodle incurred additional costs and lack of integrative capacity. No opportunity for growth nor functions. Additional costs for student surveys, Complete suite includes digital assessment, feedback marks and grades, e-portfolios, Learning Analytics, all students surveys (SPOT & SURF). content management; provision outside regular units-( e.g. social Blackboard for the Guild, visitors, professional development, research students, compliance training, mobile LMS apps now deployed by more than half of UWA students daily. Limited development capability, lack of opportunity and integration. ‘Building blocks’ provide ease of use for students and staff including Lecture Capture, Academic integrity platforms (Turnitin and Safe Assign). Dependent on external consultants and internal contract staff Fully integrated and developed within the Centre for Education Futures. UWA now two years’ ahead’ of the ‘road map’ originally planned in 2014 for the LMS, and many additional aims and cost savings proved possible. Very rapid developments of functions, transitions, engagement ROI- v low ,frequent costs recurring, large internal staffing load Additional costs around direct $1M per year, plus 11 additional internal staff members. ROI – high & known planned updatable contract over 5 years with transparent KRAs and constant monitoring 2016 cost $ 800K Savings of around 550K ongoing on a wide variety of other platforms. Staffing at 6 including technical support and helpdesk 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Blackboard Engagement and Motivation (BEAM 1)
August 2016 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 15
BEAM 1-S1 2016 - The Study and Data Set
Student engagement in digital learning can be used as proxy for learning. BEAM data sets form part of the Zenith (Learning Analytics) project about to commence in 2017. BEAM analysed actual usage of S 1 engagement in the LMS, measured by login duration expressed as mean number of minutes per week per unique user. BEAM included all units over an 8 week period (29th February 2016 to 3rd May 2016) in S1 with > 10 students enrolled. 702 study units were in the data set. > half of UWA students accessed the LMS through mobile devices. 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
BEAM 1-S1 2016 - University Wide
Observations: (University Wide) The mean login duration for this group of units (n=702) is around 60 minutes per week per student per unit. Most students study 4 units at a time – an “average” student was logged into the LMS for about 4 hours per week. Units that were redesigned through Carpe Diem process had a mean login time per student per unit that was twice that of the overall university mean login time. All Faculties have some units with mean times of at least one hour per week per student per unit. Most faculties have some units with mean login times >90 minutes per week per student . 47 units across all Faculties had no digital engagement (ie no login time registered). 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Next? 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 18
“Ensure constant progress across all 4 quadrants of innovation”
Strong themes from working with CEF Teams- for 2017 Retain Education Futures principles but define by a new Purpose: “Lead and Influence UWA to a learning future that embraces, utilises and defines Education 3.0” “Ensure constant progress across all 4 quadrants of innovation” 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 19
Education 3.0 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 20
2 4 3 1 Quandrants of Education Innovation Strategic framework
Capability & Capacity Building Innovation, research and prototyping Responses to challenges & opportunities 2 4 Future: potential technologies for emergent learning & learners new Missions Markets Contexts 3 Well-established preferred pedagogies & University owned & invested technologies 1 Established approaches & programs embracing new technological opportunities for learning present present Technology & Pedagogy new 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 21
2 4 3 1 Innovation pipelines Strategic framework
Capability & Capacity Building Innovation, research and prototyping Responses to challenges & opportunities 2 4 Future: potential technologies for emergent learning & learners new Successes to new achievements Missions Markets Contexts Pilots to scale 3 Well-established preferred pedagogies & University owned & invested technologies 1 Established approaches & programs embracing new technological opportunities for learning present present Technology & Pedagogy new 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 22
Action themes : Strategic Cascades for 2017
Find, promote and exploit ways of propagating the CEF purpose Engage with scalable achievements within and beyond UWA boundaries Grow and create influence and dependencies on areas that will promote and enable Education Futures : Essential - well developed, effective partnerships with 4 new Faculties, especially Associate Deans (Education) and Service Centres Target and focus on learning design for development of better learning experiences for students Develop and apply new concepts – mobile learning on campus, flipped classrooms, etc. Extend reporting and internal & external engagement networks, advisory, revisit Futures Observatory partnerships Create structured ‘pipelines’ across the 4 quadrants 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017? 23
Key actions – Maintain…Scale…Build…Extend : Stream spanning projects
Next Zenith project pilots completed and into scale and operations for 2018 Assessment & Feedback Futures project pilots completed and into scale and operations for 2018 Video Futures for UWA – diverse projects brought together within new learning models 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Key actions – Integrate–Maintain-Scale-Extend
Next Unit design projects Carpe Diem, incl. group follow-up - increase of 10% and establishment of School based communities TTL - 200 Models and frameworks, incl. guidelines - 5 available, communicated and in use focussed around UWA’s ‘Mobile is the new blend’ Induction & unit responsibilities OLT LTIP - Unit available Sessionals - Establishment of cross faculty working group and actions CEF CHECK- ‘ UC helpful handbook & suppport - Available and communicated Zenith & AFFP & Video Futures 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Key actions – Maintain…Scale…Build…Extend
Next 10 new projects ‘beyond the LMS’ underpinning new L & T models & including ‘beyond lecture capture’ & Digital/open publishing & Reimagining physical space Zenith & AFFP & Video Futures 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Key actions – Maintain…Scale…Build…Extend
Vision, developments & partnerships Focus on changing mind sets and inspiring futures thinking Establish internal and external international education futures networks, ‘Vision tanks’ including across WA and beyond 5 Establish ‘double loop’ learning strategy-Pipeline sfrom I&S to C&C Widen scope.. to more student engagement New MOOC strategy Scholarship & projects Establish evidence, evaluation & action research focus 25 completed seed funding projects 25 new projects including mobile, virtual reality …others Introduce new & emerging technologies 5 Attract external funding and partnerships- 10 Zenith & AFFP & Video Futures 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
Resources required for delivery 2017 Minimum is as budgeted in 2016
Full complement of staff as agreed in organisational change in August 2015 (currently 3 short due to recruitment restrictions) Across 3 streams Plus 350 K development/innovation seed funds Plus 120K for MOOC development 22/08/2016 CEF- 500 days and where in 2017?
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