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European Settlement of The New World

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1 European Settlement of The New World

2 Mercantilism The belief that a country’s power is based on its wealth
In other words: Money = Power

3 Treaty of Tordesillas Treaty between Spain and Portugal
Divided the New World with a Line of Demarcation between Portugal and Spain.

4 Encomienda System System of rewarding conquistadors with land.
Also gave conquistadors the right to tax and demand labor (slavery) from the Native Americans that lived on that land in exchange for protection.

5 Technology’s Impact on Exploration
Astrolabe: A device that allowed sailors to determine their latitude by measuring the position of the stars. Better Maps: Cartographers, or mapmakers, improved upon their skills making more accurate maps. Magnetic Compass: a Chinese invention that allowed sailors to determine the direction they were sailing in open seas. Better Ships: Arab innovations like the triangular sail and the stern rudder led to ships like the Portuguese Caravel.

6 Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther rejected the practices of the Catholic Church. Split the Christian Religion into several different denominations. theses/videos/martin-luther-sparks-a-revolution Protestants came to the New World to escape Religious Persecution.

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