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Femtosecond laser 3D micro- and nanostructuring: enabling technology for medical applications Linas Jonušauskas, Titas Tičkūnas, Andrius Narmontas, Gedvinas.

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Presentation on theme: "Femtosecond laser 3D micro- and nanostructuring: enabling technology for medical applications Linas Jonušauskas, Titas Tičkūnas, Andrius Narmontas, Gedvinas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Femtosecond laser 3D micro- and nanostructuring: enabling technology for medical applications
Linas Jonušauskas, Titas Tičkūnas, Andrius Narmontas, Gedvinas Nemickas, Eglė Krištopavičiūtė, Vytautas Purlys, Eglė Šileikytė and Roaldas Gadonas Vilnius, 2016

2 Current trends Regenerative medicine: Miniaturization:
-Direct tissue replacement -Broad range of applications -Individual medicine -High requirements for structures Miniaturization: -Compact size -Less energy use -Cheaper -More functional -Easy to integrate Femtika’s vision: Utilization of femtosecond laser in high precision manufacturing of micro- and nanostructures for applications in medical device functionalization/fabrication and regenerative medicine.

3 + = Why femtosecond laser? Temporal light compression
Spatial light compression + = Ultra high light intensities (GW/cm2 <) Laser ablation Selective etching 3D laser lithography Prepolymer?

4 Cold processing Advantages: -Simple -Low thermal effect -Fast
-High cut quality -Simple -Fast -Applicable to all materials

5 Selective glass etching
Possibilities: -Arbitrary shape -Relatively high surface quality -Fast fabrication -Possibilities for large structures (~cm)

6 3D laser lithography Features: -Unlimited 3D geometry/design
-Controllable resolution -Possibility to integrate -Wide range of materials available

7 Applications Medical devices Regenerative medicine
-Precise processing of standard medical equipment -Microfluidic systems and elements Regenerative medicine -Scaffolds for stem cell growth -Functional microimplants

8 Microfluidic components in glass
-Channel systems -Glass and polymers are possible -Tunability in size, architecture and properties

9 Integrated elements -Combining subtractive and additive manufacturing
-Polymeric inserts into glass or polymeric channel systems -Enhanced functionality

10 Scaffolds for stem cell growth
-Freeform pores -High aspect ratio of internal structures -cm scale structures with µm scale features -Nontrivial functional architecture -Structures containing several materials

11 Functional elements -Miniaturization of macro components to microscale
-Valves, filters, needles, etc. -Can be implanted into a living organism

12 The “Laser Nanofactory”
-”All in one” package -Highly tunable -Subtractive and additive manufacturing -Fast (up to cm/s translation velocity) -Precise (up to tens of nm) -Durable (years of continuous use)

13 3DPoli Basic functions: Advantages:
-Allows to create fabrication algorithm -STL support as well as user-defined code is available -Controls all the components in the setup -Supports multiple axis Advantages: -Intuitive and simple to use -Flexible -Suitable for both beginners and experienced users -Easily tunable for specific applications -Compiler does not require license

14 Materials SZGel: Custom made biomaterials: -Hybrid organic-inorganic
-Ultra-low shrinkage -High rigidity of the structures -Biocompatible/bioinert -Available in both photosensitized and pure forms Custom made biomaterials: -Laser processable -Biocompatible and/or biodegradable -Mechanically flexible -Tailored for specific applications

15 Member of Scientific partners Industrial partners Costumers in

16 Conclusions We can materialize microscopic version of anything you can imagine in 3D! Sauletekio av. 15, LT-10224, Vilnius, Lithuania Exhibition booth 29

17 Thank You!

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