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An Overview of Business Research Methods

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1 An Overview of Business Research Methods
Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

2 Unsystematic Decision Making No Pressure for Research
Why BRM? Monopoly & Shortages Sellers Markets Unsystematic Decision Making No Pressure for Research Regulated Economy India of Pre 1991 Indicator: 2-3 Brands of Cars

3 Scientific Decision Making Need for Evidence Based Management
Why BRM? Intense Competition Buyers’ Market Scientific Decision Making Need for Evidence Based Management Market Economy India of 2017 Indicator: Major Global Brands of Cars

4 Major Objectives of the Course
To understand the concept & process of business research in business environment. To know the use of tools & techniques for exploratory, conclusive & causal research. To understand the concept of measurement in empirical systems. To use statistical techniques for analysis of research data. To formulate & interpret.

5 Intended Learning Outcomes
Exhibit scientific temper in the practice of management & increasingly look for evidence before jumping to conclusions. Illustrate steps involved in conducting business research & develop research design appropriate in a given situation. Draft & evaluate business research proposals.

6 4. Logically develop hypotheses. 5
4. Logically develop hypotheses. 5. Develop simple scales for measurement purposes in business situations. 6. Distinguish among various types of data from analysis & interpretation point of view. 7. Obtain secondary data in different business situations. 8. Design questionnaires suitable for different research contexts. 9. Select a representative sample by using appropriate sampling technique. 10. Tabulate & summarize data. 11. Draw graphs & analyze data using MS Excel. 12. Write simple research report.

7 Conducting & Reading Research
What is Research? It is an art of scientific investigation A movement from Known to unknown A voyage of discovery Research is the process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors. Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

8 What is business research?
Research provides the needed information that guides managers to make informed decisions to successfully deal with problems. The information provided could be the result of a careful analysis of data gathered firsthand or of data that are already available (in the company).

9 Why is it important for managers to know about research?
They are consumers of research Solve problems Decision making tool Competition Risk Investment Hire researchers and consultants more effectively

10 What is Good Research? Purpose clearly defined…
Research process detailed… Research design thoroughly planned… High ethical standard applied… Limitations frankly revealed… Analysis adequate for decision maker’s needs… Findings presented unambiguously… Conclusions justified… Researcher’s experience reflected…

11 Data, Information & Intelligence

12 Data …are simply facts or recorded measures of certain phenomena (things or events).

13 Information … is data formatted (structured) to support
decision making or define the relationship between two facts.

14 Business intelligence
…is the subset of data and information that actually has some explanatory power enabling effective managerial decisions to be made.

15 Products purchased are
recorded by the scanner forming data. Inventory systems use the data to create information. • The information tells managers what items need to be stocked. • The information also generates and can even place orders for more products to be trucked to the store. Analysts analyze the data statistically and write research reports addressing important questions such as What types of trends exist in customer purchases, and are there regional differences? Where should new stores be located?

16 Decision support system
A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities.  DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance. Decision support systems can be either fully computerized, human or a combination of both.

17 DSSs include knowledge-based systems
DSSs include knowledge-based systems. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, and personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.

18 Decision Support System
Database Software Input Output

19 Conducting & Reading Research
Research Process Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

20 Conducting & Reading Research
Problem Definition Extensive Literature Survey Developing the Hypothesis Preparing the Research Design Sampling Data collection Analysis of data Hypothesis Testing Interpretation Chapter 10 Preparation of Report Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

21 Conducting & Reading Research
Research Process Series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired sequencing of these steps. Formulating the Research Problem: Understanding the problem thoroughly, and Rephrasing the same into meaningful terms from an analytical point of view. Studies of broader literature (Conceptual and empirical) Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

22 This stage is important because
The research problem needs to be defined unambiguously. It helps to collect the relevant data, choice of research methods etc. B. Extensive Literature Survey: Abstracting and indexing the journals published or unpublished bibliographies. Identifying the academic journals, conference proceedings, govt. reports, books etc. Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

23 Conducting & Reading Research
C. Development of Working Hypothesis: Tentative assumptions made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences. It is prior thinking about the subject. D. Preparing the Research Design – Exploration/ Description / Diagnosis / Experimentation. Research design needs consideration of the following: The means of obtaining the information The availability and skills of the researcher Time available Cost factor Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

24 Conducting & Reading Research
E. Determining the sample size – Probability / Non-probability. Probability: Simple Random Sampling Systematic Sampling Stratified Sampling Cluster/Area Sampling Non-Probability / Deliberate sampling: Convenience Sampling Purposive Sampling Quota Sampling Snowball Sampling The main difference between cluster sampling and stratified sampling is that in cluster sampling the cluster is treated as the sampling unit so analysis is done on a population of clusters (at least in the first stage). In stratified sampling, the analysis is done on elements within strata. In stratified sampling, a random sample is drawn from each of the strata, whereas in cluster sampling only the selected clusters are studied. Quota Sampling: an interviewer may be told to sample 200 females and 300 males between the age of 45 and 60. This means that individuals can put a demand on who they want to sample (targeting) Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

25 Conducting & Reading Research
F. Collecting the Data: Collection of only appropriate data Primary Data- By observation, through personal interviews, telephone interviews and by mailing of questionnaire Secondary Data: Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

26 Conducting & Reading Research
G. Analysis of Data: 1. Computation of statistics viz., mean, median, mode, standard Deviation, coefficient of variation, coefficient of skewness etc. 2. Designing regression equation for estimating dependent variable as a function of a set of independent variables. 3. Performing correlation analysis. 4. Univariate, Bivariate & Multivariate Analysis. Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

27 Conducting & Reading Research
H. Hypotheses Testing: Interpretation of Results: Validation of Results: The results after interpretation must be validated by using past data. It ensures credibility of the results. K Report Writing Chapter 10 Conducting & Reading Research Baumgartner et al

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