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Self Care to Avoid Burnout / Compassion Fatigue

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1 Self Care to Avoid Burnout / Compassion Fatigue
October 24, 2017

2 The Importance of Social Worker Well-Being
 Link between social worker health and client benefit  Professional growth and personal growth  The social worker as a life long learner – Ethical responsibility

3 What is Well-Being/ Wellness?
SAMHSA’s Wellness Initiative definition: –Purpose in life –Active involvement in satisfying work and play –Joyful relationships –A healthy body and living environment –Happiness

4 Definition of Health The most commonly quoted definition of health Formalized by the World Health Organization (WHO) over half a century ago “A complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 

5 PERMA Elements of Well-Being
Martin Seligman’s book Flourish Five measurable elements to flourish in life Positive emotions Engagement Relationships Meaning and purpose Accomplishment

6 Blue Zones Locations Nine Lessons
Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; Okinawa, Japan Nine Lessons 1. Move naturally 2. Know your purpose 3. Kick back 4. Eat less 5. Eat less meat 6. Drink in moderation 7. Have faith 8. Power of love 9. Stay social

7 Avoiding Burnout – Staying Fresh
Personal health is a professional obligation  Warning signs of burnout - Fatigue - Insomnia - Negativity Drug use - Aggressiveness - Illness - Absenteeism - Negative attitude about clients - Dietary problems Guilt - Passivity

8 Avoiding Burnout – Staying Fresh
 Strategies for staying fresh on the job - Commitment to profession - Commitment to clients - Coworker contact - Involvement Hopeful outlook Enthusiastic attitude

9 Breathing Breathing exercises Anxiety, stress management, calming
Smell the flower, blow out the candle Progressive relaxation

10 Nurturing/Caring for the Various Aspects of the Social Worker’s Whole Person
The Seven Selves  Physical  Emotional  Social and familial  Spiritual  Working  Aesthetic  Intellectual

11 Physical Self

12 Physical Self Exercise Nutrition Body care Cardio Strength Flexibility
Eat the rainbow Body care Hydrate (in and out) Floss

13 Emotional Self

14 Emotional Self Self-monitor your feelings Mindfulness Self-acceptance

15 Social and Familial

16 Social and Familial Relationships Connections Time
Social media (not too much!) Celebrations

17 Spiritual Self

18 Spiritual Self Contemplation Meaning Balance Higher Power

19 Working Self

20 Working Self Purpose Three bricklayers Ethical practices
Professional development

21 Aesthetic Self

22 Aesthetic Self Appreciation of beauty Museums Nature

23 Intellectual Self

24 Intellectual Self Curiosity Books/Magazines Culture Travel Education

25 Personal Care Plan Using the Seven Selves Model Area My Plan
Physical Self Emotional Self Social and Familial Self Spiritual Self Working Self Aesthetic Self Intellectual Self

26 Application with Clients
Goals Stress Management Other

27 Cheri Sinnott, LCSW
Contact Information Cheri Sinnott, LCSW

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