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The Eight Step Basadur Simplex® Problem Solving Process

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1 The Eight Step Basadur Simplex® Problem Solving Process

2 The Eight Step Basadur Simplex® Problem Solving Process
Developed by: Min Basadur What is it? The Simplex Model is an eight-step creative problem solving model.

3 Step 1 Problem finding means sensing, anticipating and seeking out problems, changes, trends, needs and opportunities for improvement, inside and outside the organization.

4 Step 2 Fact finding involves gathering information about a fuzzy situation without prematurely judging its relevance.

5 Step 3 Problem defining means composing clear, insightful challenges from a few key facts. These challenges reveal directions for solutions.

6 Step 4 Idea finding means creating a variety of ways to solve a defined problem.

7 Step 5 Evaluating and selecting
involves converting selected ideas into practical solutions.

8 Step 6 Action planning means creating specific steps that will lead to successful implementation of a solution.

9 Step 7 Gaining acceptance
means understanding that even the best ideas and plans can be scuttled by resistance to change. Showing someone how this solution benefits them.

10 Step 8 Taking action means "doing" the steps in the action plan, and continually revising and adapting the plan as things change in order to ensure that the solution is successfully implemented.

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