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Key Stage 4 Options 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Stage 4 Options 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Stage 4 Options 2017

2 During this presentation…
Subjects for all students How many lessons per subject? Choice 1 – Which humanity subject? Choice 2 – Which language? Free Choices How to apply for courses Guidance - How best to choose your subjects

3 All students will study…
English Language English Literature Mathematics Science (at least two qualifications) Core PE (Non-Examinable) Ethics (Non-Examinable)

4 How many lessons per subject?
English (Literature and Language) 5 History/Geography 3 Mathematics 4 Language/Vocational Science 6 Free Choice 1 Core PE 2 Free Choice 2 Ethics 1 Total Lessons per week 30

5 Choice 2 - Languages FRENCH GERMAN SPANISH Visual Communication
Materials Technology

6 Free Choices Art & Design History Graphical Communication Geography
Textiles Computer Science Engineering (Electronics) Music Food Preparation and Nutrition Physical Education Resistant Materials Media Studies Materials Technology Religious Studies Visual Communication Drama Business Studies Specific entry requirements These subjects should not be taken together Make sure you do not pick the same Humanity again!

7 Common Questions Science Explained
All students will do GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy), we have offered a limited number of places for Triple Science to some students. If students take up the Triple Science option they must select this as their first choice. If Triple Science places become available they will be offered to other students. To be on this waiting list they must “opt in” when asked the final question on their Options form.

8 Common Questions New Subject - MEDIA
The GCSE will be built around four key theoretical principals: • media language: how the media through their forms, codes and conventions communicate meanings • representation: how the media portray events, issues, individuals and social groups • media industries: how the media industries' processes of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms • audiences: how media forms target, reach and address audiences, how audiences interpret and respond to them, and how members of audiences become producers themselves

9 Common Questions New Subject – Business Studies
With a combination of practical and traditional approaches students investigate all the main aspects of Business: Start Ups Finance Marketing Operations Enterprise Skills and People Management. The course also considers the impact of the wider world on the success or failure of a business.

10 How to apply? Each student’s choices must be made via the Heathside website. Each student will be provided with a letter and unique number to use when completing the form online.

11 900001 Your Unique Pupil Number for Year 9 Options 2017 is:
Keep this number safe it is needed to complete the options process. School Information Then click the dropdown “YEAR 9 OPTIONS”




15 Deadlines This process must be completed by
8.30am on Friday 10th March 2017. This options process is available at home or at school. If students are having difficulty with this process please contact Ms. D. Francis.

16 When will I find out which options I have been given?
Event Date/time Location/Notes Yr 9 Course information evening Monday 27th February 6:30 pm Main Hall, Heathside Yr 9 Consultation evening Wednesday 8th March 4:00 pm onwards Submission date for Options Friday 10th March 8:30 am Completed Online Letters confirming Option Choices During June 2017 Via pupils/ reminder


18 Guidance – How we will help your child.
Until Friday 10th March we are encouraging the students to talk with their teachers and ask relevant questions. Subject teachers Mr Manns Mr Schofield Form Tutors Ms Francis can all give advice.

19 Year 9 Parents’ Consultation Evening
Do talk to specific subject teachers if you are uncertain about a subject choice. DT – if your child is thinking about a DT subject they should have a choice of two to consider ; the one they have already studied Sept – Feb; and the one they have just started. Make an appointment with the relevant teacher.

20 Year 9 Parents’ Consultation Evening
Mr Cole – Resistant Materials Miss Malpas – Food Preparation and Nutrition Mrs Ray – Graphical Communication Mr May – Engineering (Electronics) Miss Poppe - Textiles

21 Year 9 Parents’ Consultation Evening
New courses BIS – Mr Simpson Media – Mrs Murphy will be available for you to drop in to talk to.

22 Year 9 Parents’ Consultation Evening
Appointments go live on Wednesday evening at 8pm. If you are unable to make an appointment with a particular member of staff please

23 Guidance – How to choose?
Help your child to choose subjects that they will need for the next stage of their career journey (the ones needed to go into further or higher education or into an Apprenticeship or job with training), if he / she already has a firm career idea Help your child to choose subjects that will allow him / her to keep options open, if there isn’t a firm career idea

24 Careers advice
Heathside’s Careers advisor – Jane Derrick will be at the Consultation Evening next Wednesday.


26 Best Advice Help your child to: Choose a subject they will enjoy.
Choose a subject in which they are motivated to learn new skills to gain success. Opt IN to a subject rather than Opt OUT. Avoid choosing a subject because their friend is doing it.

27 Guidance – How to choose?
More advice: Choosing GCSE options: 19 questions to ask yourself

28 Thank you for listening. Have a safe journey home.

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