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Human Sexuality and Arranged Marriage

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1 Human Sexuality and Arranged Marriage
By: Dimple Sharma, Uthman Ali, Enrique Nadarajah, and Jasveen K. Singh

2 Trobriand Islanders

3 Trobriand Islanders Children who have reached ages 7-8,
begin playing erotic (tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement) games with one another start to imitate adult seductive attitudes Children who have reached ages 11-12, pursuit in finding sexual partners extensively promiscuous (having multiple short lasting sexual relationships) experimenting sexually with partners Mid teens who have reached ages 15-17 begin to meet up with lovers all night if person is suitable to recommendation, they meet often

4 Trobriand Islanders cont.
When the couple is ready to announce their proposal of marriage, they appear in front of the young man’s house early in the morning to let everyone know of their intentions Young Trobriander’s spend a great amount of time making themselves look attractive and seductive as possible very serious part of young adolescents life Engage themselves into very youthful conversations to entice partner with filled with sexual innuendos (sly sexual implications) magical spells small gifts Youthful males and females sleep apart from their parents on beaches and other designated areas considerably equal freedom for both genders

5 Trobriand Islanders cont.
Anthropologist, Annette Weiner claims that this sexual practice is not a frivolous (not having any serious purpose or value) adolescent pastime, but serious matter an important step into adulthood self control is gained sexual liaisons (communication in a relationship between people/ organizations) give adolescents to experiment all the possibilities and problems creating strong eternal bonds exemplifies individual will, patience, hard work and determination to attain partner display dangers, disillusionments (a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be)

6 Trobriand vs. North American Society
North American’s not supposed to be engaging in sexual relations outside of wedlock (state of being married) North American society not as open to the approval of such relations social pressure consequences

7 Human Sexuality

8 Human Sexuality Fairly recent interest of anthropologists
Margret Mead (1935) and Bronsilaw Malinowski (1929) are the first two anthropologists to study humans as sexual beings Since their original work very few anthropological studies have been done It is difficult as many people are private about their sexual lives Especially if they fall out of the norms Eg. Gay or lesbian or teen premarital sexual activity Some anthropologists may also face difficulties because they feel uncomfortable because of their own feelings or gender barriers (females refusing to discuss their sexuality with strange males)

9 Human Sexuality cont. However, cross-cultural studies of human sexuality have become more common since the 1980’s There is a great deal of variation about how sexuality is viewed, controlled and practiced To define sexuality would take as many definitions as there are relationships Eg. A woman in a lesbian relationship views it different from a woman in a heterosexual relationship etc.

10 Human Sexuality cont. Though human sexuality is rooted in our biological nature, it is also influenced by our culture Mukkuvar people in south India see female sexuality inseparable from fertility Christian societies believe in chastity The Ju/’hoansi view sexuality amongst the children as natural (still have rules) Sexual human relationships are dealt in every culture in a different way

11 Seen in a global perspective
Homosexuality Seen in a global perspective

12 Homosexuality is seen across the globe and has been for a very long time.
Homosexuality (Western Culture): The desire to have sexual relations with someone of the same sex. The Navajo of the United States believes that homosexuality has more to do with gender and gender roles than one’s sex. In many cultures homosexuality is socially accepted and natural (eg. Ancient Greece & Papua New Guinea). Papua New Guinea – initiation into manhood included an element of homosexuality. The Etero believe that heterosexual intercourse actually weakens males, and should only take place for reproduction.

13 Transgenders or Alternative Genders
Transgenders are people who believe that their sex does not fit into their male or female gender. Transgenders or “Two-Spirits” are recognized by at 113 aboriginal groups in North America (eg. Ingalik of Alaska & the Mojave of California). Two-Spirits may for sexual and emotional bonds with those of the same sex. When one decides to change genders they can enjoy special status in the community and also take on new social, religious and economic roles: Hunters Warriors Chiefs.

14 Anthropological Studies of Homosexuality
The field of homosexuality has taken some time to develop into a legitimate field of study. One of the most studied institutionalized same-sex communities amongst women was the 19th century Chinese sisterhood of Guangdon. Those in these sisterhoods who had sexual relations with women vowed to their Goddess Guan Yin that they would never marry a man. These sisterhoods acted as a support network for women, living in cooperative houses and helped one another. Along with the victory of the Red Army (1949), these sisterhoods were banned and many members fled the country. These studies focused more on the employment aspects of the sisterhood, avoiding its lesbian nature.

15 What’s Next? Avoidance of homosexuality is anthropology is changing.
There are more ethnographers studying the topic now such as Gloria Wekker. Investigated the female mati of Paramaribo, Suriname who has sexual relations with both men and women, either simultaneously or consecutively. Studies from ethnographers such as Wekker are raising interesting questions in regards to cultures in relation to homosexual behavior and homosexual identity.

16 Arranged Marriage (Indian Subcontinent)

17 Arranged Marriage (Indian Subcontinent)
Arranged Marriage - Type of marital unification where a bride and groom are chosen by a third party, rather than each other.   Question to consider - Are arranged marriages happier than traditional North American style marriages?

18 In an Arranged Marriage …
A families reputation is very important Matches are arranged mostly between the same caste and social class (Some exceptions) A dowry is common among many arranged marriages

19 But Wait … Dowry- Is the payment of cash or gifts from the brides family to the bridegrooms family Although the Dowry is illegal, extensive gift exchange produce a smooth relation between the new in-laws Many Economic, Social and Political reasons for the Dowry Ex. The dowry reflects the economic status of the brides family)  If the Grooms family is not satisfied with the Dowry, it may result in harassment of brides… in some cases murder (Dowry Death)

20 In an Arranged Marriage cont.
A girls looks are key, however a good character is the single most important quality Ex. Bride may think of herself too “good” for her new family) Families with history of gossip and drama find it difficult to get a marriage If a woman is too educated it may be seen as a negative feature The burden of adjustment, is more prevalent in the bride than the groom Ex. The bride usually moves in with new family, sometimes she may move very far from her family

21 Statistics 90 % of Indian marriages are arranged
55 % of worldwide marriages are arranged 1.1 % of Indian marriages end up in a divorce Global divorce rate of arranged marriages is 4% Statistic Verification Source: UNICEF, Human Rights Council, ABC News Research Date:



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