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Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes

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1 Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes
CHAPTER 2 Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flows Accounting income versus cash flow MVA and EVA Personal taxes Corporate taxes

2 Balance Sheets: Assets
2001 2000 Cash 7,282 9,000 Short-term inv. 48,600 AR 632,160 351,200 Inventories 1,287,360 715,200 Total CA 1,926,802 1,124,000 Gross FA 1,202,950 491,000 Less: Depr. 263,160 146,200 Net FA 939,790 344,800 Total assets 2,866,592 1,468,800

3 Liabilities and Equity
2001 2000 Accts payable 524,160 145,600 Notes payable 720,000 200,000 Accruals 489,600 136,000 Total CL 1,733,760 481,600 Long-term debt 1,000,000 323,432 Common stock 460,000 460,000 Retained earnings (327,168) 203,768 Total equity 132,832 663,768 Total L&E 2,866,592 1,468,800

4 Income Statement 2001 2000 Sales 5,834,400 3,432,000 COGS 5,728,000 2,864,000 Other expenses 680,000 340,000 Deprec. 116,960 18,900 Tot. op. costs 6,524,960 3,222,900 EBIT (690,560) 209,100 Interest exp. 176,000 62,500 EBT (866,560) 146,600 Taxes (40%) (346,624) 58,640 Net income (519,936) 87,960

5 Other Data 2001 2000 No. of shares 100,000 100,000 EPS ($5.199) $0.88 DPS $0.110 $0.22 Stock price $2.25 $8.50 Lease pmts $40,000 $40,000

6 Statement of Retained Earnings (2001)
Balance of retained earnings, 12/31/ $203,768 Add: Net income, 2001 (519,936) Less: Dividends paid (11,000) earnings, 12/31/01 ($327,168)

7 Statement of Cash Flows: 2001
OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income (519,936) Adjustments: Depreciation ,960 Change in AR (280,960) Change in inventories (572,160) Change in AP378,560 Change in accruals ,600 Net cash provided by ops. (523,936)

Investments in fixed assets (711,950) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Change in s-t investments 48,600 Change in notes payable 520,000 Change in long-term debt 676,568 Payment of cash dividends (11,000) Net cash from financing 1,234,168 Sum: net change in cash (1,718) Plus: cash at beginning of year 9,000 Cash at end of year 7,282

9 What can you conclude about the company’s financial condition from its statement of cash flows?
Net cash from operations = -$523,936, mainly because of negative net income. The firm borrowed $1,185,568 and sold $48,600 in short-term investments to meet its cash requirements. Even after borrowing, the cash account fell by $1,718.

10 What effect did the expansion have on net operating working capital (NOWC)?
Operating CA Operating CL NOWC = NOWC01 = ($7,282 + $632,160 + $1,287,360) - ($524,160 + $489,600) = $913,042. NOWC00 = $793,800.

11 What effect did the expansion have on capital used in operations?
Operating capital = NOWC + Net fixed assets. = $913,042 + $939,790 = $1,852,832. = $1,138,600. Operating capital01 Operating capital00

12 Did the expansion create additional net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT)?
NOPAT = EBIT(1 - Tax rate) NOPAT01 = -$690,560( ) = -$690,560(0.6) = -$414,336. NOPAT00 = $125,460.

13 What is your initial assessment of the expansion’s effect on operations?
Sales $5,834,400 $3,432,000 NOPAT ($414,336) $125,460 NOWC $913,042 $793,800 Operating capital $1,852,832 $1,138,600

14 What effect did the company’s expansion have on its net cash flow and operating cash flow?
NCF01 = NI + DEP = -$519,936 + $116,960 = -$402,976. NCF00 = $87,960 + $18,900 = $106,860. OCF01 = NOPAT + DEP = -$414,336 + $116,960 = -$297,376. OCF00 = $125,460 + $18,900 = $144,360.

15 What was the free cash flow (FCF) for 2001?
FCF = NOPAT - Net capital investment = -$414,336 - ($1,852,832 - $1,138,600) = -$414,336 - $714,232 = -$1,128,568. How do you suppose investors reacted?

16 What is the company’s EVA?
Assume the firm’s after-tax cost of capital (COC) was 11% in 2000 and 13% in 2001. EVA01 = NOPAT- (COC)(Capital) = -$414,336 - (0.13)($1,852,832) = -$414,336 - $240,868 = -$655,204. EVA00 = $125,460 - (0.11)($1,138,600) = $125,460 - $125,246 = $214.

17 that the expansion increased or decreased MVA?
Would you conclude that the expansion increased or decreased MVA? Market value of equity Equity capital supplied MVA = During the last year stock price has decreased 73%, so market value of equity has declined. Consequently, MVA has declined.

18 Does the company pay its suppliers on time?
Probably not. A/P increased 260% over the past year, while sales increased by only 70%. If this continues, suppliers may cut off trade credit.

19 Does it appear that the sales price exceeds the cost per unit sold?
No, the negative NOPAT shows that the company is spending more on it’s operations than it is taking in.

20 What effect would each of these actions have on the cash account?
1. The company offers 60-day credit terms. The improved terms are matched by its competitors, so sales remain constant. A/R would  Cash would 

21 2. Sales double as a result of the
change in credit terms. Short-run: Inventory and fixed assets  to meet increased sales. A/R  , Cash . Company may have to seek additional financing. Long-run: Collections increase and the company’s cash position would improve.

22 How was the expansion financed?
The expansion was financed primarily with external capital. The company issued long-term debt which reduced its financial strength and flexibility.

23 Would external capital have been required if they had broken even in 2001 (Net income = 0)?
Yes, the company would still have to finance its increase in assets.

24 What happens if fixed assets are depreciated over 7 years (as opposed to the current 10 years)?
No effect on physical assets. Fixed assets on balance sheet would decline. Net income would decline. Tax payments would decline. Cash position would improve.

25 Other policies that can affect financial statements
Inventory valuation methods. Capitalization of R&D expenses. Policies for funding the company’s retirement plan.

26 Does the company’s positive stock price ($2
Does the company’s positive stock price ($2.25), in the face of large losses, suggest that investors are irrational? No, it means that investors expect things to get better in the future.

27 Why did the stock price fall after the dividend was cut?
Management was “signaling” that the firm’s operations were in trouble. The dividend cut lowered investors’ expectations for future cash flows, which caused the stock price to decline.

28 What were some other sources of financing used in 2001?
Selling financial assets: Short term investments decreased by $48,600. Bank loans: Notes payable increased by $520,000. Credit from suppliers: A/P increased by $378,560. Employees: Accruals increased by $353,600.

29 What is the effect of the $346,624 tax credit received in 2001.
This suggests the company paid at least $346,624 in taxes during the past 2 years. If the payments over the past 2 years were less than $346,624 the firm would have had to carry forward the amount of its loss that was not carried back. If the firm did not receive a full refund its cash position would be even worse.

30 2000 Tax Year Single Individual Tax Rates
Taxable Income Tax on Base Rate* 0 - 26,250 15% 25, ,550 3,937.50 28% 63, ,600 14,381.50 31% 132, ,350 35,787.00 36% Over 288,350 91,857.00 39.6% *Plus this percentage on the amount over the bracket base.

31 Assume your salary is $45,000, and you received $3,000 in dividends
Assume your salary is $45,000, and you received $3,000 in dividends. You are single, so your personal exemption is $2,800 and your itemized deductions are $4,550. On the basis of the information above and the 2000 tax year tax rate schedule, what is your tax liability?

32 Calculation of Taxable Income
Salary $45,000 Dividends 3,000 Personal exemptions (2,800) Deductions (4,550) Taxable Income $40,650

33 $40,650 - $26,250 Tax Liability: TL = $3, ($14,400) = $7, Marginal Tax Rate = 28%. Average Tax Rate: Tax rate = = 19.6%. $9,969.5 $40,650

34 2000 Corporate Tax Rates Taxable Income Tax on Base Rate* 0 - 50,000
15% 50, ,000 7,500 25% 75, ,000 13,750 34% 100, ,000 22,250 39% Over 18.3M 6.4M 35% *Plus this percentage on the amount over the bracket base.

35 What is its tax liability?
Assume a corporation has $100,000 of taxable income from operations, $5,000 of interest income, and $10,000 of dividend income. What is its tax liability? 31

36 Operating income $100,000 Interest income 5,000 Taxable dividend income 3,000* Taxable income $108,000 Tax = $22, ($8,000) = $25,370. *Dividends - Exclusion = $10, ($10,000) = $3,000.

37 Taxable versus Tax Exempt Bonds
State and local government bonds (municipals, or “munis”) are generally exempt from federal taxes.

38 Exxon bonds at 10% versus California muni bonds at 7%.
T = Tax rate = 28%. After-tax interest income: Exxon = 0.10($5,000) ($5,000)(0.28) = 0.10($5,000)(0.72) = $360. CAL = 0.07($5,000) - 0 = $350.

39 At what tax rate would you be indifferent between the muni and the corporate bonds?
Solve for T in this equation: Muni yield = Corp Yield(1-T) 7.00% = 10.0%(1-T) T = 30.0%.

40 Implications If T > 30%, buy tax exempt munis. If T < 30%, buy corporate bonds. Only high income, and hence high tax bracket, individuals should buy munis.

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