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Lab exercise - 3a Alan Rector & colleagues

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1 Lab exercise - 3a Alan Rector & colleagues
Existentials, Universals, & other logical variants Some, Only, Not, And, Or, etc. Letting the classifier check your intuitions Lab exercise - 3a Alan Rector & colleagues

2 To Submit (With Thursday’s Lab)
A text report explaining the results In six part as described here. Each clearly headed and with cross links to the ontology An ontology with branches demonstrating each of the issues Or several ontologies clearly labelled to correspond to the report. All zipped with the results of the University Untangling exercise (Thursday Lab) and placed in pigeon hole 2.

3 Closure Restrictions A standard pattern
aProperty someValuesFrom Class1 and aProperty someValuesFrom Class2 and aProperty someValuesFrom Class3 and … aProperty someValuesFrom Classn and aProperty allValuesFrom (Class1 or Class2 or Class3 or … or Classn) disjoint (Class1 Class2 Class3 … Classn closure restriction

4 Part 1: Create an new ontology with the following definitions
Primitive Concepts Family Child Girl Boy Properties has_children Defined concepts All_girl_family ≡ Family & (restriction has_children allValuesFrom Girl) No_child_family ≡ Family & not (restriction has_children someValuesFrom Top) Zero_child_family ≡ Family & (restriction has_children max-cardinality=0 )

5 Classify it and examine the result
What does this tell you about the use of allValuesFrom (Universal qualification) Why do we say that most ontologies are based on someValuesFrom (Existential qualification) Repair the definition of “All_girl_family” so that it behaves as expected Make this “Result 1” in your report

6 Paraphrases Note: in what follows ‘THAT’ transforms to logical ‘AND’, i.e.: Dog THAT has_owner SOME Person is the same as DOG AND has_owner SOME Person

7 Part 2: Functional Properties with SOME & ONLY
Create the classes Dog, Cat, and Person and make them disjoint Create the property ‘has_owner’ with the inverse ‘owns’ Make has_owner functional -(tick functional box on properties tab) Define the classes Dog THAT has_owner SOME Person Dog THAT has_owner ONLY Person Person THAT owns SOME Dog Person THAT owns ONLY Dog Run the classifier and explain the result What does this tell you about the use of SOME and ONLY with functional properties. Why is this true? Submit this as “Result 2” in your report

8 Part 3: Conjunction, disjunction & negation
(You should already have created the classes Dog, Cat, and Person and made them disjoint) Define - using necessary & sufficient conditions Person THAT owns SOME (Dog AND Cat) Person THAT owns ONLY (Dog AND Cat) Person THAT owns SOME (Dog OR Cat) Person THAT owns ONLY (Dog OR Cat) Before you run the classifier, predict which will be satisfiable and how the inferred subsumption hierarchy will be arranged. Run the classifier and check your understanding. Write up the explanation for the result Set a restriction on Person that every person owns at least one thing (owns min 1) Predict how will this affect the classification. Run the classifier. Explain the result. - it may be easier to see in OWLViz)

9 Negation Create examples with the negation of the previous restrictions - be sure to use necessary and sufficient conditions Person THAT NOT owns SOME (Dog AND Cat) Person THAT NOT owns ONLY (Dog AND Cat) Person THAT NOT owns SOME (Dog OR Cat) Person THAT NOT owns ONLY (Dog OR Cat) Before you run the classifier, predict which will be satisfiable and how the inferred subsumption hierarchy will be arranged. Run the classifier and check your understanding. Write up the explanation for the result. (some of these are hard) Set the range of owns to (Dog OR Cat). How will this change the above results? Run the classifier, and explain. Remove then restriction that a Person owns at least one thing. Explain the result (It may be easier to see complex hierarchies in OWLViz). Also you might want to have a Person_1 and Person_2, owns_1, and owns_2 for different demonstrations.

10 Negation (cont) Add Person THAT (owns SOME Dog) AND (owns SOME Cat) Person THAT (owns SOME Dog) Person THAT (owns SOME Cat) Person THAT (owns min 2) Predict how these will classify with respect to the previous definitions. Classify and explain. Explain the relationship between: owns SOME (Dog OR Cat) (owns SOME DOG) AND (owns SOME Cat) owns SOME (Dog AND Cat) Label the discussion for this section Results 3 in your report.

11 Part 4: Domain and Range Constraints
If you have not already done so, create the class Animal and make it a superclass of both Cat and Dog. Create a sibling class Manufactured_thing so the hierarchy looks like … Animal Manufactured_thing Do NOT make Manufactured_thing and Animal disjoint yet. Make Car a primitive subclas of Manufactured_thing Make the domain of the property owns to be Person and the range to the Animal Define Personal_car as a car owned by a person and a Car_owner as a person that owns a car. Predict what will happen. Use the classifier to check Now make Animal and Manufactured_thing disjoint Predict what will happen and verify with the classifier Explain in write up under Results 4.

12 Part 5: General Inclusion Axioms
Create defined class “Animals that have claws and meow” and create a necessary statement that it implies Cat. Add a restriction to Dog that all dogs have claws Create a subclass of dog that meows Predict the result; classify it as check. How would you debug this case? How might you make the errors easier to find? Submit as Results 5.

13 Part 6: Parts and Wholes Add to mammals that they all have four limbs
Create a common parent for cat and dog - call it Cat_or_Dog Add that the limbs of Cat_or_Dog are of type leg. Add that all ‘digits’ (fingers and toes) are parts of legs of Cat_or_Dog Add that claws are parts of the digits of Cat_or_Dog. Create the ‘Adapted SEP Triples’ to show the parts hierarchy for Cat_of_Dog. Classify it and check. Explain why this is done with is_part_of rather than has_part. (You might want to demonstrate by experiment) Label as Results 6.

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