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Traditional Sources of Finance

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1 Traditional Sources of Finance
AKA where does a firm traditionally get money from to get started/(or even just to carry on)? It sells shares It sells any Assets It gets a Bank Loan It approaches a Venture Capitalist

2 Alternative Sources of Finance
What exactly is Crowdfunding? Problems with Crowdfunding

3 Kickstarter are the main ‘crowd-funding platform’ are one of the major crowd funding organisations

4 Crowdfunding

5 AS Business Studies Summer Task 2017 Crowdfunding
Your Task: Click on all the links and read about exactly what crowdfunding is Choose 3 of those ‘Crowdfunding’ case studies and write a half page summary on who/what/why these firms have decided to crowdfund. Using the internet, find another crowdfunding story of your own and write a half page summary of it. Evaluate (i.e. discuss the good and the bad) of crowdfunding as a source of finance, i.e., what are the advantages and disadvantages to a firm who choose crowdfunding as their source of finance (at least 1 page of writing)

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