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Drinking and the Effects of Alcohol

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1 Drinking and the Effects of Alcohol

2 Alcoholic drinks are available at many Canadian events and activities.
They include many different forms such as: Beer Wine Spirits (rum, rye, gin)

3 The alcohol in these drinks is actually ethanol, or ethyl alcohol.
Ethyl alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system of the body. A depressant is any substance which reduces the normal functioning of a body system or function. Alcohol acts as an anaesthetic, causing a loss of feeling and control.

4 When you have a drink, the alcohol enters the bloodstream quickly
When you have a drink, the alcohol enters the bloodstream quickly. It is absorbed in the stomach.

5 Eating while drinking alcohol may slow the absorption of the alcohol, but not the amount that is absorbed. Eating while drinking gives the body more time to metabolize (use the alcohol by converting it to energy).

6 Your body metabolizes alcohol at an even rate since your liver can process alcohol at only one speed. Because of this, the more drinks a person has, the more alcohol remains in the bloodstream and the greater its effects.

7 Alcohol in small amounts causes a sense of relaxation.
Your skin flushes, and you experience a warm feeling while your body loses heat. You may experience an increase in your appetite, and may need to urinate more frequently.

8 Alcohol also affects your brain
Alcohol also affects your brain. Your senses become impaired, and muscle co-ordination is lessened. You cannot respond as well in situations as when you are sober.

9 Alcohol also impairs judgement and reasoning
Alcohol also impairs judgement and reasoning. Emotions are expressed more easily, reasoning ability is reduced, attitudes may change, and you may be willing to take more risks.

10 As the amount of alcohol in the body increases, you might experience the following:
Greater confusion Slurred speech Blurred vision Less muscle control

11 Too much alcohol may make you sick with nausea and vomiting.
Large doses of alcohol may cause unconsciousness and even death.

12 Different alcoholic beverages have different amounts of alcohol
Different alcoholic beverages have different amounts of alcohol. Check the % volume on the label to see how much alcohol there is in a beverage.

13 The drinking situation can influence how much a person chooses to drink. Some people drink more when with friends or at a party. The speed at which a person drinks is often influenced by the social situation.

14 Alcohol used in conjunction with other substances can have unpredictable results. Many drugs carry a warning about their use with alcohol.

15 The effect of alcohol varies with the person using it
The effect of alcohol varies with the person using it. The size and metabolic rate of a person will determine their blood alcohol level, as will their general health and condition. Your mood and energy level also determine how you will handle the effects of alcohol.

16 Alcohol is probably the most abused drug in Canada.

17 Why Do People Drink? They enjoy the taste. They enjoy the feeling.
They like to spend time in social situations which include alcohol. It helps them relax. They like to celebrate by drinking alcohol. It helps them feel mature. To fit in with the crowd. It is a sign of independence. To relieve anxieties. To cover up shyness. To escape from thoughts or feelings. They are bored.

18 Choosing to Drink This may be a life-long decision, or it may be a choice for just some occasions. Choosing to drink brings responsibilities. Consider all factors related to your drinking. How will you get home after drinking? Can you afford to drink? Do you know your limits?

19 Alcohol Abuse This is the overuse or misuse of alcohol so that it interferes with your life, and hurts you or others. The abuse occurs to the user and those whose lives are touched by that person.

20 Alcohol can be abused in several ways:
A pregnant woman who uses alcohol is an abuser. The alcohol may affect the development of the fetus. A person who drinks a great amount at a time is an abuser. This is known as binge drinking. A person who drinks steadily is an abuser. Alcoholism is a dependency disease where the drinker feels a great need for alcohol. A person who drinks then drives or operates machinery is an abuser. Alcohol slows reaction times and clouds judgement. It is a dangerous mix to drink then drive or operate machinery.

21 A decision to drink requires thought
A decision to drink requires thought. Deciding to drink does not mean you have to drink at every opportunity you have. Take control of alcohol in your life. Do not let it control you.

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