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Focus: Students will identify ways to prevent STD/HIV.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus: Students will identify ways to prevent STD/HIV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus: Students will identify ways to prevent STD/HIV.
Goal: To understand the causes of HIV/STD. Standard: NHES#1 – Health Promotion Warm-up: Interview your peers, record their answers, and be prepared to report back to whole class. What do you know about sexually transmitted diseases? Create your own critical thinking question.

2 Notes: All sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) are alike because they are caused by pathogens (viruses and bacteria) that grow in the moist, warm environment of the human body. Pathogens are found in body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk) Sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, and anal), breast feeding, and sharing injection drug needles and syringes are ways for body fluids that can carry pathogens to enter the body of another person.

3 HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Cell

4 4. The best way to prevent STD/HIV infection is to avoid sexual intercourse and injection drug use.
5. Being in a mutual monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is also a safe behavior. 6. People who choose to be sexually active can protect themselves from STD/HIV by using condoms correctly. 7. The STD’s caused by bacteria can be cured with special medications such as antibiotics.

5 Bacteria

6 8. There is NO cure for STD’s that are caused by viruses.
9. Herpes, genital warts (HPV), and HIV infection can be treated but not cured. 10. Treatment can only prolong life for those with HIV.

7 11. Scientists are always searching for cures.
12. Doctors and clinics can test people for HIV and STD’s. There are free clinics. 13. HIV infection is a condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The condition gradually destroys the immune system. 14. A virus is a nonliving particle that invades and makes parts within the cell. Then a few days later the cell bursts, and copies of the virus are spread throughout the body.

8 Group Work What advice would you give to the following students?
I just found out that the boy who sits next to me has HIV. Should I move my seat away from him? Why or why not? My new boyfriend has little bumps by his lips. Is it okay to kiss him? Or what should I do or say to him?

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