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Thesis Statements Fact or Debate?.

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1 Thesis Statements Fact or Debate?

2 A thesis should be a statement that can be argued or debated
Not a raging controversy Not leading to break-ups But simply debatable Something to which someone can offer an opposing view If it is not debatable, then it is simply a statement of fact and cannot be a thesis.

3 Using the examples from the video you watched, let’s examine some of the statements.

4 Prison overcrowding in America is a national shame.
Can someone argue this point? Can someone have a different view? Can someone argue, for example, “No, it isn’t a shame—criminals get what they deserve.”? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then this is an arguable, debatable thesis and is acceptable.

5 America’s aging population will soon cause problems in social security programs.
Can someone argue this point? Can someone have a different view? Can someone argue, perhaps, that “No, as more people retire, programs will be adjusted to deal with the increasing numbers.”? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then this is an arguable, debatable thesis.

6 Increased penalties are needed for America’s industrial pollution.
Can someone argue this point? Can someone have a different view? Can someone say that “No, instead, more regulations and enforcement of regulations will prevent industrial pollution.”? If the answer is “yes,” then we have an arguable, debatable thesis.

7 In the United States, thousands of people are homeless.
Can someone argue this point? Can someone have a different view? Can someone say “No, there aren’t thousands of homeless in the US.?” Uh oh. No, this can’t be argued or debated because the fact is there ARE thousands of homeless is the US. This is NOT a thesis but a statement of FACT and it must be revised to be a debatable topic.

8 If the answer is “yes,” then this is an arguable, debatable statement.
Providing access to services such as campsites and free medical care will alleviate the homeless situation in the US. Can someone argue this point? Can someone have a different view? Can someone say “Some people choose to be homeless regardless of opportunities are offered them.”? If the answer is “yes,” then this is an arguable, debatable statement.

9 The St. Louis Cardinals are the best baseball team in America.
Can someone argue this point? Can someone have a different view? Can someone say, “The Chicago Cubs are the best team in America.”? If the answer is “yes,” then you need to find a new friend. AND you need to consider the following:

10 All are based on personal tastes, preferences, experiences, etc.
Personal opinion about personal tastes, likes and dislikes, while ‘debatable’ do not make good academic arguments. Best/worst restaurant Best/worst movie Best/worst songwriter Best/worst vacation destination All are based on personal tastes, preferences, experiences, etc.

11 The point of any debate is to sway the audience to your point of view, and most people don’t change their mind about personal tastes. Thus, best/worst statements are best left for dinner table ‘conversation’

12 To test a thesis, ask: Can someone have a different view? Can someone debate this statement? If yes, then the thesis works. If not, then revise and ask the question again until the answer is YES Remember, it doesn’t have to be a huge debate or a controversial issue, just one about which someone can say “I disagree.”

13 Now that you have completed this slide, review slides as necessary to complete your notes.
Then, go back to the Bb folder and continue on the next item, Practice and Feedback.

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