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Land Breezes and Sea Breezes Sea Breeze

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Presentation on theme: "Land Breezes and Sea Breezes Sea Breeze"— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Breezes and Sea Breezes Sea Breeze

2 Raditon When we think of air it is often hot closer to the earths surface. This is because the radiation from the sub hits the land is absorbed by it and that energy takes the form of heat. The air touching the surface of the Earth is then heated by Conduction

3 Convection Remember that we have learned the transfer of heat By convetion is: Convection is heat transfer by mass motion of a fluid such as air or water when the heated fluid is caused to move away from the source of heat Carrying energy with it. Convection above a hot surface occurs because hot air expands, becomes less dense, and rises

4 Air Movement This heating of air through Radiation, Conduction and Convection creates the expanding and moving of air. Hot air rise because it is less dense then cold air. As hot air rises cold air needs to move in to takes its place. This is what creates wind.

5 Sea Breeze: During the day, the land warms up faster than the water.
The warm air over the land rises while the cooler air over the water moves in to replace it. As well, the

6 down. As the warm air rises, it expands and cools.
cool air above then sinks down. As the warm air rises, it expands and cools. As it cools, it becomes more dense.



9 Land Breeze

10 faster than water, due to the water’s large
Land Breeze: At night, dry land cools faster than water, due to the water’s large specific heat capacity. Since the land faster than the water, the air above the water is now

11 drawing in the cooler air from the
Warmer and less dense than the air above the dry land. Therefore the path of the convection current is the opposite of the daytime current. Warmer air above the water is rising, drawing in the cooler air from the land



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