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3 Sample Projects

4 Building Information Modeling (BIM)
BIM is a process involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places. Building Information Models (BIMs) are files which can be exchanged or networked to support decision making about a place. BIM is not just for Buildings

5 Building Information Modeling (BIM) It’s GIS Mapping for Buildings.
BIM is not just for Buildings

6 Building Information Modeling (BIM)

7 Where I See BIM Today? Groups That We Work With: Owners Architects Civil & Structural Engineers MEP System Engineers Builders

8 Where I See BIM Today? Problems That These Groups Have With BIM: Price
Ease of Use Hardware Work Flow & Software End Users


10 Mapping Units

11 Laser vs Photo Based Models

12 Where Do I Fit In?

13 Where Do I Fit In?

14 Where Do I Fit In? Core Expertise Know what your core expertise is!
These systems change fast. All of these new systems are just platforms to deploy into your core businesses.

15 Our Normal Work Flow Data Collection Point Cloud Autocad Cyclone
Interface REVIT

16 Virtual Reality (VR) VR is a computer-simulated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Virtual reality can recreate sensory experiences, including virtual Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones.

17 Augmented Reality (AR)
AR is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality. By contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. Augmentation is conventionally in real-time and in semantic context with environmental elements, such as sports scores on TV during a match. Here’s an excellent example: Assume that you have a three-sided, multi-story concrete opening for a proposed staircase. By scanning the target placed in that area, construction workers can see on their iPad or Android tablet exactly what the finished product will look like. Not just a flat drawing on 600 sheets of blue lines, but the 3D model of how it will actually fit into the opening

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