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ATS optics Results from MD3, MD4 and MD5

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1 ATS optics Results from MD3, MD4 and MD5
OP team, Collimation team, OMC team, RF, ADT, LBDS … M. Albert, Y. Le Borgne, C. Bracco, R. Bruce, F. Carlier, J. Coello De Portugal, A. Garcia, S. Fartoukh, K. Fuchsberger, R. Giachino, D. Mirarchi, E.H. Maclean, L. Malina, A. Mereghetti, D. Nisbet, L. Normann, G. Papotti, T. Persson, M. Pojer, L. Ponce, S. Redaelli, B. Salvachua, P. Skowronski, M. Solfaroli, R. Suykerbuyk, R. Tomas, D. Valuch, A. Wegscheider, J. Wenninger,.. Acknowledgement for all support and good advices: MD coordination and (r-)MPP teams 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

2 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
Contents Reminders Highlights from MD3 Highlights from MD4 Highlights from MD5 Outlook 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

3 Reminders: The basic principles of the ATS
A new injection optics: ~ p/2 FODO lattice  new integer tunes, Q62 with new momentum compaction A squeeze in 2 steps 1) An “almost” standard squeeze, the Pre-squeeze:  acting on the matching quads of IR1 and IR5,  with new matching constraints on the left/right IR phase,  till reaching some limits (sextupoles, matching section e.g. Q6!). 2) A further reduction of b*, the Telescopic Squeeze: acting on IR2/8 for squeezing IR1 and IR4/6 for IR5, inducing b-beating bumps in sectors 81/12/45/56 to boost the sextupole efficiency at constant strength. b*= 40 cm b*= 10 cm 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

4 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD3: mainly collimation oriented ATS pre-squeezed 40 cm (+/- 140 mrad) with two nominal bunches (and a few probes) 1st Fill Establishing a new ref orbit and finding collisions Studying TCT losses with asynchronous dumps 9 s) 2nd Fill Loss maps (injection & collision) IR7 Collimator & TCT alignment in collisions Studying TCT losses with asynchronous dumps 8 s) 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

5 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD3 Collisions Found at all IP’s and optimized ~ E30 Lumi in ATLAS and CMS with 1 collision/turn (should have been ~20% more but the bunch length was 1.5 ns) i.e E34 (naively) scaling for 2200 bunches 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

6 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD3 More details in Daniele’s presentation at the LHC Collimation Working Group #208 Loss maps in collision (before IR7 collimator re-alignment) TS1 ATS TS1 ATS Example: B1H (no XRP and Totem Bump for the ATS case) Some differences: no loss for the ATS at TCT_IR8 as expected But the expected loss spikes at Q10.R8.B1 is missing ?? Hierarchy preserved and very similar inefficiency 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

7 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 (essentially optics oriented) ATS telescopic optics down to 10 cm with probes Overall mechanics successfully tested down to b*= 10 cm Optics b*=33 cm/21 cm/14 cm/10 cm State of the art optics correction b*=21 cm Chromatic properties fully b*=21 cm 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

8 Combined Ramp & Squeeze (19 optics)
ATS highlights from MD4 The starting point at 40 cm (from MD1) Combined Ramp & Squeeze (19 optics) ATS pre-squeeze (3m  40 cm) in 470 s 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

9 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 At b*=21 cm 15-20% b-beat before correction corrected to 5-10% It also works for telescopic optics ! Beam 1 Beam 2 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

10 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 At b*=21 cm (cont’d) The off momentum b-beating is as expected: one sector of sextupoles compensating one triplet Beam 1 Beam 2 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

11 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 At b*=10 cm ~ 20-25% b-beat but too noisy ADT-AC dipole may be the 10 cm Beam 1 Beam 2 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

12 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 Spurious dispersion within control even at 10 cm ... Max m in the triplets .. but for a bmax of 24 km ! 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

13 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD5: mainly collimation oriented ATS telescopic 33 cm (+/- 140 mrad) with a two nominal bunches (and a few probes) 1st Fill IT aperture measurement TCT losses with asynchronous dumps 9 s): FAILED 2nd Fill Establishing ref. orbit and collisions TCT alignment beam separated and in collisions Loss maps (on and off-momentum with beams separated and in collision) TCT losses with asynchronous dumps 7 s): FAILED 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

14 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD5 IT 33 cm with +/- 140 mrad half crossing angle (with “not fully-optimized” 21 cm b-beating correction knob) Aperture [s] Bottleneck B1H 9.7 Q3L1/Q3R5 B1V Q3L1 B2H 12.6 Q2R5 B2V 9.8 Q3R1 Within reach for 2017, tightening a little bit further the collimation hierarchy !! (assuming X-angle OK for beam-beam: 9.0 b*=33 cm, ge=2.2 mm & 6.5TeV) 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

15 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD5 Collision found and optimized in all 4 IPs with 6E30 and 8E30 in ATLAS and CMS (the lumi published by Alice was not correct) 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

16 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD5 Then a series of loss maps with separated and colliding beams, on and off momentum One example out of ~20 : B1V with delta_f=+30Hz .. No anomaly detected on-line. Off-line analysis should follow 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

17 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
Outlook A very prolific year for the ATS Some ‘’details” are still missing, e.g. Full demonstration of TCT losses with ass. dumps Optics re-optimization (and test) for the forward physics experiments (AFP, CT-PPS) But roughly speaking, the main pieces are there to take a decision for ATS implementation in the LHC, and continue to push b* … in a “telescopic manner” 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

18 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
Reserve 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

19 ATS highlights from MD3 TCT & collimator alignment:
More details in Alessio’s presentation at the LHC Collimation Working Group #208 TCT & collimator alignment: IR7 collimator centres (beam1): ATS (collision) vs commissioning (FT) TCT centres (beam 1): ATS (collision) vs commissioning  Some differences, but the optics are different !! All together looks more than reasonable ! 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

20 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD3 More details in Daniele’s presentation at the LHC Collimation Working Group #208 Loss maps at injection: IR3/7 collimator pre-set to TS1 (nominal) settings TS1 ATS Inefficiency figures (injection protection out in this case) Similar as well Could only improve with collimator alignment at injection Example: B1H with injection protection in:  similar features between nominal and ATS optics 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

21 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD3 More details in Roderick’s presentation at the LHC Collimation Working Group #208 TCT losses during asynchronous dump tests First test with 9 sigma’s but beam2 was in the wrong bucket .. kicking beam2 too early (at the same moment as beam1), a smaller fraction of beam2 actually escapes from the TCDQ, but this fraction is quite off-momentum (dp<0) Second test with tighter 8 sigma’s, with correct filling scheme this time, therefore more beam kicked in the AG but less/no losses at TCT5 and TCT8 ! Qualitatively: the key issue seems to be solved, but not fully conclusive (for beam2).  Was plaaned to be redone in MD5 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

22 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 At b*=33 cm 15-20% b-beat (left uncorrected) Beam 1 Beam 2 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

23 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 At b*=21 cm b* off by 10-20% before correction (from K- modulation) bx [cm] by [cm] Wx [cm] Wy [cm] IP1-b1 18.4 ± 0.2 21.4 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 1.6 -1.3 ± 0.9 IP1-b2 21.3 ± 0.6 21.3 ± 0.3 3.9 ± 1.4 3.8 ± 0.7 IP5-b1 22.7 ± 1.8 26.2 ±0.9 8.6 ± 1.8 8.8 ± 1.1 IP5-b2 21.9 ± 0.9 21.4± 0.2 -5.9 ±1.4 2.0 ±1.0 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

24 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG
ATS highlights from MD4 At b*=14 cm Back to ~ 15-20% b-beat (left uncorrected)  .. But noisy (not enough aperture for the AC-dipole amplitude) Beam 1 Beam 2 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

25 ATS highlights from MD4 The telescopic part is played at (nearly) constant sextupole settings Pre-squeeze(3m  40 cm): Only 25% of the circuits are moving (at quadruple dI/dt) Combined ramp & squeeze (3m) of the 32 sextupole families Tele-squeeze (40 cm  10 cm) at constant sextupole 9/21/2016 S. Fartoukh for the ATS optics team, LSWG

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